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  1. EvilMan_89
    Catch the Rain was a normal member! but now she's purple again! dang it, i missed my chance to kill her XD
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Feb 11, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. EvilMan_89
    i was wondering if its' possible to find your posts in only ONE section of the forum (like INtelligent Discussion or Anything Else). like how you click on your profile and click on "Find more posts by....." but have it somehow only show the posts in one section. is it possible?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Feb 7, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. EvilMan_89
    I can't find it, anyone point me to it please?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 31, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. EvilMan_89
    ok, i know that Windows Movie Maker is crap but i have been using it all this time and pissing me off. but this new issue just CROSSES THE LINE of crappiness. whenever i save my movie file it comes out with just audio, there's no video, just the sound. i made sure it wasn't just my computer as i tried playing it with another computer and got the same results. does anyone know how to fix this?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 29, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: Discussion
  5. EvilMan_89
    drinks Slim Fast just purely for the taste? i LOVE how it tastes, ti's SO goood, expensive yes, but tasty. i don't need to lose weight nor do i seem to be doing so anyway. i LOVE vanilla and choclate flavors!
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 24, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. EvilMan_89
    does anyone know when the price for Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ will fall like how games in the Greatest Hits edition costs a small fraction of the original price. cuz i'm trying to get this for a friend but i am NOT willing to spend $70 for it.
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 24, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. EvilMan_89
    if you were trapped in an elevator and had a heart attack
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 23, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. EvilMan_89
    ok, i hope I spelled that right first of all, lol. anyways, what do you think about it? in case you dont' know what it is, this is from Wikipedia

    the gist is that it's a method used to help minorities by setting quotas for different ethnic races. i'm actually pretty neutral about this becuz i honestly dont' know what to think about it. on one hand, it is a good thing they are helping disadvantaged people get into these jobs and schools. however, in the other, the method itself is pretty much discrimination.

    so do you guys think it's fair/ethical?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 23, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  9. EvilMan_89
    i'm just wondering when ppl wake up in the morning. when i was in high school, i used to wake up at 6:00 A.M cuz school started at 8, but now i wake up at 8:00 A.M during school days to get to class at 10. on weekends i wake up anytime from 8-12 tho. how bout you guys?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 23, 2008, 67 replies, in forum: Discussion
  10. EvilMan_89
    everything is centered now, ill, disgusting!
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 22, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. EvilMan_89
    i'm just curious as to what others think. i personally am looking forward to Birth By Sleep the most even though I dont' have a PSP. in fact i'm getting a PSP JUST to play thsi game :D it looks like the best game becuz the game was stated to have a: serious storyline, 3 playable main characters with seperate storylines, and extreme gameplay". so which one you want the most?
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 3, 2008, 70 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. EvilMan_89
    today i decided to try something i thot was gonna be nasty. i put Mayo AND honey mustard in my hoagie and it mixed together in a GODLY taste :) it was so good!
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Jan 2, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. EvilMan_89
    I remembered i first joined this site when i was 16 years old, 2 years ago :wow:
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Dec 14, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. EvilMan_89

    my new codes caused his A.I to be unforgiving and also affected something else as well.....
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Dec 9, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  15. EvilMan_89
    the one in Family Guy that Meg sang in the prison
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Dec 6, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. EvilMan_89
    i was wondering for a LOOOOOOONG time
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Dec 4, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. EvilMan_89
    Does anyone have the stats for the bosses in Kingdom Hearts 2 final Mix+? i'm interested in mostly the Absent Silhoutte bosses and Limit Cut (Data) Organization XIII battles. I need the exact stats, so anyone who somehow has the strategy guide for this game will help immensely. I saw Xaldin's thread for their HPs but i also need their stats, would help me hack some stat codes for the bosses and make them HELLA harder :) you're prolly thinking....but they're hard enough....well....ppl like me always thrist for me challenge so....i would like to get this done. thank you any help will be appreciated.

    EDIT: oh and in Critical Mod please
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 25, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. EvilMan_89

    here i hope you enjoy! this is how i defeated Terra and that's why i am disappointed by how easy this fight is
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 22, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  19. EvilMan_89
  20. EvilMan_89
    this is going too far!!!! i saw ANOTHER person who's name is like


    it's shouldn't be a trend! it's not funny anymore, we have to let it die!!!!! XD
    Thread by: EvilMan_89, Nov 8, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone