the organization members came from twilight town .......
kh1 kh2 com kh2fm+
on my first play through of kh2, i had no understanding of wat the hell of going on @_@ but now i kno :]
lol its okay its just that seeing so many ppl post the same thing makes me.... impatient :3 im not mad XP
um i think this should be in the kh2 section :] i think they all originated from twilight town because all nobodies come from there
ya gotta beat hayner 10 times then you can fight other ppl :]
hello! have fun, read the rules and post lots!
okay just so you know... theres been soooooo many posts like this. and their wearing the same clothes.god this is such old news >>;
closer to god in your pants??? oh lord
yea i did the hotel and postcard thingy too i like kh1 more for the secrets but kh2 has better characters :]
such great heights in your pants XD
nelly furtado~ give it to me
this should be in the help section btw and please be more specific
omg i want one! name: xoxoroxasxoxo size: medium scene: sora and kairi dancing in halloween town
the more munny you get with roxas to go to the beach, the more ap you get when leveling up later on
lawl we got real pervs in our schoolme and my friend walked past them once and they slapped our *ss! me and my friend both b*tch slapped them. i think im over using the word b*tch lol
i want a tattoo too :[ i think you should tell your parents and then go for it :3
okay i dont think we should talk about this any more XD lets get back on topic :3
ummm.... not just one >>;
every one is a lil perverted in the inside :3 but when they try to touch something thats when i start b*tching >:[