enjoy :) not my video but i thot it was pretty good, i'm glad i subscribed to this guy! i played it in middel school, i tried downloading it to show my friends but it's only fo MACs :(
i was from Sara, it was titled "Double Posting". it read "Ok, you have been double, triple, even quadtruple posting! You need to stop it now or I'm giving you a warning!". that was my first private message, it was from the old site
has anyone clicked on it? i never knew about it, it's got some nice stuff in there!
these periods of looking forward to the next Kingdom Hearts games. cuz i LOVE it whenever i see a new screenshot and i'm thinking "OMG that is so cool!" i remember looking forward to Final Mix+ and it was fun coming onto the site to see if there was new info. and b4 it was released, there was new info like everyday. i'm liking looking forward to Birth By Sleep which looks like the best game IMO. even tho i don't got PSP, i wouldn't mind spending some to get this ONE game.
from the best show in the world...... this is why i love this show, so darn funny
WTF is a jelllo shot? ppl talk it about it all the time and i'm like "WTF"
this scene made me cry, lol i was 8 lol
this is easily one of the best book i have ever read. it's an autobiography written by David Pelzer in an account of child abuse. his case was the 3rd most severe case of child abuse in the United States. i recommend this book. it really IS a good book.
Pluto was a planet? those were the good old days.....
there hasn't been a top 5 video for qutie some time. you think DS just forgot?
i learned a few words from playing RE: COM. like these are pronuncings btw mateo= wait osama= your majesty, or something along that line yameo= darkness yame= dark owaida= finished saya= die i can also recognize the main character's names too!
i just thot it was really funny when Arc said this lol
that's cetainly alot. and another thing: i an attention whore...that is all
congrats on becoming a Red person. although we have our differences, i certainly admire your non-pink name
for becoming a blue person. i'm jealous, i always wanted a blue name i just thot this was funny. man, i've been seen in the spam zone too much you can tell the same person did everyone lol i was laughing out loud and my roommate looked at me with a derranged look, lol
does anyone know where to find the full script for Reverse Rebirth for COM RE? i would really like to know what's going on