it just adluts over recting one time i show my mom one of the threads about stuff like this she laghed so hard she fell out of here sit because she belivies that most adults these day are over protected of stuff that kids do for fun
8 is do young for the whole talk about every thing i say that at 8 they should learn a littlbe bit like what puberty does but nothing else
i dont see why cruchs call its evil all it is is a person idea that he decied to make a book and then other people think it has a chance to make money and if cruch find it evil that ok but arnt we suppoues to repect others opines
well i hate people that think that god is causing the hurrcinas and stuff because it just natrue and i do belive in god i am a mormon but i am starting to doubt my realsgion because i have had a chance to think about my realsing and dont like people that think like the internet is evil and stuff and burn harry potter books because its about wizards i am say why do you think like that just because harry potter is about wizard isnt telling us that its real its just a person idea in their head that is about wizard it isnt evil and also i repsect other people realgione and their opoines also i belive god loves us in if we do bad things i also belive that we should love every one we should try we dont have to god wants us to but if he didnt love us god would have killed humans long ago
still kick sora in the nuts but after i ask him if hes invoeld with riku and also ask riku if hes involed with sora and that xeanmas call him mansex and after that ask namine just help me with art
i thought its was sora since kh2was the frist kingdom hearts game i played
so what is that thing is it going to be in a new game or is a that a optianiton boss
well when i am in never landi keep flying up and down trying to escape goofy and donal and i yell rape rape also one time when i was holding cerberus off in kh2 with auron i played around to much and died so king mickey came out and i tired to hit ceberus but for some reason the king couldnt jump high enoghe to hit him so i spent 20 mins trying to hit ceberus till i died and one time i got hit by the acid in halloween time and i had low health i died
no he wasnt
yess its fun i have 1 more floor to goon soras mode and i am on the last floor for rikus mode
well i want to see 358/2 and see if this is true
yeah i kindad agere but not till 358/2 is out will we wreally know but that sounds likea good theroy
oh ok because iwhen isaw their effects and i qpipaed them and those effects didnt work i was worried
in my gba com what do the heartless and boss cards do because i epiqqped them and nothing happen
kick sora in the nuts for being so much of a idot and marulix ask ifs he gay roxas omg and ask to show me some moves if i saw saix i would be like omg and if i saw axel hang out with him then ignon to death saying his catch parhes or ask him to set stuff on fire riku ask him to show me how to weild darknes
oh nvm i dont think i sealed it and i dont have to seal altnatis
ty i didnt how i could dogde that that how he killed me most of the time
but i did bastion for the first time and it still isnt unlocked
how do you unlock the hades cup
k ty i am just waiting for my gb to craghe