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  1. EvilMan_89

    The Zone

    how do YOU get into the zone? in case you don't know, the "zone" is referred to a state of complete concentration, being completely disconnected by your surroundings, and during that time, you are the most productive and lost track of time but you produce the best work you could possibly make. i find that being somewhere public and wide area helps me get there.
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 2, 2007, 26 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. EvilMan_89
    normally, i dont' give money to ppl begging but this person was very persistent. she went up to me and then started screaming "plz, plz! give me money! i just wna eat!" i was creeped out and it didn't feel rite to just walk away. so i reached in my pocket and gave her money. what i didn't realize was that i had given her a $5 bill instead of a $1 bill :( i wanted my $5 back (i didn't say anything) but it would've been awkward, so i just left
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 1, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. EvilMan_89
    you're super cool, i like you.
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 1, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. EvilMan_89

    my latest video :) featuring cheats, i'll post the codes later on today
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 22, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  5. EvilMan_89


    i know this GREAT game to revive dying parties! i've done it quite a few times with this game! it's called "Mafia"! you need at least 7 ppl for an interesting/fun game. here's how you play

    1 person has to narrate/AKA be God
    2. God tells everyone to put their head down
    3.he taps one person on the head ONCE to signal that they are a mafia member
    4. he then asks them who they want to kill. so they point
    5. next God taps someone TWICE to signal they are a spy.
    6. the spy gets to suspect somebody. so they are asked to point to who they think is a mafia member. then God will either nod yes or no to tell if they are correct.
    7. then everyone puts their heads up
    8. God tells all the players who has been killed (the person cannot offer anymore input for the rest of the game)
    9. then asks everyone to vote on who they think is the mafia member
    10. if they're wrong, everyone (except dead ppl) puts their heads back down and repeats the process until they find the member, or the member kills all but 2 ppl (counting themselves, in which point they win)

    it's really fun!!!!
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 21, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. EvilMan_89
    i saw the commercial from Dominios about the Oreo Pizza Dessert. so i was like "oooh, that looks good, i'll try it!" and then i looked online for local Dominoes, but.....THERE ARE NONE IN PHILADLEPHIA (where i live). i was hoping to have them deliver it to me! they shouldn't broadcast that commercial where i live!:yelling:
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 21, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. EvilMan_89
  8. EvilMan_89
    that's the only time i feel in touch with myself. i just wanted to say something emo, was that emo enough? it's also true.
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 20, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. EvilMan_89
    when you try to download "The World that Never Was Part 1" in English, it's instead in Japanese.
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 17, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. EvilMan_89
    i wonder why there are so many banned ppl lately
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 17, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. EvilMan_89
    i hope this is in the right place. anyways, can someone make a Sleights Video for Kingdom Hearts RE: COM? can you include all the slieights for Sora AND Riku?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 17, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  12. EvilMan_89
    they think they're so funny, it's really not that funny and it's stupid and a waste of time :yelling:
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 11, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. EvilMan_89
    i mean the real life spam? i've eaten it and it's quite good :)
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 11, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. EvilMan_89
    i noticed that i haven't gotten a Database Error for quite some time. i think it's been solved. so kudos to whoever fixed it!
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 10, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. EvilMan_89
    quite some time ago, google started a project to get photographs of EVERY street in the United States. they would get pictures in a complete circle and upload it to the internet. these pictures are avaiable to the public today and i myself have seen them. you can turn in any of the 360 degree angles. but there's a problem, many say they getting very uncomfortably....close. if you look a some houses, you can actually see the inside of them and there were some pictures of ppl doing questionable things. there was a picture of a man climbing a fence, a man urinating on a wall, and 2 nude college students lying on the grass. is this an invasion of privacy or not?

    the arguement that it is not is saying that since Google only took pictures from the street it is NOT invading privacy since anyone on the street can see these things. so if the ppl didn' t want to get caught doing that, they shouldn't have done it on the street.

    the arguement saying that it IS invasion of privacy is saying that even though anyone on the street can see a man urinating, or someone coming out of an adult book store, the entire world does not need to know that.

    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 10, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. EvilMan_89
    anyone else excited? i sure am
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 9, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. EvilMan_89
    ummm.....i disabled my Private Messaging. but then i got a PM and i didnt' get to read it. and now i can't find the option to reactivate it! help plz
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 6, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. EvilMan_89
    just curious if there were ppl that are on this site but have never played any of the games.
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 6, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. EvilMan_89
    i can't find them anywhere anymore :( i love those! they were so good. i guess they're a thing of the past now :(
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 5, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. EvilMan_89
    i saw that it says he's banned but he's online.....WTH?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Sep 5, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone