BBS is gonna be the best of the three.:) I mean it pretty much fixes all the mistakes I had with previous KH games.This game will rock.Terra must be really flexible to do all those moves.
No,I am not turning evil,but I feel a little bit of Sweq still in me.I have urge. Can you guys help me?:(This is not helping me.
That was my pick,but I'm gonna see what you guys say.
You should be,I was awful back then. I had around 200 posts. I had a bad reputation. I still remember the reason I was banned.Although it was a pretty unfair ban. You all knew Roxas right?The mod? Well,he unfairly banned me.Oh well,I guess I can't do anything now.*shrugs*
lol.I guess that would make since.My ever-so-uncommon name.XD
You all know I'm sweq and all.But lately,I've been thinking about my past,and I am going to relocate it and show a comparison between The New Me and The Old Me.Take a good look at the huge Turns out it can't be found.
I really am.But I'll leave it up to you guys.Just vote and I'll pick the best one. I really feel like I need one. What will it be? -Master of Wisdom -Catch The Storm(Catch The Rain Alt.) -Sweq32 -Powerful Overlord(>_>) -None
Well some animals are different than others.Animals like Dogs have a more emotional mind than what cats have.It's just how it was made.
Myself XD- B:Super Blast Side B:Lance thrust Up B:Shining Bracer Down B:Flash of Doom(kills everyone on the screen) FS:Raising in the air and becoming Wisdom Form Guy!
>_> I challenge you!
EDIT:Oops,didn't see the description.
Yeah I felt like making this for a while. Rules are simple.Just post what member you would switch bodies with.(Can post different ones) I'll start. I would switch with DarkWatch.He has all the POWER! What about you guys?
10!Gotta go! XD
7...Admin Evil!
Have you ever thought of this? We all know that there is a picture thread that is stickied,but what about posting a video of yourself?What do you guys say. Required Stuff: Camcorder Just record yourself doing anything,and then upload it so we can see.I always wanted to do this.^_^ Post your videos here!
Yeah,but I thought that the 100 Acre Woods had a kidish feeling in it.I didn't like that for many reasons.>_>
No!I don't feel like it.I am keeping it until I get 800.
Really?Woah!But since he is banned now,I guess I am too stupid to think.:( I guess now all I can do is hope for EvilMan to come around a lot more and get premium. I really want premium.
I have 2 main questions. 1.Is it wrong to go inside an abandoned building? 2.We planned on going into one.If we did,what would be ideal to bring. Just asking you guys.Also,if this is in the wrong spot,you can move it.