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  1. EvilMan_89
    is my new one better than my old one? this my old one

    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 8, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. EvilMan_89
    you may not know this but anyone who knows how can look at EVERYTHING you've done on the internet ever since you started your computer (except if you rebooted it or something like that). time i read an article that this woman was suspected of killing her husband using Antifreeze as poison. the police questioned her but didn't have enough evidence to put her away. a few weeks later, they confiscated her computer and looked at what she's been doing on the Internet: she's been at websites that teach you how to kill someone with Antifreeze. so with taht, they locked her away. not only that, government has been going to colleges and universities and demanding that they fork over the names of people who download pirated media by using the Internet tracking. as a result, many students were sued (actually some colleges refused to hand that information over becuz they believed it was an invasion of privacy) so my question is where do you stand on this?

    if it was legal to look at this Internet History, we can put away more criminals like phedophiles and possibly terrorists

    if it wasn't legal, hundreds of thousands of people will be checked on regularly and have no privacy at all on the Internet
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 7, 2007, 45 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  3. EvilMan_89
    whenever i click on Sara's profile she's almost always at this "Admin Control panel". i wonder what it looks like........ yes, i not only stalk Xaldin but Sara as well. i have been stalking them for quite a while, lol
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 7, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. EvilMan_89
    i wonder if this game explains some unknowns in Riku's story as well. cuz there are some unexplained stuff. like what he was doing when he was MIA for practically the entire KH2 game. and maybe they'll actually show when Roxas beat Riku (which i THINK is some other time before Deep Dive but they didn't show it). i'm guessing since you play as Roxas, you beat Riku in that battle and the ending of the game is that scene from Final Mix+ where Riku transforms into Ansem and kills Roxas?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 7, 2007, 36 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. EvilMan_89
    Code Avatars

    i had a lot of free time today so i decided to get more avatars. these from my cheat videos. you can have them, use them, distribute them, so long as you don't take credit for creating them. YES I KNOW SOME OF THEM ARE KINDA BLURRY THO. enjoy
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 7, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. EvilMan_89

    i found this folder on my computer after a while. it was apparently created when i started playing the online game Gunz the Duel. well....i found out that whenever i interacted with a character in the game or on their official forum, if they had an account on the forum, my computer automatically saves their avatars and signatures! so i have SO much that was just resting on my computer and wanted to share

    EDIT: it's legal :) ok, i think this makes it legal, i found this on the User Agreement. legal as long as i say this: I do not claim to be the creator of these files and am not distributing them for a profit.

    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 5, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. EvilMan_89
    when i was outside, there was a firetruck trying to get past traffic. however, there was this one car that wouldn't get out of the way, the fire fighters kept beeping at him but the car just wouldn't move. when the truck FINALLY got past the car, one of the fire fighers peeped out of the window and gave him the finger. then he shouted at the other driver "f**k the fire, imma kick your a$$ right now" and then the truck pulled over and his coworkers had to hold him back from going to the other car, eventually they got back on the truck and left. i went up the street to find them parked again, this time they were accompanied by police officiers and then they were using a defibrillator on a collapsed student (who regained consciousness). the cops wouldn't let anyone go NEAR and i'm wondering WTH happened, that was crazy.
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 1, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. EvilMan_89

    Just now.....

    i was trapped in an elevator for like 20 minutes alone. it wasn't creepy until the lights went out for like a few seconds, but then turned back on and then the elevator worked again
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 1, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. EvilMan_89
    Currently Gaming- [​IMG]

    i FINALLY got it. tho most of you don't know what it is i'm sure. didn't get a chance to play yet cuz it's waiting for me at home :)
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 1, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. EvilMan_89


    i was walking back to my dorm on campus when i passed by this huge group of ppl, one of them said "loser says wat?" to me and i said "wat?" and they laughed and kept walking, lol
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 31, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. EvilMan_89

    does anyone else think this kid is kinda funny?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 31, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. EvilMan_89
    think it was funny in Spiderman 2 when that dude got jumped and Peter just kept walking?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 30, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. EvilMan_89
    i read this article online. i think it's a good tip and eye opener

    Someone just told me
    that her friend heard
    a crying baby on her porch
    the night before last,
    and she called the police
    because it was late
    and she thought it was weird.
    The police told her
    "Whatever you do,
    DO NOT
    open the door."
    The lady
    then said that
    it sounded like the baby
    had crawled near a window,
    and she was worried
    that it would crawl
    to the street
    and get run over.
    The policeman said,
    "We already have a unit on the way,
    whatever you do,
    DO NOT open the door."
    He told her that they think
    a serial killer
    has a baby's cry recorded
    and uses it to coax
    women out of their homes
    thinking that someone
    dropped off a baby
    He said they have not verified it,
    but have had several calls
    by women saying that
    they hear baby's cries
    outside their doors
    when they're home alone
    at night.
    Please pass this on and
    DO NOT
    open the door
    for a crying baby ----
    was mentioned on
    America 's Most Wanted
    this past Saturday
    when they profiled
    the serial killer in Louisiana
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 29, 2007, 16 replies, in forum: Discussion
  14. EvilMan_89
    i didnt' think it was possible but i FOUND the perfect movie! it aired yesterday and i watched it and it was the best movie EVER! it's called Carrie. it's supposed to be a horror movie but i've seen no points of horror. but this movie is GODLY. it's about a girl named Carrie who has telekinesis which only activates when she's feeling emotional. she's a reject at her high school who got teased becuz she didnt' have a period until she was 18 years old. after getting teased, a boy decides to ask her to the prom but unbeknownst to her......a whole group of fellow high school seniors are planning a cruel prank to pull on her at the prom......

    there *writes Carrie in perfect movie category on Perfect list underneath Metal Gear Solid 1 which is under perfect PS1 game*
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 28, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  15. EvilMan_89
    source: KHI videos on youtube

    very interesting indeed
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 27, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. EvilMan_89
    i remember in the beginning of the game at Yen Sid's tower Sora said "me, doanld, goofy, the king, and Riku, with the five of us, i mean...the six of us they dont' stand a chance!" who's the 6th person? this has been eating away at me everytime i played that part
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 25, 2007, 51 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. EvilMan_89
    none of them online. i think they all went invisble and want to see how we behave in their absence...... or we can go crazy
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 25, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. EvilMan_89


    i dunno, i saw everyone else doing this by starting topics with a name and then ......
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 24, 2007, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. EvilMan_89

    The Anime

    i remember quite some time ago Xaldin reported that there was going to be a Kingdom Hearts anime. how come we haven't heard anything about it since then?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 24, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. EvilMan_89
    wat's the music called that's used in Deep Dive secret ending in Final Mix 1?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Oct 23, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX