I am making a remix, and I need an acapella version of the original. The song is called knight of the wind by Crush 40. I don't want you to sing it, I need the studio acapella. No instruments. It needs to be clean also. Please search or make. I recommend looking in jamglue.com. I tried making it myself, but I couldn't. Its way too hard for me. I tried searching it, and I found it. But that was the only website it was on, and you need to pay for the song. You may know the song from Sonic and the Black Knight. Its the main theme, and it's like one of my all time favorites. PLEASE FIND IT! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER.
IDK, i haven't played KH1 in 2 years.
This one I think is true Okay, so by now, I'm pretty sure everyone has watched the new trailer. Well, in the trailer, you see Aqua give Terra and Ven charms. And they look familiar to Kairi's good luck charm, right? Well, what I think is, in the end the charms get fused or something, causing it to become Kairi's charm. And the secret ending may contain Kairi finding the charm as a little girl. And it looks pretty, so she takes it, then realizing its good luck. In memory of Ven and Aqua
I would prefer they use something like Uso Mitai Na
Okay, cool
Nice vid. I LIKE IT!
Just knowing how cheep square-enix is, they probably WILL use sanctuary
No idea whats going on. I don't get it eather. Different colored armours. Well, we'll probably figure it out when the game arrives
I'm doin good
Okay, so I have this guy name George who's likw the school bully. I insulted him, so I think he's gonna kick my @$$. Whay should I do?
I think they should make an HD archive
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5Ak_Rgdz4c Title says it all. I seriously need to learn how to embed.
FAIL! Hi, I'm TheCrownedRoxas. Feel free to ask me anything
Nice face painting. LOL!
I know, but at least it doesn't have that pointless japanese text at the bottom.
Hello. What's up?
Check it out. Image: http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/2695/kingdomheartsbirthbysle.jpg One of my friends sent it to me through yahoo. He might of edited it, but who cares? It looks real. This image is good for videos, images, showing off, stuff like that. I THINK I'M IN THE WRONG SECTION!!!! Okay It looks really small, but you can notice it has no japanese text.
Sora probably has a normal father, just like his normal mother. Sora has nothing to do with Roxas OR Ven. The nobody just went inside sora, claiming itself Roxas.
Its just a picture I made that has Ven and Roxas, both wearing crowns.
Hey, I'm TheCrownedRoxas. I'm probably the "always on" type. If it's in the middle of the night, I'm usually here. I have ALOT of energy, so it's pretty easy staying up all night. LOL! Well, have fun. PS: Like I'm always getting told by the fgs here, NO DOUBLE POSTING! As you already know.