i hope you have a good day :D
does anyone know what this is? it was part of The Amanda Show and i thot this mini-series was like the best part of the show.
what do you think of her? i watched a lot of her videos yesterday night and she's a pretty good singer, i wonder where she went wrong. and i wonder if her official youtube videos for her songs is actually Britney or just someone associated with her. i wonder if her song "Lucky" was a cry for help
that when you stress one of the highlighted words it completely changes teh meaning of the sentence XD Ididn'tsayhestole the money.
why was Shadowjak a blue person earlier? and now he's a red person?
ok, well Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 has been released. i'm still contemplating whether this is worth my money becuz i am also conflicted to buying Mario Party 8 for my new Gamecube. well, i played the 2nd Naruto Ultimate Ninja for about a few minutes and enjoyed it but i dont' know if i should own the 3rd one. looking at the reviews for teh game are not helping me one bit becuz they are all obviously using the bias of a fanboy of Naruto and SEEMS to be overrating this game. so, can someone, who's NOT a fanboy/fangirl tell me if this game is worth spending $40 on?
........group assignments for school? becuz 90% of the time theres ALWAYS someone who disagrees with everything you have to say, someone who forgets to do their part and waits till the last minute, someone who really doesn't care enough to give any useful input, and someone who's **** about how sentences are written. all in all GROUP ASSIGNMENTS SUCK
......so has anyone watched this? this movie is HELLA good. it's rated R for some reason but i honestly cannot see why it is. i first watched this movie when i was in 2nd grade and it came on TV a few days ago, and i LOVED IT SO MUCH that i bought the DVD today :D anyways, it's about an evil kid (the actor is the same kid from Home Alone i think) that keeps killing ppl and when another kid tries to tell th evil kid's parents, they don't listen. it really is a good movie.
WHERE ARE YOU????? we miss you!
getting Database error when trying to go to teh Forum's Index? cuz i am personally getting tired of having to use the forum jump and having to go directly to the Code Vault from the main page if i wna do anything on the forum.
ever actually count the steps at Twilight Town knowing deep down it is the same amount going up and down but just decided to count them anyways?
i just noticed.........and i'm probably late to the party again but.....you're in Invisible Mode aren't you.....why?
http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product_id=281885 its' only $30, it's for the PS2 and it's coming out very soon :D i already own one of the games but hell, all three games are worth the very low price of $30
thsi is the one site i forgot to advertise my new KH2 Cheat Codes video. here it is, and as usual, dont' expect too much from the video quality as i use a digital camera, lol. anyways, enjoy :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSzSzyaYWak
you know what i mean, when you get HELLA mad and frustrated and just wna break the controller. does this happen to you, how badly, and how often?
Hopefully this comes out right, here goes: "the bar" is sort of a marking point for acceptable standards. Hence when someone says: "the bar" has been raised, they are meaning tha tthe acceptable standards have been raised. Anyways, I was wondering whether "the bar" for society has been raising or lowering as time passes by. This topic is pretty broad but do you think the bar is being set higher and higher for society or do you think it's getting lowered? I hope that came out right......
http://www.kh-vids.net/member.php?u=22510 now he's spamming......
http://www.kh-vids.net/member.php?u=22501 omg this is like the 5th time i've seen an imposter of myself. i saw like 3 of them on youtube as well.
that today was the first time i ever saw the "leave britney alone" video. it was HILARIOUS
ok i recently started watching Naruto but not from the beginning, i just turn my head and watch whenever it's on TV and i'm doing nothing. but something REALLY confuses me, are the shadow clones solid objects or are they illusions or something? sometimes they say "only one of them can hurt me" and then other times you can CLEARLY see them doing things that only a solid object can do.....so yea.....feel free to call me a noob.....