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  1. May Kitsune
    As I stated earlier.... ^ lol... I really do love an Oreo Shake along with my Whopper and Onion Rings so I'm fine with it but there are going to be WAAAY too many people trying to get the same job which is what saddens me..
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  2. May Kitsune
  3. May Kitsune
    They still Carry Rabies, can give you different kinds of worms, leptospirosis which affects your internal organs like your kidneys. They also have fleas and ticks which carry the plague disease as well as rats thank you very much; And a lot more...

    And there are dogs that kill humans.... But they still aren't considered pests. Humans kill other humans and spread diseases more than anyone such as STD's, Colds, Chicken Pox, etc so basically with the definition of pest humans are pests themselves.

    I gave some better info about the fleas with dogs and yeah Humans don't want to make cures for them because they like to use them as experiments so they keep them sick and suffering so that "Humans" could progress.... If they really wanted humans to progress why not use it on other humans? Breed humans for experiments It's better that way to see if they actually work on the beings that they want it to work on?
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  4. May Kitsune
    Dogs are SUPER filthy and Carry Diseases when not tamed but humans took the idea of oh they will protect us so might as well make money off of them and keep them off the streets. Dogs have no purpose but to protect. Such as rats eat everything and anything that is left behind. And NO animals are pests.... You're saying if a kid has HIV/Small Pox/Any other sickness and isn't of any use to you are you going to call them Pests? No.
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  5. May Kitsune
    The thing is she CHOSE Virtual school thinking it would be an easy A and is rude to everyone for every little thing...
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  6. May Kitsune
    To me they are animals idc for what reason you kill them for. I consider humans Vermins... I don't go around killing them I think there are way too many people in this damn world but once I say I want them dead I'm looked at like a killer but when somone kills an innocent animal no one gives a shit -_-''' I'm sorry I just hate when people think lowly of animals and think they can just kill them off if there are "too many" I say there are too many humans. Just as a human feels pain if you hit and or bite them if you step on a rats tail you don't think it yells and feels pain? how would you feel being caught in a net and taken to your demise?
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  7. May Kitsune
    Aww it's so cute :3 I loved those when I first say them lol How long did it take? :o
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. May Kitsune
    The thing is though that after 200 years more people would have lived better lives.
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  9. May Kitsune
    All I have to say is that it is the greatest show of all time... If you enjoyed the power puff girls you'd really enjoy this show more... Sure it's a kids show n all but sadly it does teach people things in a way lol...
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. May Kitsune
    Oh my god... That's terrible.... How did they kill the rats even...? Why did they have to use real rats??? Couldn't they just make sculptures???? They're artists aren't they????
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  11. May Kitsune
    Honestly I don't care for myself just as long as others don't suffer i'm happy... and we would exist just in a different body I think...
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  12. May Kitsune
    The difference is the ending and how most homonculous die... Plus a bunch of stuff but I can't say because of spoilerness D: if you're watching brotherhood there's no need to watch the other one because some episodes repeat... plus brotherhood is a lot closer to the manga. Also Whinry and Edward get closer together in brotherhood so you have the cute little ending lol...
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. May Kitsune
    I'm exactly on your side with this... <.<' lol (I haven't been in a forum for a while so i'm bleh with my explanations...)
    But yeah, if you think that they are able to change then give them a chance. But if you know that they don't have one at all then might as well not spend the time/money unless the family is willing to pay the bill to keep that person alive and in prison...
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  14. May Kitsune
    it's so beautiful ;-; I wish I could draw as well as she can! >.<'
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. May Kitsune
    The thing is though that it would have affected us greatly and lets say you know someone with a disability. They most likely wouldn't have it and wouldn't be looked at differently (I'm not saying the way to get to this is good just the cause is good.)
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  16. May Kitsune
  17. May Kitsune
    Oh my god... I'm so sorry... What you really need to do is try to get involved in things like sports and try to get into the community take the place for your friend get double the friends. Your friend would have wanted you to be happy not depressed and sobbing and empty. I'm sure he or she is looking at you asking what you're doing being upset. He/She probably wants you on your feet and only remembering the good times you guys had together. Also if someone says to forget about them don't listen to them you HAVE to remember him/her. They were part of your life and you can't let go of something that is part of your life. Do everything productive in life that your friend wanted to do and keep him/her close in your heart but don't get upset! Always remember though. It's okay to cry never hold it in. If you ever really need someone to talk to you can talk to me or anyone willing to help on the website. You can even talk to your parents a sibling or even a close friend. You WILL pull through this it's hard right now but it will be okay.
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  18. May Kitsune
  19. May Kitsune
    Omg it's so beautiful I am envious! >.<''' I wish I could draw that beautifly ;-; How long did it take to make it? It's so detailed? and is there anything that it symbolises at all?
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. May Kitsune
    So i'm here sitting in class and I was looking around and noticing my teacher arguing with this one girl to do her class work on Virtual school because she is super being and is about to be kicked out of the class and all she is doing is complaining and saying that she did 2 assignments today and my teacher said you still need to work a lot more you're only 15% done with the class and at this point you should be 35% done. Her response in the most disrespectful mocking way said she was susspended from school.

    At this very moment she's just on youtube not doing her work. I really don't understand this... Do these kids really think that bread will just land on their table when they leave their home to start their career...? I just really can't believe how ignorant and excuse me down right STUPID? Sure I know someone has to make me my Whopper at BK but it's so sad...

    I'm only 16 and it saddens even me that people don't even try when it's very simple to just do your work get over it like I do in virtual school i'm already 60% done in my class and I still work ahead to get it over with why don't kids today use their logic...?

    Can someone please explain why these kids don't take the education to their advantage...?
    Thread by: May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: Discussion