xD yeah it's so true... But I mean story wise without the epic Mustangness and a couple amazing twists with lust n teacher n a bunch of stuff but I prefer brotherhood e.e'
I know and I can't afford it either but I need you to do some of the stuff like the wardrobe and props stuff... since i'm doing all of the script...
That's why Elephants stay by their family members that passed for weeks on end and are reluctant to leave for food and or water and even cry... and that's why when my dogs mom died every day he would sit in a corner and LITERALLY cry where he'd literally howl n make noises with tears rolling down his face.... Sorry i'm very ugh... -.-' this subject is the thing that will heat me the most... ever...
Sadly by observing her and knowing that she took it last year and failed she won't learn for the future...
I'm so beast at Science x.x Not Chemistry though -____- too much freaking math.... Biology is my good subject except when it comes to dissections...
give me 5 more min and it's done lol
Other animals only kill for food or for their own survival... They don't go wasting it. We hurt animals every day and just throw away their corpses like they were a sac of manure... Also, I don't hate humans... I just hate when they thing they are greater. Just because We can't understand animals doesn't mean they are brainless n can't feel the emotions that we feel... Animals cry. Animals Love. Animals feel Pain. Animals feel every feeling that humans feel. I don't understand how they are different. Sure we're obviously more intelligent but it's just as a kid with Autism... They love and feel the same but aren't as quick witted as others... I just believe ALL animals are equal and should be treated equally...
Who ever said it was right? If we were really the closest to perfect there would be less Violence less stupidity of the average human. and we would have learned to not harm other species or even our own earth which to me is the top of the food chain.
Not many people in the world have genetic problems same goes for families... they don't make up even 10% of the population... therefore there won't really be incest...
Oh xD kk I love science I could make you a project and finish it in 5min xD
As far as insults I wasn't insulted at all but you stated That's why I said that. And I know you don't have to agree with my opinion I know where you're coming from though at least. ALSO That's EXACTLY what I'm trying to put out there. We are ALL animals. We should all be treated with respect I don't believe ANY animal should be tested and bred for experiment; That is just cruel and ridiculous. I was just trying to get my point across that if it's cruel for it to happen to Humans than why is it any different for animals? They all feel and suffer as we do.
.... Wat...? lol I have NO clue what you said there lol
I NEVER said it was right. I was just saying that If people do it to animals why not do it to themselves... Animals and Humans are equal to me. They all feel pain, despair, hopelessness, fear, etc. What I meant was that if animals could be bred for testing why not humans? Not the fact that they are arse holes lol. Also imagine YOU'RE that lab rat bred for that purpose <_<
Recessive genes can be tracked and that's why Hitler would kill the whole family if you had a family member that had something they'd kill you off aswell.... Also who ever said there would be incest?
Que? lol I'm too sleepy to comprehend Engrish...
All animals can sense when someone is danger but their size restricts them from doing anything... it's the same as Tea cup dogs... they know when something is wrong but can you seriously tell me that little thing is of any help? Also, a Pest is a PEST nothing more it's not something towards humanity it's just something that impedes with every day life and or is harmful to anything or any being that is living. Also, I am VERY serious. I value animals lives more than ANY piece of crap human... I don't see animals running around trying to hurt or bother anyone or anything; unlike humans they are greedy and only care for themselves also they won't stop for a minute to make fun of you if you are different in any way. In fact all animals do is try to live in the small areas they are forced to live in by Humans. Who do you think the pests are? We're over running everything and destroying other animals homes. Also why do you have to Insult me? It is my opinion and I have the right to it without it being insulted. I am not insulting you in any way at all so i'd like to keep it that way.
I know I know I have been thinking just don't feel like typing or writing it i'm getting it in my head... x_x
@Machina LOL I noticed it too and was like.... Wait... WHAT!??! .__.' Also I myself despise being lied to and I have very bad trust issues from being lied to a lot... But I myself lie on a daily basis... It's a Disease and a bad habit.... I consider myself really good at it sadly... and feel bad about it at the end of the day :[ Also I can't say the biggest lie because it's a tad personal but I can say to this day 1 1/2 years later it still bothers me even though it was to keep my current boyfriend of 2 1/2 years...
That's why It would take at least 3 generations to relieve everyone of it... <.<' and I never said he wasn't evil but people would'a noticed it after a while anyways and others would'a taken control <.< then the purpose Hitler told them about to purify everyone would happen... I never said I was for it because of all the people that had to die just I'm giving the example of wouldn't he be a hero in the future once everyone was pure and there weren't any disabilities? <.<'
Lol I bet... I'm too sore and exhausted to work on it omg ;-;