Kumo froze where she was. Why're you in my head?!
"He... he said he killed her..." Kumo kept her thoughts to herself, staring at Miku.
Kumo shook her head, refusing to ellaborate any further. Getting the feeling she was being watched, she glanced behind her, and saw Miku. "The girl from before..." She thought to herself.
Kumo kissed him back, but pulled herself away. "I'm not supposed to..." She muttered, looking up at him.
OOC: "Especially" girls? So he's got guys swooning over him, too? =P BIC: Turning redder, she looked away again. "Okay." She whispered. OOC (again): Aaaaaaand... She's completely fallen for it, yeah. XD
Kumo sat down, and, catching his eye, immedietely looked at her feet, her cheeks turning pink. She couldn't find anything to say.
When Kumo reached him, she was struggling to breathe from all the running. "Why... did you... just do that?" She forced out the words in between breaths, gripping the stitch in her stomach in an attempt to cool down.
Kumo read it through, then bit her lip. "Should I...?" She thought to herself, then shrugged, pushing the card into her pocket. "Can't hurt to see what this about... Besides, I've gotta ask him why he just did that..." She carried on thinking, breaking into a run, and not stopping until she reached the bench.
OOC: XD Never would've come up with that one. BIC: "Wha...?" She stood there, dazed, for a few moments, then numbly reached up to touch her lips with one hand, pulling the card out with the other. "Why did he do that...?" She muttered to herself, then looked at the card.
"So that's why... When Kaname came back, he wasn't..." She only trailed off when she realised she had spoken aloud. When she spoke again, her voice sounded tougher, though. "Get your weapon away from me."
Kumo's eyes widened, and she took a slow step back. She faltered, trying to find the right words, the right question, then asked, slightly hesistant; "Wh-what d'you mean... "tamed" her?"
She crossed her arms, relaxing slightly despite herself, and replied, "I'm Kumo. And you?"
Kumo followed him, still quite some distance behind, so she wasn't able to see Miku and Kin just yet. "You know, it really begins to tick you off when every stupid zombie on the damn planet treats you like you're invisible. Don't ignore me!"
OOC: I've been reading through all this for days now. I'm gonna try and join in instead of sitting on the sidelines thinking "Whoa, they're fast. 0.0" BIC: Kumo had resolved she wouldn't go home. She knew the living, even her own parents, would no longer except her, even though she was one of their kind. Hearing the voice of a man drifting from afar, she ran towards the source, only slowing when she saw him. "He's... one of the undead." She thought, trying to reassure herself. "Hey! What're you doing?" She called out, pausing a few feet away from Afra.
(OOC: Fitting in might prove difficult, but... I'll try my best. XD) Kumo pushed away the branches she'd hid herself behind, watching the undead as they slept. She sighed, and thought to herself; "Those people attacking the undead... They're after me now, too, 'cause I didn't take their side and everything..." Taking a step back, her foot caught on a wayward tree root, sending her tumbling. "OW!"
I want to see Three Days Grace so bad it hurts. D: But they'll probably never come to the UK, knowing my luck.
My personal favourites are:- x Most of the first scenes in Mulan's world. The way Sora sort of whimpers "...girl?", to Mulan being "manly", to the big guy just randomly standing in the middle of this slugging match, going "I wonder what they're serving for lunch today..." x Donald and Goofy teasing Sora in Port Royal. "Home comes your face is all red?" "WHAT?! It is NOT red!!" "Aww, I know who YOU'RE thinking about!" x Sora's "funny face mk. 2"... When he makes Riku laugh in TWTNW. x Sora getting all awkward and undesisive about hugging Kairi, then the second Riku appears he's on his knees sobbing his heart out 'cause Riku's back. XD Kairi's just stuck on the sidelines, like "I shouldn't have told Sora it was really Riku... ¬.¬"
Eclipse, because I just think Jasper's story is cute. Well, the happy ending bit with Alice is cute. Not the merciless killing bits. =P
I picked Terra. 'Cause I'm weird like that. XD I just really want to know if there's a connection between him and Zack from FFVII... I mean, they are practically identical, save for hair and eye colour.
Maybe it's 'cause... Well, they're Sora's flashbacks, aren't they? I think he'd remember the last time Riku was happy-go-lucky, and not all "I'm not afraid of the darkness! I'm better with a keyblade than you! Kairi needs ME!" like he got. =D And that time would have to be while they were building the raft, right...? Or the artist likes drawing Riku's arms like that to show off his build... XD