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  1. Anase
    Just a lil serious fanfic about Saix and a few ocs. This is a change of pace from the torturous fics of humor on the organization that I usually write on Animespiral. XD

    Summary- An entity known as the 'Twilight Angel' is a threat to the Organization. Xemnas sends out Saix, Axel, Demyx, Xaldin and five others who are 'unique' on a search and destroy mission... if only they knew that their true threat was another entity called the 'Devil of Dawn'.

    (Xemnas gets a pet owl... is that bad**$ or what?)


    Chapter 1- The Assignment (Part 1)

    An owl flies through the night sky of the World That Never Was. But then again, it was always night in this world. No light allowed. Maybe a speck but that would be quickly engulfed in darkness. The owl itself was just as dark as anything else in that world, only it's gold eyes cut through the repugnant dark. It's destination was at the top of a white castle that overlooks the City of the Dark. It's purpose... well, that is soon to be revealed.

    The Altar of Naught... The very top of Castle Oblivion. A place that Xemnas is usually present to get away from all the going-ons of the Organization, a little down-time if you will. Especially to gaze at the giant heart in the sky that is his obsession... well if he could feel like that towards it but he certainly does. Ember eyes gleam with satisfaction as they lock onto to the owl. The Superior holds out his left arm, the owl closes in and perches itself on his forearm, wings at its sides, reporting in to the Leader of Organization XIII with a quiet 'hoo'.

    "...I see... Are you certain?"

    Another 'Hoo' and a flap of it's wings to answer him. Xemnas nodded and sent the bird on it's way. He stares at the departing herald, thinking about what he has just heard and nods again.

    "I think it's time for a meeting..."


    One by one, the Nobodies of Organization XIII stopped what they were doing and headed to the (XP big-white-circular-room-that-makes-it-seem-like-their-in-an-asylum XD).

    Axel steps out of his room, just as a young woman passed by. She looked nearly the same age as Axel. She had hazel, gold eyes but she had no pupils and long ashy colored hair that reaches mid-back length. She wore a black, double-breasted short-jacket that buckled just below her chest and was opened to reveal a red halter top underneath, a red silk scarf around her neck, black pants and black highheeled boots, the heels colored red. She also has a tattoo of the Nobodies symbol on her lower back and the letter B and the number VIII next to it.

    "Hey Blaze, for once you're present." Said Axel

    Blaze only grinned. "Hey I could've made a big entrance, like an exotic burning intro."

    Exotic Mane of Inferno. That was her title. However, she wasn't a member of the Organization. she was something else to them, along with four others. and speak of the devil, they are soon joined by Demyx and another girl that seemed younger than the three of them. she had long wavy blonde hair and dark blue eyes, she too didn't have pupils. has a blue silk scarf and is wearing the same thing as Blaze but a more different, black pants and black and blue boots. She has tattoo of the Nobodies symbol with a letter S and the number IX next to it above her left breast.

    "So!" Demyx chirped. "You guys know what the meeting is about?"

    Axel and Blaze shook their heads, but the young blonde woman clapped her hands and squealed with delight.

    "Ooh! Maybe it's about putting up a Concert hall! I mean, the Hall of Empty Melodies is great and all but, come on! Demyx, you have to agree with me, right?!"

    Demyx nodded with glee. "Sure do Sapphiree!"

    Devious Siren. Sapphiree is also like Blaze. said girls stopped walking and held their arms out to stop the boys too.

    Axel blinked. "What's up?"

    "Psycho B----, coming through." she mumbled.

    They all froze to the sounds of heels clicking in a rapid pace. Another woman who looked older than the group of four heading in the same direction as them. She had violet hair in a strange style and amethyst eyes, again, no pupils. She has on a long, flowy, double-breasted coat, a violet scarf, black shorts underneath and black highheeled ankle boots. The heels are violet. She has a tattoo of the Nobodies symbol and the letter S and the number VII next to it on her chest.

    Demyx shakily waves at her. "Umm... hiya Solaris."

    She walked passed them and looked over her shoulder to give Demyx a fatal gleam from her eye. The Melodious Nocturne squeaked and pushed himself against the wall. Satisfied, Solaris continued walking.

    Her title was the Sol Enchantress. Another piece to fuel the fire.

    "Uhh oh... There goes Saix." Sapphiree warned.

    Axel waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Whoop, party's over."

    The fire has been overfueled. The Luna Diviner and the Sol Enchantress stopped walking, they were at least 7 feet away from each other, glaring hardcore at one another. Axel, Demyx, Blaze and Sapphiree wince in anticipation of a fight that would erupt from the two... It wouldn't be the first time.



    Another glare contest and then the two continued to the meeting room without incident. The four let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Blaze fans herself with her hand. "Geez, that would've been a trainwreck in a half." The three nodded in agreement and continued their trek.


    All the Nobodies of Organization XIII are seated in their seats. (otherwise, really tall, uncomfortable-looking chairs. XD) While Solaris, Blaze, Sapphiree and another person were standing in the center of the room. This person had long blonde hair done in two ponytails and one light blue eye and one dark blue eye. no pupils. He was dressed like Solaris only his scarf was light blue. and he wore black pants and black boots. He had a tattoo of Nobodies symbol and the letter S and the number XII next to it on the left side of his neck.

    "This had be better pretty effing important, I was in the middle of reading a verrrry good book." mumbled the man.

    "Sherly, take it dowwnnn a knotch." Blaze teased.

    "For the last time, it's Sherlen, call me Sherly again or else."

    Larxene snickered at that remark.

    Sherlen. The Insanely Violent Lightning. If He and Larxene were related... well... that might not bode well.

    After a short while, Xemnas appeared and gained everyone's attention. He looked around at all of them with a serious expression on his face, perhaps the most serious he's ever been.

    "We have a problem."

    (To be continued...)


    I should stop here before it gets too long, or maybe it is. =_= doh! Next part, I'll give ya the personalities of the four, but we still have one more of them to reveal. plus, the assignment. XD
    Thread by: Anase, Feb 10, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Anase
    Well this is a preview of my comic which features some of the Nobodies in interesting outfits and a character from the fighting game King of Fighters: Maximum Impact. It's funny how I haven't even drawn the beginning and just went ahead and drew the more... late parts of the comic.


    Like I said before, I'm still working on my drawing skills. but you have to agree with me... don't Zexion, Axel and Xigbar's outfits look good or what? Especially Saix's. XD
    Thread by: Anase, Feb 8, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Anase

    Hello there!

    Hi there, just new and stuff. Introducing myself and all. I'm also known as Sin the Dark Priestess from a fanfiction website; Animespiral, where I currently am writing a torturous/humorous fanfic messing with Organization XIII. ^_^ I'm also drawing up a comic about the Organization. it's still a lil sloppy but I'm getting better. let's see... what else... oh yeah. I'm also a cosplayer. I'm planning on cosplaying as Saix for a convention in august and I just know it'll be lots of fun... bwahahahaahahahaaa, other than that, I'm a pretty nice girl who's always open-minded and supportive, but at the same time, random. XD

    and now... to post.
    Thread by: Anase, Feb 8, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures