just wondering what people are. i myself am probably a casual gamer as i don't play games that often and probably only a few times a week. i DO know some people who are REALLY hardcore and can beat a new game that just released in even the first day they got it in some cases. i personally prefer to savor my games a LITTLE longer than that.
i accidently emptied my PM box which had like 9 unread PMs.....great, now those people are gonna think i'm ignoring them.
i did something i'm not proud of.......anwyays, me and a female friend of mine were playing Dragonball Z Budokai 2. so....she was playing for the first time and she was playing as Trunks and I was playing as Teen Gohan. she was really beating me. it seemed like defeat was inevitable......UNTIL..........i told her that if i beat up Trunks enough, his shirt would fly off.....so she took it up, but she was very disappointed when it didn't happen, she tried to fight back and win but i said "i can't believe you actually fell for that!" and then i beat her and said "YOU GOT SERVED!" and that's it :)
do you think sometime (probably a long time) later after RE:COM is released to the US, do you think that Square will make some sort of KH collection/bundle release that would have KH, RE:COM, and KH2? it would be like the Metal Gear Solid Collection or the Devil May Cry one. think it will happen? i'm just wondering, even though i will have all 3, it would still be a cool thing.
this is a pretty old movie, anyone saw it? i just remembered this movie because my brothers and i had a little disagreement about one part. the kid that mugged Omri, was his name Hair or was it just some random kid he didn't know? because Omri was like "you dont' deserve that hair!" but he could've meant the mohawk that the guy had. but the way he said made me think it could've been a name as well.
i microwave ice cream when it gets too hard and frozen for me to scoop out. i heat it up to soften it.
i recall a few years ago quite a few people tried to sue Mc Donalds for making them obese. and there was a huge discussion about it. the guy claimed that Mc Donalds was responsible for his overweight condition while Mc Donalds said that it was his own fault for eating that much of their food because it's common knowledge that fast food is full of fat and stuff that's bad for you. so my question is: who do you think is more responsible for the increasingly number of overweight Americans? the fast food industry? or the people themselves for not taking care of their bodies correctly? i know that the fast food in Mc Donalds is overly cooked in fat, i did some research and saw that a big mac from Mc Donalds is 500 calories, and so are the fries from there. but Burger King is worse, their Whoppers are 800 calories and that includes ONE patty as opposed to Mc Donalds big macs which have TWO. also, this video shows that there are WAAY too many preservatives on Mc Donald's french fries. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEM0T1Ar5Qo but despite all that, it is STILL possible to remain in good health and eat fast food once in a while. is it more the people's fault for not excercising? because many people now live a very sedatary live with very limited excercise and going out. there are even some people who REFUSE to even get up to change the channel. some people are just so lazy that it is their own fault from eating Mc Donalds so much and not burning the calories. so which side do you choose? also, can we try to have a POLITE debate with each other? i realize debates in nature can be pretty aggressive but i dislike aggressive discussion, and these aggressive discussions usually happen when someone decides to be a smarta$$ about it when they are correcting another person.
ok, this has been REALLY killing me. i've been playing ALOT of Japanese PS2 games lately and ALOT of characters say that word that's in the title. i don't think that's how it's really spelled but that's how it's pronounced (if you read it as tho it were english words), does anyone know what that means? SO MANY CHARACTERS SAY IT in the audio dialouge.
iwantedtoexplode: Go to this thread to discuss and request codes: Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes
iwantedtoexplode: If you see any codes missing from this list, feel free to PM them to me and I will add them, but remember I just started this list and there aren't many entries right now. Give me some time to post before you start sending me codes that are missing. Tired of having to sift through hundreds of pages to find the code you want? Tired of waiting for someone to fulfill your request? Believe me, those at the code vault are just as fed up as you. Hence the staff has given me permission to create this list. Here, you can find all of the codes featured in the "Kingdom Hearts II PAL codes" thread, organized by category, in both PAL ARMAX and Raw formats, all conveniently located in a single post. This is to make your lives easier, so please, before you request a Kingdom Hearts II code here or in any other thread, make sure that it's not already in this post. All that does is create spam, and if there's too much spam, the staff will have no choice but to close the thread. Game ID: 09C9 Mastercode 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W F02FC890 002FC893 Joker 0035BA5C Items Code: All Items GG4Q-009C-5P3A6 BZJM-W6EV-HQJ14 W65R-CQPZ-KM0U1 P22D-G05T-M5R1P 8NY3-RYK5-1EDGW C9QT-8M55-YTBN4 0036-KABN-3YXF8 203411E8 62626262 103411EC 00006262 003411EE 00000062 00341249 00000062 203412CC 62626262 103412D0 00006262 Drive/Summon/Form/Growth Code: Drive w/o Party Members (Use in conjunction with the code below) 31R6-DXZP-18PV1 R30Z-ZZU2-26UG3 201C7A58 0000102D Party Members don't Disappear when using Drive (Use in conjunction with the code above) X11D-RP5A-0MVHA 47K7-5FC4-R78PX 201C7988 0000102D Nine Drive Bars 234V-W6TC-AUD82 ZHCD-A462-08U3X 201578E0 A1CD01B1 Infinite Drive HQWH-YCUE-CDFXF P8QC-H7UB-QE702 201A04CC 00000000 All Drive Forms Unlocked (Press R2) 3D0T-DNPG-EM5J1 7XW7-NHHK-CUG1V 5VUV-CDHW-P20VU 6BJ6-X31T-X44P0 2UYK-BDX3-630CT 1EE0-BQKX-47M10 AM8P-6A2T-M1XN6 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 6Y05-40P9-6JVHY E005FDFF 0035BA5C 20341328 FFFFFFFF 2034132C FFFFFFFF 20341330 FFFFFFFF 10341024 00000180 10341074 00000180 1034109C 00000180 Slow Form Consumption 6AJE-M118-G6B1U GBVR-2Y27-R18D3 9RYT-EAPW-379RP R54G-WUFA-03KR8 20341194 47C35000 20341198 47C35000 21CFD2EC 47C35000 Quick Level Up WMBG-TY26-4RYKD ZXKM-K95N-B29CV 201D4178 25EF0033 Drive Forms Level Up to 7 After One Hit R6BF-3X1D-H5QKV 3CGX-FGMG-9YCV4 NZ2U-NZXT-ZQGV2 201D417C 3C0F0007 201D3F8C 240F0007 Status Code: Quick Level Up-All Characters 00V3-EDAB-2VUG3 WCQR-QFU1-0TGKH 20341348 0098967F Level 99-All Characters EAF0-WA4N-1CQ01 B78Q-A7XQ-ZWEV7 003403CF 00000063 [U]Roxas/Sora[/U] [code] Max HP 5KPH-0VA2-H8A4N R6RP-BDFT-PPJQQ 003403C5 000000FF Max MP XUTW-XMQA-BE8G8 AZ3H-KQEP-40RCP 003403C7 000000FF Max AP Z9RV-D97G-R2WJ5 8ZGP-J0YZ-CDP1C 003403C8 000000FF Max Strength F0HU-58NW-7R3GY 081H-73MP-47B8Q 003403C9 000000FF Max Magic NRM5-5UG0-EEX38 XRWN-GDY1-GAK9Z 003403CA 000000FF Max Defense 8AQM-KHY4-MDDT5 71XE-ZPU9-TUFUN 003403CB 000000FF Donald Code: Max HP 70VP-NGMQ-YGU4N TQU3-29AF-96TJY 003404B9 000000FF Max MP FTJ1-JNGZ-ZEXTJ FMX8-DVFE-DCTBF 003404BB 000000FF Max AP 93H7-N97P-16KYX D7JK-AJ7D-X55BH 003404BC 000000FF Max Strength EHDP-UAGJ-MU4JZ MJWU-MXX3-4ABHY 003404BD 000000FF Max Magic CT9V-4RB0-6JEHY DKJY-XA4T-C21KW 003404BE 000000FF Max Defense 1JJ5-TCQ4-6REM6 1HZ0-CPGB-P0HD8 003404BF 000000FF Goofy Code: Max HP UUGF-9AXA-CMKHC 8VJ0-Z4FT-TA4JM 003405AD 000000FF Max MP 1YQ5-ECCP-072UX 0ATZ-TK3C-XD073 003405AF 000000FF Max AP TEZV-8ZYG-86RN9 ZZV9-37A9-AYGYM 003405B0 000000FF Max Strength MUZY-DT2X-B0UJ1 7YHP-XT36-W851A 003405B1 000000FF Max Magic 59TA-PAP5-BFM12 MFB8-ET06-HPC6P 003405B2 000000FF Max Defense A5BT-XPGQ-TTXVH 0MDN-T875-8A74X 003405B3 000000FF Mickey Code: Max HP Q6MH-NR08-1R57M 7M9F-3BGF-UR31B 003406A1 000000FF Max MP 64BC-C137-BK8Y2 MKKF-MAC8-8AK38 003406A3 000000FF Max AP 2N1K-NPG1-5XHE7 71EH-K56X-29MFT 003406A4 000000FF Max Strength W8EP-DDZ1-23JME EDA2-66YV-1RVA6 003406A5 000000FF Max Magic 04R3-Z8XE-Y398T F4T2-H3F1-7AH8X 003406A6 000000FF Max Defense ZK5J-1XVM-6T6HH 3PXZ-ZFP7-RB261 003406A7 000000FF [/code]Difficulty Levels Code: Battle LVL Default (Before 1000 Heartless Event) AY9N-GCUP-8F37X YF1T-JPYP-GE99V 2034138C 00140401 Battle LVL End Game (After 1000 Heartless event) PUGD-UFXQ-6BG4J PVT4-JAKA-EZKME 2034138C 0015FDF9 Battle LVL Deadly 4C8V-WFXB-H2X9D U9QR-ZVZP-0A047 2034138C 001FFFFF Playable Characters Code: 3/4 Sora Fix (This allows you to use two playable characters simultaneously. They will run, attack, etc. in synchronicity.) TWCR-END3-QYE47 6T35-FYG3-EED07 201D4B30 00000000 Play as Riku (Riku cannot get hit, so if he T-stances, he can't recover from it. To avoid T-stancing, don't attack on ground nor use magic at all.) 0W9T-ZYHU-Z73NP RPW5-8DAG-WJ6F9 57VH-7V1Y-6QQ6W 176N-PTZR-XBN8N 2PG1-HKFZ-GQ6BF N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 11CFAC7C 00000819 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 Universal Character Modifier Spoiler Code: [U]Universal Characters[/U] Slots (1-4) Normal Slots [code] Character Slot 1 (Sora) 11CFAC7C 0000???? Character Slot 2 (Donald) 11CFAC7E 0000???? Character Slot 3 (Goofy) 11CFAC80 0000???? Character Slot 4 (Guest) 11CFAC82 0000???? Slots (5-9) Drive slots (substitutes drive form with selected character) Code: Character Slot 5 (Valor-Form) 11CFAC84 0000???? Character Slot 6 (Wisdom Form) 11CFAC86 0000???? Character Slot 7 (Master-Form) 11CFAC88 0000???? Character Slot 8 (Final-Form) 11CFAC8A 0000???? Character Slot 9 (Anti-Form) 11CFAC8C 0000???? Slot (10) Rescue Slot (Substitutes Mickey with selected character when KO'd in certain battles) Code: Character Slot 10 (King Mickey) 11CFAC8E 0000???? Replace the question marks in the above codes with the four digits from below to have that character active in your party. For example, if you want the Fat Bandit to replace Goofy, you take Goofy's universal character modifier (11CFAC80 0000????) and add the Fat Bandit's digits (0001) to the end of Goofy's code. Your final product should be (11CFAC80 00000001). Allies Code: 0054 - Sora 0055 - Sora (Valor-Form) 0056 - Sora (Wisdom Form) 0057 - Sora (Master-Form) 0168 - Sora on Carpet 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Beast 0061 - Simba 0062 - Aladdin 0063 - Mulan 0064 - Ping 0065 - Auron 0066 - Sparrow 02D4 – Tron 0819 - Riku Partners Code: 061C - Leon (Partner!) 06B0 - Yuffie (Partner!) 06B3 - Tifa (Partner!) 0688 - Cloud (Partner!) 016A - Hercules (Partner!) 04BB - Minnie (Partner!) 06C2 - Eeyore (Partner!) 06C3 - Tigger (Partner!) 06C4 - Piglet (Partner!) 06C5 - Roo (Partner!) 0764 - Mickey (without Coat) (Partner!) 04DC - Axel (Partner!) Summons Code: 06C8 - Chicken Little (Summon) 07F5 - Genie (Summon) 030A - Stitch (Summon) 045B - Peter Pan (Summon) 04F4 - Tinkerbell (Summon) Enemies Code: 0001 - Fat Bandit (Enemy!) 0002 - Trick Ghost (Enemy!) 0003 - Rabid Dog (Enemy!) 0004 - Hook Bat (Enemy!) 0005 - Bookmaster (Enemy!) 0006 - Aeroplane (Enemy!) 0007 - Minute Bomb (Enemy!) 0008 - Hammer Frame (Enemy!) 0009 - Assault Rider (Enemy!) 000A - Nightwalker (Enemy!) 000B - Fortuneteller (Enemy!) 000C - Luna Knight (Enemy!) 000D - Hot Rod (Enemy!) 000E - Cannon Gun (Enemy!) 000F - Living Bone (without Shaman) (Enemy!) 0010 - Devastator (Enemy!) 0011 - Lance Soldier (Enemy!) 0012 - Mole Driller (Enemy!) 0013 - Shaman (Enemy!) 0014 - Aerial Knocker (Enemy!) 0047 - Silver Rock (Enemy!) 0048 - Emerald Blues (Enemy!) 0049 - Crimson Jazz (Enemy!) 004A - Air Pirate (Enemy!) 004B - Bulky Vendor (Enemy!) 004C - Fiery Globe (Enemy!) 004D - Icy Cube (Enemy!) 0077 - White Knight (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0078 - Neoshadow (Enemy!) 0079 - Magnum Loader (Enemy!) 007A - Morningstar (Enemy!) 007B - Tornado Step (Enemy!) 007C - Crescendo (Enemy!) 007D - Creeper Plant (Enemy!) 012D - Soldier (Enemy!) 012E - Shadow (Enemy!) 012F - Large Body (Enemy!) 0130 - Rapid Thruster (Enemy!) 0131 - Armored Knight (Enemy!) 0132 - Surveillance Robot (Enemy!) 0134 - Dragoon (Enemy!) 0135 - Assassin (Enemy!) 0136 - Samurai (Enemy!) 0137 - Sniper (Enemy!) 0138 - Dancer (Enemy!) 0139 - Berserker (Enemy!) 013A - Gambler (Enemy!) 013B - Sorcerer (Enemy!) 013C - Sorcerer v2 (Enemy!) 013D - Creeper (Enemy!) 013E - Dusk (Enemy!) 0158 - "Sparkle?" (Enemy!) 0159 - "White Fire" (Enemy!) 016F - Gargoyle Knight (Enemy!) 0170 - Gargoyle Warrior (Enemy!) 0453 - Undead Pirate A (Enemy!) 0454 - Undead Pirate B (Enemy!) 0455 - Undead Pirate C (Enemy!) 045A - Strafer (Enemy!) 0557 - Crowd of Rapid Thrusters (Enemy!) 0558 - Rapid Thruster (Enemy!) 05BC - Armored Knight (Enemy!) 0555 - Shadow (Enemy!) 0689 - Fiery Globe (Enemy!) 068A - Icy Cube (Enemy!) 0625 - Bees (Enemy!) 0627 - Bolt Tower (Enemy!) 0723 - Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0724 - Aeroplane (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0725 - Minute Bomb (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 06E0 - Fortuneteller (Enemy!) 06EE - Graveyard (Enemy!) 071D - Bolt Tower + Rapid Thruster (in Mass) (Enemy!) 0723 - Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0724 - Aeroplane (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0725 - Minute Bomb (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0726 - Hammer Frame (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0727 - Hot Rod (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0728 - Cannon Gun (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0729 - Mole Driller (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072A - Emerald Blues (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072B - Bookmaster (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 072C - Neoshadow (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072D - Creeper Plant (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072E - Soldier (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072F - Soldier (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0730 - Shadow (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0731 - Shadow (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0732 - Shadow (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0733 - Rapid Thruster (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0735 - Armored Knight (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0737 - Surveillance Robot (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0739 - Soldier (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 073C - Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0760 - Crimson Jazz (Agrabah) (Enemy!) 0761 - Rapid Thruster (Agrabah) (Enemy!) 07E9 - Large Body (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0833 - Scar’s Ghost (Enemy!) 089A - Nobody from Final Battle v1 (Enemy!) 08ED - Nobody from Final Battle v2 (Enemy!) Bosses Code: 0133 - Twilight Thorn (Boss!) 04D7 - Hayner (Boss!) 0678 - Seifer (Boss!) 08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle) (Boss!) 082F - Setzer (Boss!) 0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger (Boss!) 0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2nd Battle ) (Boss!) 0015 - Shan-Yu (Boss!) 0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yu's Falcon) (Boss!) 0161 - Thresholder (Boss!) 02CE - Beast (Boss!) 0162 - Dark Thorn (Boss!) 0163 - Shadow Stalker (Boss!) 0284 - Shadow Stalker Chandelier (Boss!) 0285 - Shadow Stalker Pillars (Boss!) 015F - Cerberus (Boss!) 031B - Demyx (Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) (Boss!) 08F6 - Demyx's Water Clone (Boss!) 0160 - Hydra (Boss!) 039A - Hydra's Head (Boss!) 0167 - Pete (Timeless River) (Boss!) 0166 - Illuminator (Boss!) 03F7 - Barbossa (Boss!) 040B - Volcano Lord (Boss!) 040C - Blizzard Lord (Boss!) 05CE - Prison Keeper (Boss!) 007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!) 0299 - Shenzi (Boss!) 029A - Banzai (Boss!) 029B - Ed (Boss!) 029C - Scar (Boss!) 04B8 - The Hostile Program (Boss!) 08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) (Boss!) 063C - Riku (Boss!) 0165 - Storm Rider (Boss!) 03E5 - Xaldin (Boss!) 0812 - Hades (Boss!) 0639 - Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) (Boss!) 015C - Jafar (Boss!) 007F - Lock (Boss!) 0080 - Shock (Boss!) 0081 - Barrel (Boss!) 05D0 - The Experiment (Boss!) 0459 - Groundshaker (Boss!) 035E - Sark (Boss!) 03C4 - Sark (Large) (Boss!) 08F8 - Squall / Leon (Boss!) 08F9 - Cloud (Boss!) 08FA - Tifa (Boss!) 08FB - Yuffie (Boss!) 08B6 - Sephiroth (Boss!) 015D - Hades (1st and 2nd Battle) (Boss!) 015E - Hades (3rd Paradox Hades Cup Battle) (Boss!) 0622 - Xigbar (Boss!) 05F8 - Luxord (No HP-Bar) (Boss!) 05FF - "Luxord's Card" (Boss!) 06C9 - Saïx (Boss!) 06FA - Saïx's Claymore (Object) (Boss!) 0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle) (Boss!) 085C - Armored Xemnas Miscellanous Code: 0239 - Save Point (with World Map Option) 023A - Save Point The digits listed here are not the complete set that have been found. The digits for Objects, Dummies, and those that freeze or do nothing have been taken out. Here is the complete list of digits. [/code] Universal Party Modifier (All-In-One) Spoiler Code: 4034119C 00130001 NNDDWWMM 00000000 NN = Slot 4 DD = Slot 3 WW = Slot 2 MM = Slot 1 (Main slot Sora/Micky) 00= Roxas/Sora 01= Donald 02= Goofy 03= World Character 04= Valor Sora/ Double Keybladed Roxas 05= Wisdom Sora 06= Master Sora 07= Final Sora 08= Anti Sora 09= Mickey 10= Empty Slot 11= Something wierd, it's different in every world Update! Model Modifier Spoiler Code: Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? YYYYYYYY Digits: 00303031 Normal Sora 5F303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form or world character model) ???????? Digits: 00000000 Sora 00004D4E Halloween Town Sora 00005254 Space Paranoids Sora 00004957 Timeless River Sora 464C5442 Valor 4647414D Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544C55 Final 464C5448 Anti Just replace the digits and you're done. Moveset Modifier Spoiler Code: 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 240100XX [Note 1] 200F900C 142F00YY [Note 2] 200F9010 240F00ZZ [Note 3] 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 [Note 1] - The "XX" values. These digits signify what character you're modding. Like, if you're playing as Roxas, you'd set it to Roxas' value. Otherwise, the moveset doesn't change... 01= Sora 02= Donald 03= Goofy 04= Mickey 05= Auron 06= Mulan 07= Aladdin 08= Sparrow 09= Beast 0A= Jack 0B= Simba 0C= Tron 0D= Riku 0E= Roxas 0F= Ping [Note 2] - The "YY" values. This part of the code supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to "Sky" on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to "Normal" on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving. 02= Normal 01= Sky [Note 3] - The "ZZ" values. This part determines which character's moveset you will be using. (These values need re-testing. Someone help me here please. I beg ye. The first few work just fine, but once you get down to around where Riku was, you get BSODs with Music. =( ) 01= Sora 02= Valor 03= Wisdom 04= Master Form 05= Final Form 06= Anti Form 07= Lion Form 08= Mermaid Sora 09= Roxas 0A= Dual-Wield Roxas 0B= Hover Craft Riku ~ 0E= Roxas ~ 11= Donald ~ 14= Goofy ~ 17= Aladdin 18= Auron 19= Ping? 1A= Mulan? 1B= Tron 1C= King Mickey ** 1D= King Mickey *** 1E= King Mickey *** 1F= Beast 20= Jack Skellington 21= Simba 22= Sparrow 23= Riku **** 25= Tron Sora 26= Valor SP Sora 27= Wisdom SP Sora 28= Master SP Sora 29= Final SP Sora 30= Anti? 36= Light Cycle Sora 40= Hovercraft Riku 41= Final Riku So, if you wanted to have Normal Sora use Final Form's moves, you replace "XX" with Sora's digits (01), replace "YY" with the sky digits (01), and replace "ZZ" with final form's moveset digits (05). Your final product is: 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 [Note 1] 200F900C 142F0001 [Note 2] 200F9010 240F0005 [Note 3] 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 Music Modifier Spoiler Code: Normal music, scripted battles, bosses and the Gummi World Map 1035539C 000000?? Normal Battles 103553AC 000000?? The ARMAX codes are converted so that the chosen song will play for everything (Normal music, normal battles, scripted battles, bosses and the Gummi World Map). 76- Lazy Afternoons GG18-7J61-9UTVX V3N4-7PDM-EUYHG KCJJ-77R0-KNHAD 77- Sinister Sundown XB6V-ECY7-CVKQA HHBJ-XA1U-MMMFZ 5K97-T9AH-MN6YF 52- The Escapade J4QT-C30Y-FA9G4 22PB-0MMR-BB5EP 5MG4-PJ0A-PMP2F 32- Dive into the Heart Destati R3XN-N59R-Y9UGR UM7R-ENJM-QUMKR 70V6-PMJZ-BQTZ0 33- Fragments of Sorrow JHAK-43PN-04BMX F9K0-WVK6-B3N5B 7JT7-23EN-PKV87 72- Tension Rising 8FUJ-QKFF-930M4 TJJD-TPKR-Y7XDB ZWM3-PGNQ-VQGQ6 97- The XIII Struggle VAN0-GYVZ-98AWU XKAZ-XB9Y-73F36 4VC5-WEMF-X18C1 5B- Kairi KXHH-TUNF-E944E RY4Z-G60H-M103C KYCW-BA3F-CA82U 63- Missing You 4XDU-201Z-EAEHV YC4P-98TX-12RKD 3JK0-W9WE-42AQF 92- Roxas 9XN9-9C44-07TFW N251-VC5Y-YYE87 BEWW-3JQJ-M3URE 58- Sora QB58-0VAQ-9J16T VGYM-JTZ5-TV04U 8BF9-4WBE-TDX4K 34- The Afternoon Streets (Sora's Twilight Town) Q85P-130E-XZRN3 0KD8-6GWF-P2HC7 0C7M-T2XX-CXHQW 35- Working Together (Sora's Twilight Town battle) 7FVU-Y7ZN-HNAMQ NTTU-E0HV-HJ68H M9MM-WCTN-FK7CT 98- Reviving Hollow Bastion X0YZ-ZYEB-B46YJ WQWK-VD87-YWN2T 8AA9-AYG9-14U02 99- Scherzo Di Notte (Hollow Bastion battle)73- Desire For All That is Lost P09Z-Y1DM-5AZJ4 B1TE-ZGXX-7N91P X1YY-Z3AN-4N9BH 74- The Home of Dragons 8DWP-FBBG-2FA1Z 29NG-G1K0-5GHFN TPND-Q6BB-Z6BWP 70- Fields of Honor (The Land of Dragons battle) 7HPM-C96K-YBKZR 0JUB-62UB-KXJX0 180J-N0MM-KF5R0 6E- Apprehension N63F-CXUR-CQ5QV 9WER-R8TQ-YN2JF 3GME-GTYN-6J7MR 65- Waltz of the Diamond (Beast's Castle) 7CP1-29CR-HP4C5 7WV0-MZXE-NHHQE 94M4-ZXF6-2G0HK 68- Dance of the Darling (Beast's Castle battle) ED6G-50TF-XP6VU V8B6-RYMB-799ZE 9A9C-EDPH-XEE1M 75- Rowdy Rumble 2XN6-RBYN-2G6FH WUT0-2JYQ-TXT5A 2773-XJ0D-MQTYG A3- Hesitation WE2B-33RV-24NWA HA0N-EQEX-JDHA3 AGJY-G6XV-FXPUR 67- Olympus Coliseum KPH3-VN8F-B8BE0 CH8N-YZRK-HVTW9 JY0G-9QQ0-UQ00V 64- The Underworld 6HE0-XGHT-AXJVP 1K03-2NCU-GMXA3 GN7R-EC7H-YZD3P 66- What Lies Beneath (Underworld battle) UH43-KBRF-EAZGD J47R-NYBD-X5C2J 4DXX-Z3X1-JF31T 5D- Villians of a Sort 98UK-H6ZF-DHQJP YJ4V-DP6J-3EVPZ JNRG-NKKY-DCA5F 79- Dance to the Death JER3-592U-2VTW3 DKQW-3HY7-7WXZ4 JJ88-RCYE-0UE7Y 71- Swim This Way CXCG-AGMC-5TG7W N8GH-7EHX-7H23K XGQA-4URC-53HYE 6C- Part of Your World 3BZB-BZVZ-BX2U8 MMDU-JFMB-KDN5X BC8Q-D6NE-GX4VG 6B- Ursula's Revenge XCRC-4D2E-34FPR 35MD-5NJM-M53HR TZNE-RHN0-DCTNM 6D- A New Day is Dawning BZ4C-VU77-C30JC QT10-1KDH-QD5AJ X1XT-UVYP-5NBPN 38- Nights of the Cursed (Port Royal) HC0M-4JHF-0J14W ZFT0-W3PN-MN458 CVAU-JHW0-G7E0E 39- He's a Pirate (Port Royal battle) KMER-N8G4-27RDB AF42-D4JM-XHT0B P6A1-BBDK-2BQG1 7F- A Day in Agrabah R558-93CM-HP00M 3DD2-E19G-BP62D 4CPE-7FQ4-2NYJP 80- Arabian Dream (Agrabah battle) 3ZR5-D9R8-U0PJ2 Y13X-9BM6-QN4FF 6VAR-2YEV-JXHD4 55- Byte Bashing (Space Paranoids battle) NF20-PBG2-VH49N PWV8-U62U-PKYCM 26R6-14BE-K8CGV 91- Showdown At Hollow Basion E57B-KXPN-AT5ER YYHJ-H8W3-84XHF ZRRF-G9GM-9RP5F 36- Sacred Moon (The World that Never Was) QXDV-UXEQ-9R5YN FDEA-C2QB-R8ZR9 K4YP-7TNC-YFZJD 37- Deep Drive (The World that Never Was battle) 71Y9-QP9N-HBA0D MQN6-F7JM-3WR3E FBH0-AJC2-9B73X 59- Reunion XQE5-QGQE-6GXG7 9QNT-2YVN-H2BRR WYN1-6N2A-1UDDU 5A- Riku J3FF-EGFR-HR86G MB6V-8V9Y-1AX23 FBFQ-H9Q5-AU00Y BC- One-Winged Angel (Sephiroth battle) PM62-XH9A-UKGMZ 8CQF-3BGH-2DEH5 1DQF-APHZ-96VB7 When you put two songs together that don't make a transition (basically, anything that's not normal music and that same world's corresponding battle music. An example would be "Lazy Afternoons" and "Sinister Sundown," because they are the normal music and battle music of Roxas' Twilight Town), there will often be no music playing, particularly when there is an opportunity for normal battle. This is because the game does not know how to make a transition between these two songs when switching from normal music to battle music. The normal music will still play in scripted battles, boss battles and the Gummi World Map. Shortcut Modifier Spoiler Code: O 10341360 0000???? [U]/\[/U] 10341362 0000???? [] 10341364 0000???? X 10341366 0000???? ???? - Effect 0001 - Attack 0002 - Magic 0003 - Items 0004 - Drive 0005 - Revert 0006 - Valor Form 0007 - Wisdom Form 000A - Talk 000B - Master Form 000C - Final Form 000D - Anti-Form 000E - Examine 0014 - Hi-Potion 0015 - Ether 0016 - Elixir 0017 - Potion 0018 - Reversal 0019 - Full Swing 001A - Tackle 001B - Snag 001C - Sparkle Ray 001E - Examine 001F - Talk 0020 - Open 0021 - Ride the wind 0022 - Cyclone 0023 - Guard 0024 - Kickback 0025 - Full swing 0026 - Evade 0029 - Dog paddle 002A - Sora 002B - Donald 002C - goofy 0031 - Firaga 0032 - Thundaga 0033 - Blizzaga 0034 - Curaga 0035 - Push 0037 - Save 0038 - Mickey 0039 - Roxas 003A - Auron 003B - Ping 003C - Mulan 003F - Beast 0040 - Jack 0041 - Simba 0042 - Tron 0044 - Waken 0046 - Bump 0047 - Meteor Spike 0048 - Summon (Makes sora summon nothing XD) 004A - Twin howl 004B - Stalwart Fang 004C - Outcry 004D - Slide 004E - Vertigo Toss 004F - Let go 0050 - Hang on 0051 - Bushido 0052 - Limit 0053 - Banishing Blade 0054 - Shooting star 0055 - Spiral 0058 - Stich 0059 - Genie 005B - Connect 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Auron 005F - Ping 0060 - Mulan 0062 - Jack 0063 - Beast 0064 - Jack 0065 - Simba 0066 - Tron 0069 - Bat cry 006A - Lance Tug 006F - Warp 0070 - Learn 0071 - Jump 0072 - Aladin 0073 - Aladin 0075 - Outcry 0076 - Stalwart Fang 0077 - Firega 0078 - Firega (Possible no sound?) 0079 - Blizzaga 007A - Blizzaga 007B - Thundaga 007C - Thundaga 007D - Curaga 007E - Curaga 0080 - Shooting Star 0081 - Banishing Blade 008B - Red Rocket 008C - Flametongue 008D - Heat Lance 008E - Red Meteor 008F - Wake up! 0091 - Depart 0092 - Get up! 0093 - Charge 0094 - Step Vault 0095 - Slingshot 0096 - Catch 0097 - Pendulum Round 0098 - Release 009A - Question 009B - Interrogate 009E - Examine the book 00AD - Release 00AE - Magnerga 00B1 - Reflega 00B4 - Riku 00BF - Ask for Help 00C0 - Approach 00C1 - Persuade 00C4 - Shop 00D5 - Synthasise *crash* 00D6 - Ask About Missions *crash* 00D7 - Report 00D8 - Hang on 00DA - Help Her up 00DF - Punish (Eh?! O_o) 00F1 - Go to the tournament 00F2 - Mega Potion (Crashes if you use to much XD) 00F3 - Mega-Ether (Unlimited supply) 00F4 - Megalixer 00F5 - Charge 00F7 - Approach 00F8 - Tinker With it 00F9 - Greet 00FB - Rescue 00Fc - Ask for the Bottle 00FD - Finish 00FF - Whirli-Goof 0100 - Whirli-Goofra 0101 - Whirli-Goofga 0102 - Examine 0104 - Translate 0105 - Move 0106 - Go to the Rescue 0107 - Translate 0108 - Access Computer 010A - Examine the wall 010C - Learn 010D - Speed Trap 010E - Press 010F - Takedown 0110 - Access Computer 0111 - Launch 0112 - Grab on 0113 - Hang on 0114 - Hit 0115 - Fore! 0116 - Move Center 0118 - Comet 0119 - Comet Rain 011A - Comet 011B - Whirli-Goof 011C - Access Computer 011D - Aero Blade 011E - Warp Snipe 011F - Warp Snipe 0120 - Buy Tickets 0121 - Touch the Light 0122 - Learn the rules 0123 - Approach 0124 - Examine the Table 0125 - Listen to the story 0126 - Approach 0127 - Touch the Beam 0128 - Enter Password 0129 - Key Counter 012A - Lunarsault 012B - Break Raid 012C - Rising Sun 012D - Duel Stance 012E - The end 012F - Fail-Safe 0130 - Scapegoat 0131 - Jump! 0132 - Peter Pan 0133 - Pinball 0134 - Air Twister 0135 - Quick Blade 0136 - Tornado Ride 0137 - Dodge Roll 0138 - Stop Dice 0139 - O 013A - Root Ravager 013B - Aura Guard 013C - Dismiss 013D - Open the Door 013E - Clear Shot 013F - '-' (Jump) 0140 - Big Ben (WTF?!) 0141 - Air twister 0142 - X 0143 - Begin Game 0144 - O 0145 - X 0146 - Release 0147 - Hop on 0148 - Shift Shot 0149 - Heal Stomp 014A - Get Off 014B - Wind dance 014D - High Climb 014E - Needle Dive 014F - Pegasus Run 0150 - Juggle Parry 0151 - Overhand 0152 - Knocksmash 0154 - Duo Raid 0155 - Cosmo Boost 0156 - Attack (Does nothing) 0157 - High CLimb 0158 - Duck Flare 0159 - Reversal 015A - Phil One-Two 015B - Rocket Flare 015C - Megaduck Flare 015F - Speedster 0160 - Quickplay 0162 - Trickster 0163 - Return Fire 0165 - Bluff 0166 - Slasher 0167 - JackKnife 0168 - Final Trap 0169 - Backshuffle 016A - Rockshatter 016B - Stomp Bomb 016C - Air Slash 016D - Shoot (Acts like a 3 Hit Combo Master) 016E - Leap 016F - Dispel 0170 - Rodeo 0171 - Grand Cross 0172 - Rapid Blow 0173 - Capture 0174 - Rapid Blow 0175 - Musical 0176 - Rockshatter 0178 - Wildcat 0179 - High Fang 017A - X-Claw 017B - Proud Roar 017C - Bolt Reversal 017D - Faith 017E - Report 017F - Apply for work 0180 - Listen To the Story 0181 - Investigate 0185 - Set the Jewel! 0186 - Go, Abu! 0187 - Call Over 0188 - Land 0189 - Reverse Blade 018A - Stop 018D - Wild Dance 018E - Spin 0195 - Dance Call 0196 - Synchronization 0197 - Downbeat 0198 - Finale 019F - Setup 01A0 - Cluster Code 01A1 - Burst Pulse 01A2 - Reprogram 01A4 - Urninator (Eh?!) 01AB - Rising Run 01AC - Forwad March! 01AD - Company Halt! 01AE - Settle Down 01AF - Cannon Bomb 01B0 - Reversal 01B1 - Swing 01B2 - Release 01B3 - Zone Guard 01B4 - Disk Strike 01B6 - Jump 01B7 - Jump on 01B8 - Delete 01B9 - Cancel 01BA - Clear Light 01BB - Replace 01BC - Burst Edge 01BD - Ghost Ride 01BE - Hinder 01BF - Chicken Little 01C0 - Post 01C3 - Deliver 01C4 - Pearl 01C5 - Synthesize 01C7 - D-Charge 01C8 - HEaling light 01C9 - D-Charge 01CD - Save 01CE - High Counter 01CF - Aura Sphere 01D0 - Charge 01D3 - Enter Tournament 01D4 - Never Land 01D5 - My shadow! 01D6 - The Flying Boy 01D7 - Tiny Fairy 01D8 - Wendy 01D9 - Anti-Sora 01DA - Believe! 01DB - Old Rival 01DC - Victory 01DD - The Clocktower 01DE - Present 01DF - Journey's End 01E0 - Full Swing 01E1 - Berserk 01E3 - Run Through 01E4 - Trinity 01E5 - Break 01E6 - Ultima 01E7 - Major Drive 01E8 - Begin Combo 01EA - Overtaker 01EB - Break 01EC - Warp Snipe 01ED - Berserk 01EE - Recovery Run 01EF - Leap 01F0 - Grab 01F1 - Rescue 01F2 - Grab 01F3 - Arm-in-Arm 01F4 - Piggyback 01F5 - About-Face 01F6 - Show Stealer 01F7 - Fend 01F8 - Wild Dance 01F9 - Firagun 01FA - Blizzagun 01FB - Jump On 01FC - Jump 01FD - Heelflip 01FE - Pop-Jump 01FF - Crash 0200 - 360*Spin 0201 - Method Grab 0202 - Air walk 0203 - Handstand 0207 - Ohana! 0208 - Leap 0209 - Stop 020A - Leap 020B - Grind 020C - Counter 020D - Shoot 020E - Ukulele 020F - Blast 0210 - Eclipse 0211 - FPS Mode 0212 - Balls 0213 - Firecracker 0214 - End 0215 - Full Swing 0216 - Jump 0217 - "Valor" Genie 0218 - "Wisdom" Genie 0219 - "Master" Genie 021A - "Final" Genie 021B - Ukelele 021C - Blast 021D - Beserk 021E - Sonic 021F - Rave 0220 - Strike 0221 - Judgement 0222 - Arcana 0223 - Bash 0224 - Infinity 0225 - Impact 0226 - Valor 0227 - Wisdom 0228 - Master 0229 - Final 022A - Elixer 022C - Pick It Up 022E - Take It 022F - Capture 0230 - Inside Combo 0231 - Facedown 0232 - Clash 0233 - Break Through 0234 - Finish 0235 - Bounce 0239 - Session 023A - Last Saber 023B - Dark Cannon 023C - XIII Blades 023D - Master Hearts 023E - All's End 023F - Call Over 0240 - Move Left 0241 - Move Right 0242 - Wee Tornado 0243 - Giant Tornado 0244 - Sonic Dive 0245 - Twin Counter 024A - Magna Storm 024E - X 024F - O 0256 - Begin Game 0254 - Approach 0255 - Warp Snipe 0256 - Warp Snip 0259 - Loot Launch 025A - Vault 025B - Kickspring 025C - Examine [Makes Sora turn right... o_O] 025D - Drive? [... That ? mark is there.] 0262 - Dark Aura 0263 - Dark Shield 0264 - Stunt Dodge 0265 - Hit 026C - Trinity 026D - Break 026E - Shop [Makes the HUD disappear and crashes the game] 026F - Jump on 0270 - Flip 0271 - Slicer 0272 - Escablade 0273 - Sky Scraper 0275 - Capsule Prize 0276 - Rare Capsule 0277 - Limited Capsule 0278 - Prime Capsule 027B - Reversal 027C - Sky Scraper 027F - Read the Book 0280 - Roll Up 0281 - Spin Burst 0282 - Talk [Crash] 0283 - Proceed 0284 - Fend 0285 - Riding Shot 0286 - Meteor Rain 0287 - Jump 0288 - Release 0289 - Learn 028A - Reflect 028C - Attack 028D - Dark Aura 028E - Rescue [Riku's RC from the Last Battle] 028F - Megalaser 0290 - Touch It 0292 - Eclipse 0293 - Magna Storm 0294 - Fend 0295 - Firagun 0296 - Blizzagun 0297 - Bolt Reversal 0298 - Block Reaction Command Modifier (use the same digits as Shortcut Mod) Press R2 to make whatever reaction you want to appear E003FDFF 0035BA5C 21C892D4 00000000 21C892D8 ????0000 21C892DC 00010001 Status Modifier Spoiler Code: The following Enable Code must be used in conjunction with the Status Modifier in order for it to work. Replace the "X" and "Y" values with the same digits you used for the Status Modifier. This Enable Code is not a replacement for the Mastercode posted at the top of the page, they both must be active. Enable Code 200F9014 240100XX 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F00YY x's Status / Move Palette is y's Status 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 240100xx 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F00yy 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 01 - Sora 02 - Donald 03 - Goofy 04 - Mickey 05 - Auron 06 - Mulan 07 - Aladdin 08 - Jack Skellington 09 - Beast 0A - Jack Sparrow 0B - Simba 0D - Riku 0E - Roxas 0F - Ping Miscellaneous Code: All Worlds Open FR2U-0WKT-UBC04 Z38G-W4KN-9VMT0 YHBV-B4DW-ZR68G WAT1-A37E-P02KX HPZ1-EGJ5-U5FWT BHZ6-76XW-0RUKX PYM9-WUX4-DMWF9 202C6AE0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0102 200FFF40 35CE0102 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B1AB9 Joker Spoiler Code: This is a tutorial for Jokering codes (this only works for codes in RAW format). A Joker is a code that can be triggered by pressing a button on the controller while entering a new area. This way, you do not need to have the code active constantly. Joker Address E0[COLOR=red]XX[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]YYYY[/COLOR] 0035BA5C [COLOR=yellow]????????? ?????????[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]XX[/COLOR] The number of lines you want jokered [COLOR=blue]YYYY[/COLOR] The joker value (use the YYYY digits posted below) The [COLOR=yellow]?[/COLOR]'s represent the code you want jokered The following digits determine which button(s) the code will be assigned to: [code] YYYY Digits: F7FF - R1 FBFF - L1 FDFF - R2 FEFF - L2 F3FF - R1+L1 F5FF - R1+R2 F6FF - R1+L2 F9FF - L1+R2 FAFF - L1+L2 FCFF - R2+L2 F7FD - L3+R1 FBFD - L3+L1 FDFD - L3+R2 FEFD - L3+L2 7FFD - L3+Square DFFD - L3+Circle 77FF - R1+Square D7FF - R1+Circle 7BFF - L1+Square DBFF - L1+Circle 7DFF - R2+Square DDFF - R2+Circle 7EFF - L2+Square DEFF - L2+Circle So to joker the following (fake) code: 1030456D 00003125 1030456F 00000063 to the R1 button, you would do this: E002F7FF 0035BA5C 1030456D 00003125 1030456F 00000063 02 is there because you want the next 2 lines of code jokered F7FF is the joker value for the R1 button [/code] 1st slot character alone 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 7NAG-XJQM-6RF9N 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F All Drive Forms Unlocked (Press R2) 3D0T-DNPG-EM5J1 7XW7-NHHK-CUG1V 5VUV-CDHW-P20VU 6BJ6-X31T-X44P0 2UYK-BDX3-630CT 1EE0-BQKX-47M10 AM8P-6A2T-M1XN6 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 6Y05-40P9-6JVHY Party Mod MM= Main Character DD= 2nd Character NN= 3rd Character WW= 4th Character 00= Roxas/Sora 01= Donald 02= Goofy 03= World Character 04= Valor Sora/ Double Keybladed Roxas 05= Wisdom Sora 06= Master Sora 07= Final Sora 08= Anti Sora 09= Mickey 10= Empty Slot 11= Something wierd, it's different in every world This is to have the same in every world 4034119C 00130001 WWNNDDMM 00000000 Specific World Party Mod 2034119C NNDDWWMM= Nothing 203411A0 NNDDWWMM= Nothing 203411A4 NNDDWWMM= Twilight Town 203411A8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything 203411AC NNDDWWMM = Hollow Bastion 203411B0 NNDDWWMM = Beasts Castle 203411B4 NNDDWWMM = Olympus Coliseum 203411B8 NNDDWWMM = Agrabah 203411BC NNDDWWMM = The Land of Dragons 203411C0 NNDDWWMM = 100 Acre Wood 203411C4 NNDDWWMM = Pride Lands 203411C8 NNDDWWMM = Atlantica 203411CC NNDDWWMM = Disney Castle 203411D0 NNDDWWMM = Timeless River 203411D4 NNDDWWMM = Halloween Town 203411D8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything 203411DC NNDDWWMM = Port Royal 203411E0 NNDDWWMM = Space Paranoids 203411E4 NNDDWWMM = The World that Never Was Drive Mod 0034118C 000000?? 00= Normal 01= Valor 02= Wisdom 03= Master 04= Final Form 05= Anti 06= Mickey Summon Mod 0034118D 0000000? 0= Normal? 1= Chicken Little 2= Genie 3= Stitch 4= Peter Pan Meter Mod hacked by Mutuki ported by me Full Meter (like the Berserk Meter during Saix fight) 201CFDE8 1000001F Empty meter 201CFDE8 0200202D off joker 201CFDE8 45000013 AND one last one for now No MP Charge 201A0660 10000006 i present the lost codes that khkid1212 (now goes by the name Carey) hacked a while ago and ported, please tell me if any of them don't work. almost all of them use the same exact digits "Cool Drive" [D] 2037B830 ???????? Game Speed Mod (needs testing) 203795E4 ???????? More Color to Special Effects [D] 2037D31C 40000000 Menu Boot Speed Mod 2037F8C8 ???????? More Electricity/Effects on Drives (Lower Value, More Effects.) 2037EF9C ???????? No Model Colors [D] 2037B2F4 40000000 Glide Speed Mod 2037C254 ???????? Animation Distance Mod 2037CC00 ???????? Invisible Enemies [D] 2037BBEC 40000000 Boss Speed Mod 2037A9E8 ???????? Model Size Mod 2037A600 ???????? Width Mod 20378E88 ???????? Height Mod 20379050 ???????? HUD Display Mod 2037919C ???????? No Subtitles During Cutscenes 2037BA60 ???????? Special Effects Width Mod 2037EF40 ???????? Cutscene Camera Mod (controls where the point of view is) 203792DC ???????? Command Menu Mod (not sure what this does, needs testing) 20379268 ???????? RC Bar Mod 20379260 ???????? L-Analog Stick Speed Mod 203792DC ???????? Enemies/Bosses/NPCs Full Model 2037B330 40000000 [D] Text Size (Loading Screen) Mod 2037B2CC ???????? Text Size (HUD) 2037B2C8 ???????? Magic Level Mod (needs testing) 201A4D48 2402000x 201A4D4C a1cb2524 1 = Level 1 Spells 2 = Level 2 Spells 3 = Level 3 Spells "Levitation" / Falling Mod (Needs to be Jokered) 2037A984 ???????? Values 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 3F800000 (Usally Default) 40000000 40800000 41000000 00000000- Lowest or eliminates something KH1 Sora can use Reaction Commands 01CD332F 00000001 Movie Mode (Press and Hold R2) E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2037919C 00000000 2037B2C8 00000000 Roxas and DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (Press and Hold R2 as you are leaving the map) E003FDFF 0035BA5C 21CFC66C 003F00AC 01CB9E2F 00000001 01CC3D2F 00000001 Infinite Jump 20190994 00000000 Infinite Time (for all timers) 7BV6-7PNR-6019Q 2RU5-AH79-9J118 APVQ-5YMQ-G92ER Play as Saïx E005FDFF 0035BA5C - R2 11CFAC7E 000006C9 209D4058 00F873D8 209D4068 00FD0840 20A30058 01021C10 20A30068 01021C10 E01BFEFF 0035BA5C - L2 20A9C938 011BC140 20A9FAB8 011BC140 20A9C9B8 011D3AA0 20A9CAF8 011E04E0 20A9CB38 011EE050 20A9CB78 011FD060 20A9CBB8 0120B140 20A9CBF8 012199F0 20A9CC38 01224240 20A9CC78 0122F0F0 20A9CCB8 012384C0 20A9D278 011A2A60 20A9CCF8 01248450 20A9CD38 01251DD0 20A9EE18 013CEDE0 20A9EE58 013CEDE0 20A9EE98 013CEDE0 20A9F0D8 013CEDE0 20A9F118 013CEDE0 20A9F158 013CEDE0 20A9F398 013E6430 20A9D658 01402D90 20A9D718 01262FC0 20A9D7D8 01416260 20A9FB38 011B0D10 20A9FB78 011B0D10 20A9C978 011C8640 Play as Leon E003FDFF 0035BA5C - R2 11CFAC7E 000008F8 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00EC21C0 E012FEFF 0035BA5C - L2 209DA2F8 01034FD0 209DA338 0103D5D0 209DA378 010464C0 209DA3B8 0104F450 209DAA78 0101D0C0 209DD3B8 0102C840 209DD3F8 0102C840 209DD438 0102C840 209DD478 0101D0C0 209DC618 01084920 209DC658 01084920 209DC698 01084920 209DC8D8 01084920 209DC918 01084920 209DC958 01084920 209DCB98 01078EE0 209DAE58 010954F0 209DAF18 010A2A30 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2. REMINDER: No matter how flawless codes are like these. DO NOT SAVE with ANY codes on. It WILL in someway screw up your file. Press R2 To Learn All Abilities (Sora/Roxas) E01CFDFF 0035BA5C 20340414 0052809E 20340418 0186008A 2034041C 81938191 20340420 810D8108 20340424 81888089 20340428 81078111 2034042C 819B810E 20340430 018580C6 20340434 81928106 20340438 81988110 2034043C 810A818D 20340440 8195818D 20340444 81900181 20340448 818C8109 2034044C 818F8187 20340450 006D0069 20340454 810C8197 20340458 00A2018A 2034045C 81A00184 20340460 819A8189 20340464 018B819E 20340468 819F8196 2034046C 019D019C 20340470 00A300A3 20340474 00A20061 20340478 01820183 2034047C 010B0065 10340480 00000194 Press R2 To Learn All Abilities (Sora/Roxas) KQ8V-PB2Y-5ACXN 7XW7-NHHK-CUG1V 0BZ0-X1PT-KAX06 NAHX-MNNQ-VUC5Q BJ5C-ACUJ-FUD0Q XJDT-3GMV-5BC99 H0UY-YE3R-2ENY1 UU7D-FQR4-08VXH Z08K-PTPE-N89FB W1KM-9UJP-UV1PC VGP1-PH56-4U2EQ 0CTN-M5HX-U1NBX UTMD-HHEG-DNKDZ D93D-PNYP-BUZJM VF8C-Y507-YFNJZ VVNC-5Y0G-FWK8E YH2K-B81G-VYN2V 8W22-9HWH-4MYQY 26FU-G228-PK6PP 3M1K-53N6-5P2H1 AN3H-H4CD-2RMHY MZKC-1AUV-EZQY0 CYT3-NTAF-H1H90 20VH-2A4G-09MWN QH9J-QTF8-GAGX6 43Z6-XG94-H0RRH VNPY-KB0Y-H5BBF 5A4Z-M38V-X26JM NFBE-660C-1HW0T EU82-AAGJ-Y52XF 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 UPDATE: Play As Codes Code: Play as Cloud E005FDFF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7E 000008F9 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00EBFAC0 2096D858 00F0C110 2037B300 00000000 E00EFEFF 0035BA5C 209DD3B8 0107F7A0 209DD3F8 0107F7A0 209DD438 0107F7A0 209DD478 00FAD5E0 209DA2F8 00FB5F70 209DA338 00FB5F70 209DA378 00FC27E0 209DA3B8 00FC27E0 209DAE58 0101E760 209DAF18 0103C830 209DAFD8 0104A2E0 209DAED8 0108CF40 209DAF98 010AFED0 209DB058 00FCFC70 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2. Play as Sephiroth E005FDFF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7E 000008B6 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00ECF140 2096D858 00F46910 2037B300 00000000 E022FEFF 0035BA5C 209DA138 01198690 209DD2B8 01198690 209DA1B8 011B0BE0 209DD338 01238B90 209DD378 01242DD0 209DD3B8 01238B90 209DD3F8 01238B90 209DD438 01238B90 209DD478 0117E8C0 209DA2F8 011BB940 209DA338 011C80D0 209DA378 011D5C00 209DA3B8 011E4990 209DA3F8 011F2BD0 209DA438 011FDAB0 209DA478 0120B680 209DA4B8 012155F0 209DA4F8 01221D10 209DA538 0122BA90 209DC618 01251DF0 209DC658 01251DF0 209DC698 01251DF0 209DC8D8 01251DF0 209DC918 01251DF0 209DC958 01251DF0 209DCB98 012971A0 209DCD98 01284FB0 209DCDD8 01284FB0 209DD018 01284FB0 209DD058 01284FB0 209DCB58 0127A780 209DAE58 012A7520 209DAF18 012BBB20 209DAFD8 012F9FB0 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2. Sephiroth Dosen't Attack 2117E2E8 0117E8C0 2117E568 0117E8C0 2117E578 0117E8C0 2117E588 0117E8C0 2117E598 0117E8C0 2117E5A8 0117E8C0 2117E5B8 0117E8C0 2117E5C8 0117E8C0 2117E5D8 0117E8C0 Play as Axel E005FDFF 0035BA5C - R2 11CFAC7E 00000051 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00ECB540 2096D858 00F19930 2037B300 00000000 E020FEFF 0035BA5C - L2 209DA1B8 0111B0C0 209DA2F8 011242D0 209DA338 0112E5C0 209DA378 0113A0A0 209DA3B8 011440D0 209DA3F8 0114E790 209DA438 01157650 209DA478 01160C50 209DA4B8 01169060 209DA4F8 01177060 209DA538 0117F000 209DAA78 010FA8D0 209DC618 011F4190 209DC658 011F4190 209DC698 011F4190 209DC8D8 011F4190 209DC918 011F4190 209DC958 011F4190 209DCB98 01218160 209DCD98 01277720 209DCDD8 01277720 209DD018 01277720 209DD058 01277720 209DD338 01269190 209DD378 01277720 209DAE58 0122A280 209DAF18 012881B0 209DAFD8 01293D00 209DD3B8 0120F280 209DD3F8 0120F280 209DD438 0120F280 209DD478 010FA8D0 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2. Play as Tifa E005FDFF 0035BA5C - R2 11CFAC7E 000008FA 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00EB3940 2096D858 00EF4110 2037B300 00000000 E00EFEFF 0035BA5C - L2 209DA2F8 01029F90 209DA338 01029F90 209DA378 01032BE0 209DA3B8 01032BE0 209DC618 01058720 209DC658 01058720 209DC698 01058720 209DC8D8 01058720 209DC918 01058720 209DC958 01058720 209DCB98 01064460 209DAE58 01084DF0 209DAF18 010A6FF0 209DAFD8 0103B720 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2. All Keyblades 98x 00341209 00000062 1034120A 00006262 1034120C 00006262 003412E3 00000062 003412E4 00000062 003412E7 00000062 403412E8 00040001 62626262 00000000 All Shields 98x 00341211 00000062 10341212 00006262 1034124E 00006262 20341250 62626262 10341254 00006262 00341256 00000062 003412E6 00000062 003412FB 00000062 All Staffs 98x 0034122B 00000062 00341257 00000062 20341258 62626262 2034125C 62626262 00341262 00000062 003412E5 00000062 003412FA 00000062 Use this program to convert codes from one device to another: MaxConvert Game ID: 09C9 Link to the old thread: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=1076 Codes that still need porting # Command Menu Mod (kind of useless, you aren't able to use e.g. Mickey's attacks still) # Model Modifier (I personally hate this, texture mod would be so much better) # Universal Room Modifier # Universal Weapon Modifier # Levitation
All Items GG4Q-009C-5P3A6 BZJM-W6EV-HQJ14 W65R-CQPZ-KM0U1 P22D-G05T-M5R1P 8NY3-RYK5-1EDGW C9QT-8M55-YTBN4 0036-KABN-3YXF8 203411E8 62626262 103411EC 00006262 003411EE 00000062 00341249 00000062 203412CC 62626262 103412D0 00006262
Drive w/o Party Members (Use in conjunction with the code below) 31R6-DXZP-18PV1 R30Z-ZZU2-26UG3 201C7A58 0000102D Party Members don't Disappear when using Drive (Use in conjunction with the code above) X11D-RP5A-0MVHA 47K7-5FC4-R78PX 201C7988 0000102D Nine Drive Bars 234V-W6TC-AUD82 ZHCD-A462-08U3X 201578E0 A1CD01B1 Infinite Drive HQWH-YCUE-CDFXF P8QC-H7UB-QE702 201A04CC 00000000 All Drive Forms Unlocked (Press R2) 3D0T-DNPG-EM5J1 7XW7-NHHK-CUG1V 5VUV-CDHW-P20VU 6BJ6-X31T-X44P0 2UYK-BDX3-630CT 1EE0-BQKX-47M10 AM8P-6A2T-M1XN6 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 6Y05-40P9-6JVHY E005FDFF 0035BA5C 20341328 FFFFFFFF 2034132C FFFFFFFF 20341330 FFFFFFFF 10341024 00000180 10341074 00000180 1034109C 00000180 Slow Form Consumption 6AJE-M118-G6B1U GBVR-2Y27-R18D3 9RYT-EAPW-379RP R54G-WUFA-03KR8 20341194 47C35000 20341198 47C35000 21CFD2EC 47C35000 Quick Level Up WMBG-TY26-4RYKD ZXKM-K95N-B29CV 201D4178 25EF0033 Drive Forms Level Up to 7 After One Hit R6BF-3X1D-H5QKV 3CGX-FGMG-9YCV4 NZ2U-NZXT-ZQGV2 201D417C 3C0F0007 201D3F8C 240F0007
Quick Level Up-All Characters 00V3-EDAB-2VUG3 WCQR-QFU1-0TGKH 20341348 0098967F Level 99-All Characters EAF0-WA4N-1CQ01 B78Q-A7XQ-ZWEV7 003403CF 00000063 [U]Roxas/Sora[/U] [code] Max HP 5KPH-0VA2-H8A4N R6RP-BDFT-PPJQQ 003403C5 000000FF Max MP XUTW-XMQA-BE8G8 AZ3H-KQEP-40RCP 003403C7 000000FF Max AP Z9RV-D97G-R2WJ5 8ZGP-J0YZ-CDP1C 003403C8 000000FF Max Strength F0HU-58NW-7R3GY 081H-73MP-47B8Q 003403C9 000000FF Max Magic NRM5-5UG0-EEX38 XRWN-GDY1-GAK9Z 003403CA 000000FF Max Defense 8AQM-KHY4-MDDT5 71XE-ZPU9-TUFUN 003403CB 000000FF
Max HP 70VP-NGMQ-YGU4N TQU3-29AF-96TJY 003404B9 000000FF Max MP FTJ1-JNGZ-ZEXTJ FMX8-DVFE-DCTBF 003404BB 000000FF Max AP 93H7-N97P-16KYX D7JK-AJ7D-X55BH 003404BC 000000FF Max Strength EHDP-UAGJ-MU4JZ MJWU-MXX3-4ABHY 003404BD 000000FF Max Magic CT9V-4RB0-6JEHY DKJY-XA4T-C21KW 003404BE 000000FF Max Defense 1JJ5-TCQ4-6REM6 1HZ0-CPGB-P0HD8 003404BF 000000FF
Max HP UUGF-9AXA-CMKHC 8VJ0-Z4FT-TA4JM 003405AD 000000FF Max MP 1YQ5-ECCP-072UX 0ATZ-TK3C-XD073 003405AF 000000FF Max AP TEZV-8ZYG-86RN9 ZZV9-37A9-AYGYM 003405B0 000000FF Max Strength MUZY-DT2X-B0UJ1 7YHP-XT36-W851A 003405B1 000000FF Max Magic 59TA-PAP5-BFM12 MFB8-ET06-HPC6P 003405B2 000000FF Max Defense A5BT-XPGQ-TTXVH 0MDN-T875-8A74X 003405B3 000000FF
Max HP Q6MH-NR08-1R57M 7M9F-3BGF-UR31B 003406A1 000000FF Max MP 64BC-C137-BK8Y2 MKKF-MAC8-8AK38 003406A3 000000FF Max AP 2N1K-NPG1-5XHE7 71EH-K56X-29MFT 003406A4 000000FF Max Strength W8EP-DDZ1-23JME EDA2-66YV-1RVA6 003406A5 000000FF Max Magic 04R3-Z8XE-Y398T F4T2-H3F1-7AH8X 003406A6 000000FF Max Defense ZK5J-1XVM-6T6HH 3PXZ-ZFP7-RB261 003406A7 000000FF
Battle LVL Default (Before 1000 Heartless Event) AY9N-GCUP-8F37X YF1T-JPYP-GE99V 2034138C 00140401 Battle LVL End Game (After 1000 Heartless event) PUGD-UFXQ-6BG4J PVT4-JAKA-EZKME 2034138C 0015FDF9 Battle LVL Deadly 4C8V-WFXB-H2X9D U9QR-ZVZP-0A047 2034138C 001FFFFF
3/4 Sora Fix (This allows you to use two playable characters simultaneously. They will run, attack, etc. in synchronicity.) TWCR-END3-QYE47 6T35-FYG3-EED07 201D4B30 00000000 Play as Riku (Riku cannot get hit, so if he T-stances, he can't recover from it. To avoid T-stancing, don't attack on ground nor use magic at all.) 0W9T-ZYHU-Z73NP RPW5-8DAG-WJ6F9 57VH-7V1Y-6QQ6W 176N-PTZR-XBN8N 2PG1-HKFZ-GQ6BF N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 11CFAC7C 00000819 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100
[U]Universal Characters[/U] Slots (1-4) Normal Slots [code] Character Slot 1 (Sora) 11CFAC7C 0000???? Character Slot 2 (Donald) 11CFAC7E 0000???? Character Slot 3 (Goofy) 11CFAC80 0000???? Character Slot 4 (Guest) 11CFAC82 0000????
Character Slot 5 (Valor-Form) 11CFAC84 0000???? Character Slot 6 (Wisdom Form) 11CFAC86 0000???? Character Slot 7 (Master-Form) 11CFAC88 0000???? Character Slot 8 (Final-Form) 11CFAC8A 0000???? Character Slot 9 (Anti-Form) 11CFAC8C 0000????
Character Slot 10 (King Mickey) 11CFAC8E 0000????
0054 - Sora 0055 - Sora (Valor-Form) 0056 - Sora (Wisdom Form) 0057 - Sora (Master-Form) 0168 - Sora on Carpet 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Beast 0061 - Simba 0062 - Aladdin 0063 - Mulan 0064 - Ping 0065 - Auron 0066 - Sparrow 02D4 – Tron 0819 - Riku
061C - Leon (Partner!) 06B0 - Yuffie (Partner!) 06B3 - Tifa (Partner!) 0688 - Cloud (Partner!) 016A - Hercules (Partner!) 04BB - Minnie (Partner!) 06C2 - Eeyore (Partner!) 06C3 - Tigger (Partner!) 06C4 - Piglet (Partner!) 06C5 - Roo (Partner!) 0764 - Mickey (without Coat) (Partner!) 04DC - Axel (Partner!)
06C8 - Chicken Little (Summon) 07F5 - Genie (Summon) 030A - Stitch (Summon) 045B - Peter Pan (Summon) 04F4 - Tinkerbell (Summon)
0001 - Fat Bandit (Enemy!) 0002 - Trick Ghost (Enemy!) 0003 - Rabid Dog (Enemy!) 0004 - Hook Bat (Enemy!) 0005 - Bookmaster (Enemy!) 0006 - Aeroplane (Enemy!) 0007 - Minute Bomb (Enemy!) 0008 - Hammer Frame (Enemy!) 0009 - Assault Rider (Enemy!) 000A - Nightwalker (Enemy!) 000B - Fortuneteller (Enemy!) 000C - Luna Knight (Enemy!) 000D - Hot Rod (Enemy!) 000E - Cannon Gun (Enemy!) 000F - Living Bone (without Shaman) (Enemy!) 0010 - Devastator (Enemy!) 0011 - Lance Soldier (Enemy!) 0012 - Mole Driller (Enemy!) 0013 - Shaman (Enemy!) 0014 - Aerial Knocker (Enemy!) 0047 - Silver Rock (Enemy!) 0048 - Emerald Blues (Enemy!) 0049 - Crimson Jazz (Enemy!) 004A - Air Pirate (Enemy!) 004B - Bulky Vendor (Enemy!) 004C - Fiery Globe (Enemy!) 004D - Icy Cube (Enemy!) 0077 - White Knight (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0078 - Neoshadow (Enemy!) 0079 - Magnum Loader (Enemy!) 007A - Morningstar (Enemy!) 007B - Tornado Step (Enemy!) 007C - Crescendo (Enemy!) 007D - Creeper Plant (Enemy!) 012D - Soldier (Enemy!) 012E - Shadow (Enemy!) 012F - Large Body (Enemy!) 0130 - Rapid Thruster (Enemy!) 0131 - Armored Knight (Enemy!) 0132 - Surveillance Robot (Enemy!) 0134 - Dragoon (Enemy!) 0135 - Assassin (Enemy!) 0136 - Samurai (Enemy!) 0137 - Sniper (Enemy!) 0138 - Dancer (Enemy!) 0139 - Berserker (Enemy!) 013A - Gambler (Enemy!) 013B - Sorcerer (Enemy!) 013C - Sorcerer v2 (Enemy!) 013D - Creeper (Enemy!) 013E - Dusk (Enemy!) 0158 - "Sparkle?" (Enemy!) 0159 - "White Fire" (Enemy!) 016F - Gargoyle Knight (Enemy!) 0170 - Gargoyle Warrior (Enemy!) 0453 - Undead Pirate A (Enemy!) 0454 - Undead Pirate B (Enemy!) 0455 - Undead Pirate C (Enemy!) 045A - Strafer (Enemy!) 0557 - Crowd of Rapid Thrusters (Enemy!) 0558 - Rapid Thruster (Enemy!) 05BC - Armored Knight (Enemy!) 0555 - Shadow (Enemy!) 0689 - Fiery Globe (Enemy!) 068A - Icy Cube (Enemy!) 0625 - Bees (Enemy!) 0627 - Bolt Tower (Enemy!) 0723 - Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0724 - Aeroplane (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0725 - Minute Bomb (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 06E0 - Fortuneteller (Enemy!) 06EE - Graveyard (Enemy!) 071D - Bolt Tower + Rapid Thruster (in Mass) (Enemy!) 0723 - Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0724 - Aeroplane (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0725 - Minute Bomb (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0726 - Hammer Frame (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0727 - Hot Rod (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0728 - Cannon Gun (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0729 - Mole Driller (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072A - Emerald Blues (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072B - Bookmaster (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 072C - Neoshadow (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072D - Creeper Plant (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072E - Soldier (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 072F - Soldier (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0730 - Shadow (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0731 - Shadow (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0732 - Shadow (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0733 - Rapid Thruster (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0735 - Armored Knight (Halloween Town) (Enemy!) 0737 - Surveillance Robot (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0739 - Soldier (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 073C - Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0760 - Crimson Jazz (Agrabah) (Enemy!) 0761 - Rapid Thruster (Agrabah) (Enemy!) 07E9 - Large Body (Timeless River) (Enemy!) 0833 - Scar’s Ghost (Enemy!) 089A - Nobody from Final Battle v1 (Enemy!) 08ED - Nobody from Final Battle v2 (Enemy!)
0133 - Twilight Thorn (Boss!) 04D7 - Hayner (Boss!) 0678 - Seifer (Boss!) 08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle) (Boss!) 082F - Setzer (Boss!) 0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger (Boss!) 0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2nd Battle ) (Boss!) 0015 - Shan-Yu (Boss!) 0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yu's Falcon) (Boss!) 0161 - Thresholder (Boss!) 02CE - Beast (Boss!) 0162 - Dark Thorn (Boss!) 0163 - Shadow Stalker (Boss!) 0284 - Shadow Stalker Chandelier (Boss!) 0285 - Shadow Stalker Pillars (Boss!) 015F - Cerberus (Boss!) 031B - Demyx (Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) (Boss!) 08F6 - Demyx's Water Clone (Boss!) 0160 - Hydra (Boss!) 039A - Hydra's Head (Boss!) 0167 - Pete (Timeless River) (Boss!) 0166 - Illuminator (Boss!) 03F7 - Barbossa (Boss!) 040B - Volcano Lord (Boss!) 040C - Blizzard Lord (Boss!) 05CE - Prison Keeper (Boss!) 007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!) 0299 - Shenzi (Boss!) 029A - Banzai (Boss!) 029B - Ed (Boss!) 029C - Scar (Boss!) 04B8 - The Hostile Program (Boss!) 08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) (Boss!) 063C - Riku (Boss!) 0165 - Storm Rider (Boss!) 03E5 - Xaldin (Boss!) 0812 - Hades (Boss!) 0639 - Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) (Boss!) 015C - Jafar (Boss!) 007F - Lock (Boss!) 0080 - Shock (Boss!) 0081 - Barrel (Boss!) 05D0 - The Experiment (Boss!) 0459 - Groundshaker (Boss!) 035E - Sark (Boss!) 03C4 - Sark (Large) (Boss!) 08F8 - Squall / Leon (Boss!) 08F9 - Cloud (Boss!) 08FA - Tifa (Boss!) 08FB - Yuffie (Boss!) 08B6 - Sephiroth (Boss!) 015D - Hades (1st and 2nd Battle) (Boss!) 015E - Hades (3rd Paradox Hades Cup Battle) (Boss!) 0622 - Xigbar (Boss!) 05F8 - Luxord (No HP-Bar) (Boss!) 05FF - "Luxord's Card" (Boss!) 06C9 - Saïx (Boss!) 06FA - Saïx's Claymore (Object) (Boss!) 0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle) (Boss!) 085C - Armored Xemnas
0239 - Save Point (with World Map Option) 023A - Save Point
4034119C 00130001 NNDDWWMM 00000000 NN = Slot 4 DD = Slot 3 WW = Slot 2 MM = Slot 1 (Main slot Sora/Micky) 00= Roxas/Sora 01= Donald 02= Goofy 03= World Character 04= Valor Sora/ Double Keybladed Roxas 05= Wisdom Sora 06= Master Sora 07= Final Sora 08= Anti Sora 09= Mickey 10= Empty Slot 11= Something wierd, it's different in every world
Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? YYYYYYYY Digits: 00303031 Normal Sora 5F303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form or world character model) ???????? Digits: 00000000 Sora 00004D4E Halloween Town Sora 00005254 Space Paranoids Sora 00004957 Timeless River Sora 464C5442 Valor 4647414D Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544C55 Final 464C5448 Anti Just replace the digits and you're done.
200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 240100XX [Note 1] 200F900C 142F00YY [Note 2] 200F9010 240F00ZZ [Note 3] 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 [Note 1] - The "XX" values. These digits signify what character you're modding. Like, if you're playing as Roxas, you'd set it to Roxas' value. Otherwise, the moveset doesn't change... 01= Sora 02= Donald 03= Goofy 04= Mickey 05= Auron 06= Mulan 07= Aladdin 08= Sparrow 09= Beast 0A= Jack 0B= Simba 0C= Tron 0D= Riku 0E= Roxas 0F= Ping [Note 2] - The "YY" values. This part of the code supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to "Sky" on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to "Normal" on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving. 02= Normal 01= Sky [Note 3] - The "ZZ" values. This part determines which character's moveset you will be using. (These values need re-testing. Someone help me here please. I beg ye. The first few work just fine, but once you get down to around where Riku was, you get BSODs with Music. =( ) 01= Sora 02= Valor 03= Wisdom 04= Master Form 05= Final Form 06= Anti Form 07= Lion Form 08= Mermaid Sora 09= Roxas 0A= Dual-Wield Roxas 0B= Hover Craft Riku ~ 0E= Roxas ~ 11= Donald ~ 14= Goofy ~ 17= Aladdin 18= Auron 19= Ping? 1A= Mulan? 1B= Tron 1C= King Mickey ** 1D= King Mickey *** 1E= King Mickey *** 1F= Beast 20= Jack Skellington 21= Simba 22= Sparrow 23= Riku **** 25= Tron Sora 26= Valor SP Sora 27= Wisdom SP Sora 28= Master SP Sora 29= Final SP Sora 30= Anti? 36= Light Cycle Sora 40= Hovercraft Riku 41= Final Riku So, if you wanted to have Normal Sora use Final Form's moves, you replace "XX" with Sora's digits (01), replace "YY" with the sky digits (01), and replace "ZZ" with final form's moveset digits (05). Your final product is: 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 [Note 1] 200F900C 142F0001 [Note 2] 200F9010 240F0005 [Note 3] 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400
Normal music, scripted battles, bosses and the Gummi World Map 1035539C 000000?? Normal Battles 103553AC 000000?? The ARMAX codes are converted so that the chosen song will play for everything (Normal music, normal battles, scripted battles, bosses and the Gummi World Map). 76- Lazy Afternoons GG18-7J61-9UTVX V3N4-7PDM-EUYHG KCJJ-77R0-KNHAD 77- Sinister Sundown XB6V-ECY7-CVKQA HHBJ-XA1U-MMMFZ 5K97-T9AH-MN6YF 52- The Escapade J4QT-C30Y-FA9G4 22PB-0MMR-BB5EP 5MG4-PJ0A-PMP2F 32- Dive into the Heart Destati R3XN-N59R-Y9UGR UM7R-ENJM-QUMKR 70V6-PMJZ-BQTZ0 33- Fragments of Sorrow JHAK-43PN-04BMX F9K0-WVK6-B3N5B 7JT7-23EN-PKV87 72- Tension Rising 8FUJ-QKFF-930M4 TJJD-TPKR-Y7XDB ZWM3-PGNQ-VQGQ6 97- The XIII Struggle VAN0-GYVZ-98AWU XKAZ-XB9Y-73F36 4VC5-WEMF-X18C1 5B- Kairi KXHH-TUNF-E944E RY4Z-G60H-M103C KYCW-BA3F-CA82U 63- Missing You 4XDU-201Z-EAEHV YC4P-98TX-12RKD 3JK0-W9WE-42AQF 92- Roxas 9XN9-9C44-07TFW N251-VC5Y-YYE87 BEWW-3JQJ-M3URE 58- Sora QB58-0VAQ-9J16T VGYM-JTZ5-TV04U 8BF9-4WBE-TDX4K 34- The Afternoon Streets (Sora's Twilight Town) Q85P-130E-XZRN3 0KD8-6GWF-P2HC7 0C7M-T2XX-CXHQW 35- Working Together (Sora's Twilight Town battle) 7FVU-Y7ZN-HNAMQ NTTU-E0HV-HJ68H M9MM-WCTN-FK7CT 98- Reviving Hollow Bastion X0YZ-ZYEB-B46YJ WQWK-VD87-YWN2T 8AA9-AYG9-14U02 99- Scherzo Di Notte (Hollow Bastion battle)73- Desire For All That is Lost P09Z-Y1DM-5AZJ4 B1TE-ZGXX-7N91P X1YY-Z3AN-4N9BH 74- The Home of Dragons 8DWP-FBBG-2FA1Z 29NG-G1K0-5GHFN TPND-Q6BB-Z6BWP 70- Fields of Honor (The Land of Dragons battle) 7HPM-C96K-YBKZR 0JUB-62UB-KXJX0 180J-N0MM-KF5R0 6E- Apprehension N63F-CXUR-CQ5QV 9WER-R8TQ-YN2JF 3GME-GTYN-6J7MR 65- Waltz of the Diamond (Beast's Castle) 7CP1-29CR-HP4C5 7WV0-MZXE-NHHQE 94M4-ZXF6-2G0HK 68- Dance of the Darling (Beast's Castle battle) ED6G-50TF-XP6VU V8B6-RYMB-799ZE 9A9C-EDPH-XEE1M 75- Rowdy Rumble 2XN6-RBYN-2G6FH WUT0-2JYQ-TXT5A 2773-XJ0D-MQTYG A3- Hesitation WE2B-33RV-24NWA HA0N-EQEX-JDHA3 AGJY-G6XV-FXPUR 67- Olympus Coliseum KPH3-VN8F-B8BE0 CH8N-YZRK-HVTW9 JY0G-9QQ0-UQ00V 64- The Underworld 6HE0-XGHT-AXJVP 1K03-2NCU-GMXA3 GN7R-EC7H-YZD3P 66- What Lies Beneath (Underworld battle) UH43-KBRF-EAZGD J47R-NYBD-X5C2J 4DXX-Z3X1-JF31T 5D- Villians of a Sort 98UK-H6ZF-DHQJP YJ4V-DP6J-3EVPZ JNRG-NKKY-DCA5F 79- Dance to the Death JER3-592U-2VTW3 DKQW-3HY7-7WXZ4 JJ88-RCYE-0UE7Y 71- Swim This Way CXCG-AGMC-5TG7W N8GH-7EHX-7H23K XGQA-4URC-53HYE 6C- Part of Your World 3BZB-BZVZ-BX2U8 MMDU-JFMB-KDN5X BC8Q-D6NE-GX4VG 6B- Ursula's Revenge XCRC-4D2E-34FPR 35MD-5NJM-M53HR TZNE-RHN0-DCTNM 6D- A New Day is Dawning BZ4C-VU77-C30JC QT10-1KDH-QD5AJ X1XT-UVYP-5NBPN 38- Nights of the Cursed (Port Royal) HC0M-4JHF-0J14W ZFT0-W3PN-MN458 CVAU-JHW0-G7E0E 39- He's a Pirate (Port Royal battle) KMER-N8G4-27RDB AF42-D4JM-XHT0B P6A1-BBDK-2BQG1 7F- A Day in Agrabah R558-93CM-HP00M 3DD2-E19G-BP62D 4CPE-7FQ4-2NYJP 80- Arabian Dream (Agrabah battle) 3ZR5-D9R8-U0PJ2 Y13X-9BM6-QN4FF 6VAR-2YEV-JXHD4 55- Byte Bashing (Space Paranoids battle) NF20-PBG2-VH49N PWV8-U62U-PKYCM 26R6-14BE-K8CGV 91- Showdown At Hollow Basion E57B-KXPN-AT5ER YYHJ-H8W3-84XHF ZRRF-G9GM-9RP5F 36- Sacred Moon (The World that Never Was) QXDV-UXEQ-9R5YN FDEA-C2QB-R8ZR9 K4YP-7TNC-YFZJD 37- Deep Drive (The World that Never Was battle) 71Y9-QP9N-HBA0D MQN6-F7JM-3WR3E FBH0-AJC2-9B73X 59- Reunion XQE5-QGQE-6GXG7 9QNT-2YVN-H2BRR WYN1-6N2A-1UDDU 5A- Riku J3FF-EGFR-HR86G MB6V-8V9Y-1AX23 FBFQ-H9Q5-AU00Y BC- One-Winged Angel (Sephiroth battle) PM62-XH9A-UKGMZ 8CQF-3BGH-2DEH5 1DQF-APHZ-96VB7 When you put two songs together that don't make a transition (basically, anything that's not normal music and that same world's corresponding battle music. An example would be "Lazy Afternoons" and "Sinister Sundown," because they are the normal music and battle music of Roxas' Twilight Town), there will often be no music playing, particularly when there is an opportunity for normal battle. This is because the game does not know how to make a transition between these two songs when switching from normal music to battle music. The normal music will still play in scripted battles, boss battles and the Gummi World Map.
O 10341360 0000???? [U]/\[/U] 10341362 0000???? [] 10341364 0000???? X 10341366 0000???? ???? - Effect 0001 - Attack 0002 - Magic 0003 - Items 0004 - Drive 0005 - Revert 0006 - Valor Form 0007 - Wisdom Form 000A - Talk 000B - Master Form 000C - Final Form 000D - Anti-Form 000E - Examine 0014 - Hi-Potion 0015 - Ether 0016 - Elixir 0017 - Potion 0018 - Reversal 0019 - Full Swing 001A - Tackle 001B - Snag 001C - Sparkle Ray 001E - Examine 001F - Talk 0020 - Open 0021 - Ride the wind 0022 - Cyclone 0023 - Guard 0024 - Kickback 0025 - Full swing 0026 - Evade 0029 - Dog paddle 002A - Sora 002B - Donald 002C - goofy 0031 - Firaga 0032 - Thundaga 0033 - Blizzaga 0034 - Curaga 0035 - Push 0037 - Save 0038 - Mickey 0039 - Roxas 003A - Auron 003B - Ping 003C - Mulan 003F - Beast 0040 - Jack 0041 - Simba 0042 - Tron 0044 - Waken 0046 - Bump 0047 - Meteor Spike 0048 - Summon (Makes sora summon nothing XD) 004A - Twin howl 004B - Stalwart Fang 004C - Outcry 004D - Slide 004E - Vertigo Toss 004F - Let go 0050 - Hang on 0051 - Bushido 0052 - Limit 0053 - Banishing Blade 0054 - Shooting star 0055 - Spiral 0058 - Stich 0059 - Genie 005B - Connect 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Auron 005F - Ping 0060 - Mulan 0062 - Jack 0063 - Beast 0064 - Jack 0065 - Simba 0066 - Tron 0069 - Bat cry 006A - Lance Tug 006F - Warp 0070 - Learn 0071 - Jump 0072 - Aladin 0073 - Aladin 0075 - Outcry 0076 - Stalwart Fang 0077 - Firega 0078 - Firega (Possible no sound?) 0079 - Blizzaga 007A - Blizzaga 007B - Thundaga 007C - Thundaga 007D - Curaga 007E - Curaga 0080 - Shooting Star 0081 - Banishing Blade 008B - Red Rocket 008C - Flametongue 008D - Heat Lance 008E - Red Meteor 008F - Wake up! 0091 - Depart 0092 - Get up! 0093 - Charge 0094 - Step Vault 0095 - Slingshot 0096 - Catch 0097 - Pendulum Round 0098 - Release 009A - Question 009B - Interrogate 009E - Examine the book 00AD - Release 00AE - Magnerga 00B1 - Reflega 00B4 - Riku 00BF - Ask for Help 00C0 - Approach 00C1 - Persuade 00C4 - Shop 00D5 - Synthasise *crash* 00D6 - Ask About Missions *crash* 00D7 - Report 00D8 - Hang on 00DA - Help Her up 00DF - Punish (Eh?! O_o) 00F1 - Go to the tournament 00F2 - Mega Potion (Crashes if you use to much XD) 00F3 - Mega-Ether (Unlimited supply) 00F4 - Megalixer 00F5 - Charge 00F7 - Approach 00F8 - Tinker With it 00F9 - Greet 00FB - Rescue 00Fc - Ask for the Bottle 00FD - Finish 00FF - Whirli-Goof 0100 - Whirli-Goofra 0101 - Whirli-Goofga 0102 - Examine 0104 - Translate 0105 - Move 0106 - Go to the Rescue 0107 - Translate 0108 - Access Computer 010A - Examine the wall 010C - Learn 010D - Speed Trap 010E - Press 010F - Takedown 0110 - Access Computer 0111 - Launch 0112 - Grab on 0113 - Hang on 0114 - Hit 0115 - Fore! 0116 - Move Center 0118 - Comet 0119 - Comet Rain 011A - Comet 011B - Whirli-Goof 011C - Access Computer 011D - Aero Blade 011E - Warp Snipe 011F - Warp Snipe 0120 - Buy Tickets 0121 - Touch the Light 0122 - Learn the rules 0123 - Approach 0124 - Examine the Table 0125 - Listen to the story 0126 - Approach 0127 - Touch the Beam 0128 - Enter Password 0129 - Key Counter 012A - Lunarsault 012B - Break Raid 012C - Rising Sun 012D - Duel Stance 012E - The end 012F - Fail-Safe 0130 - Scapegoat 0131 - Jump! 0132 - Peter Pan 0133 - Pinball 0134 - Air Twister 0135 - Quick Blade 0136 - Tornado Ride 0137 - Dodge Roll 0138 - Stop Dice 0139 - O 013A - Root Ravager 013B - Aura Guard 013C - Dismiss 013D - Open the Door 013E - Clear Shot 013F - '-' (Jump) 0140 - Big Ben (WTF?!) 0141 - Air twister 0142 - X 0143 - Begin Game 0144 - O 0145 - X 0146 - Release 0147 - Hop on 0148 - Shift Shot 0149 - Heal Stomp 014A - Get Off 014B - Wind dance 014D - High Climb 014E - Needle Dive 014F - Pegasus Run 0150 - Juggle Parry 0151 - Overhand 0152 - Knocksmash 0154 - Duo Raid 0155 - Cosmo Boost 0156 - Attack (Does nothing) 0157 - High CLimb 0158 - Duck Flare 0159 - Reversal 015A - Phil One-Two 015B - Rocket Flare 015C - Megaduck Flare 015F - Speedster 0160 - Quickplay 0162 - Trickster 0163 - Return Fire 0165 - Bluff 0166 - Slasher 0167 - JackKnife 0168 - Final Trap 0169 - Backshuffle 016A - Rockshatter 016B - Stomp Bomb 016C - Air Slash 016D - Shoot (Acts like a 3 Hit Combo Master) 016E - Leap 016F - Dispel 0170 - Rodeo 0171 - Grand Cross 0172 - Rapid Blow 0173 - Capture 0174 - Rapid Blow 0175 - Musical 0176 - Rockshatter 0178 - Wildcat 0179 - High Fang 017A - X-Claw 017B - Proud Roar 017C - Bolt Reversal 017D - Faith 017E - Report 017F - Apply for work 0180 - Listen To the Story 0181 - Investigate 0185 - Set the Jewel! 0186 - Go, Abu! 0187 - Call Over 0188 - Land 0189 - Reverse Blade 018A - Stop 018D - Wild Dance 018E - Spin 0195 - Dance Call 0196 - Synchronization 0197 - Downbeat 0198 - Finale 019F - Setup 01A0 - Cluster Code 01A1 - Burst Pulse 01A2 - Reprogram 01A4 - Urninator (Eh?!) 01AB - Rising Run 01AC - Forwad March! 01AD - Company Halt! 01AE - Settle Down 01AF - Cannon Bomb 01B0 - Reversal 01B1 - Swing 01B2 - Release 01B3 - Zone Guard 01B4 - Disk Strike 01B6 - Jump 01B7 - Jump on 01B8 - Delete 01B9 - Cancel 01BA - Clear Light 01BB - Replace 01BC - Burst Edge 01BD - Ghost Ride 01BE - Hinder 01BF - Chicken Little 01C0 - Post 01C3 - Deliver 01C4 - Pearl 01C5 - Synthesize 01C7 - D-Charge 01C8 - HEaling light 01C9 - D-Charge 01CD - Save 01CE - High Counter 01CF - Aura Sphere 01D0 - Charge 01D3 - Enter Tournament 01D4 - Never Land 01D5 - My shadow! 01D6 - The Flying Boy 01D7 - Tiny Fairy 01D8 - Wendy 01D9 - Anti-Sora 01DA - Believe! 01DB - Old Rival 01DC - Victory 01DD - The Clocktower 01DE - Present 01DF - Journey's End 01E0 - Full Swing 01E1 - Berserk 01E3 - Run Through 01E4 - Trinity 01E5 - Break 01E6 - Ultima 01E7 - Major Drive 01E8 - Begin Combo 01EA - Overtaker 01EB - Break 01EC - Warp Snipe 01ED - Berserk 01EE - Recovery Run 01EF - Leap 01F0 - Grab 01F1 - Rescue 01F2 - Grab 01F3 - Arm-in-Arm 01F4 - Piggyback 01F5 - About-Face 01F6 - Show Stealer 01F7 - Fend 01F8 - Wild Dance 01F9 - Firagun 01FA - Blizzagun 01FB - Jump On 01FC - Jump 01FD - Heelflip 01FE - Pop-Jump 01FF - Crash 0200 - 360*Spin 0201 - Method Grab 0202 - Air walk 0203 - Handstand 0207 - Ohana! 0208 - Leap 0209 - Stop 020A - Leap 020B - Grind 020C - Counter 020D - Shoot 020E - Ukulele 020F - Blast 0210 - Eclipse 0211 - FPS Mode 0212 - Balls 0213 - Firecracker 0214 - End 0215 - Full Swing 0216 - Jump 0217 - "Valor" Genie 0218 - "Wisdom" Genie 0219 - "Master" Genie 021A - "Final" Genie 021B - Ukelele 021C - Blast 021D - Beserk 021E - Sonic 021F - Rave 0220 - Strike 0221 - Judgement 0222 - Arcana 0223 - Bash 0224 - Infinity 0225 - Impact 0226 - Valor 0227 - Wisdom 0228 - Master 0229 - Final 022A - Elixer 022C - Pick It Up 022E - Take It 022F - Capture 0230 - Inside Combo 0231 - Facedown 0232 - Clash 0233 - Break Through 0234 - Finish 0235 - Bounce 0239 - Session 023A - Last Saber 023B - Dark Cannon 023C - XIII Blades 023D - Master Hearts 023E - All's End 023F - Call Over 0240 - Move Left 0241 - Move Right 0242 - Wee Tornado 0243 - Giant Tornado 0244 - Sonic Dive 0245 - Twin Counter 024A - Magna Storm 024E - X 024F - O 0256 - Begin Game 0254 - Approach 0255 - Warp Snipe 0256 - Warp Snip 0259 - Loot Launch 025A - Vault 025B - Kickspring 025C - Examine [Makes Sora turn right... o_O] 025D - Drive? [... That ? mark is there.] 0262 - Dark Aura 0263 - Dark Shield 0264 - Stunt Dodge 0265 - Hit 026C - Trinity 026D - Break 026E - Shop [Makes the HUD disappear and crashes the game] 026F - Jump on 0270 - Flip 0271 - Slicer 0272 - Escablade 0273 - Sky Scraper 0275 - Capsule Prize 0276 - Rare Capsule 0277 - Limited Capsule 0278 - Prime Capsule 027B - Reversal 027C - Sky Scraper 027F - Read the Book 0280 - Roll Up 0281 - Spin Burst 0282 - Talk [Crash] 0283 - Proceed 0284 - Fend 0285 - Riding Shot 0286 - Meteor Rain 0287 - Jump 0288 - Release 0289 - Learn 028A - Reflect 028C - Attack 028D - Dark Aura 028E - Rescue [Riku's RC from the Last Battle] 028F - Megalaser 0290 - Touch It 0292 - Eclipse 0293 - Magna Storm 0294 - Fend 0295 - Firagun 0296 - Blizzagun 0297 - Bolt Reversal 0298 - Block
The following Enable Code must be used in conjunction with the Status Modifier in order for it to work. Replace the "X" and "Y" values with the same digits you used for the Status Modifier. This Enable Code is not a replacement for the Mastercode posted at the top of the page, they both must be active. Enable Code 200F9014 240100XX 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F00YY x's Status / Move Palette is y's Status 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 240100xx 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F00yy 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 01 - Sora 02 - Donald 03 - Goofy 04 - Mickey 05 - Auron 06 - Mulan 07 - Aladdin 08 - Jack Skellington 09 - Beast 0A - Jack Sparrow 0B - Simba 0D - Riku 0E - Roxas 0F - Ping
All Worlds Open FR2U-0WKT-UBC04 Z38G-W4KN-9VMT0 YHBV-B4DW-ZR68G WAT1-A37E-P02KX HPZ1-EGJ5-U5FWT BHZ6-76XW-0RUKX PYM9-WUX4-DMWF9 202C6AE0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0102 200FFF40 35CE0102 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B1AB9
This is a tutorial for Jokering codes (this only works for codes in RAW format). A Joker is a code that can be triggered by pressing a button on the controller while entering a new area. This way, you do not need to have the code active constantly. Joker Address E0[COLOR=red]XX[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]YYYY[/COLOR] 0035BA5C [COLOR=yellow]????????? ?????????[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]XX[/COLOR] The number of lines you want jokered [COLOR=blue]YYYY[/COLOR] The joker value (use the YYYY digits posted below) The [COLOR=yellow]?[/COLOR]'s represent the code you want jokered The following digits determine which button(s) the code will be assigned to: [code] YYYY Digits: F7FF - R1 FBFF - L1 FDFF - R2 FEFF - L2 F3FF - R1+L1 F5FF - R1+R2 F6FF - R1+L2 F9FF - L1+R2 FAFF - L1+L2 FCFF - R2+L2 F7FD - L3+R1 FBFD - L3+L1 FDFD - L3+R2 FEFD - L3+L2 7FFD - L3+Square DFFD - L3+Circle 77FF - R1+Square D7FF - R1+Circle 7BFF - L1+Square DBFF - L1+Circle 7DFF - R2+Square DDFF - R2+Circle 7EFF - L2+Square DEFF - L2+Circle
Play as Cloud E005FDFF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7E 000008F9 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00EBFAC0 2096D858 00F0C110 2037B300 00000000 E00EFEFF 0035BA5C 209DD3B8 0107F7A0 209DD3F8 0107F7A0 209DD438 0107F7A0 209DD478 00FAD5E0 209DA2F8 00FB5F70 209DA338 00FB5F70 209DA378 00FC27E0 209DA3B8 00FC27E0 209DAE58 0101E760 209DAF18 0103C830 209DAFD8 0104A2E0 209DAED8 0108CF40 209DAF98 010AFED0 209DB058 00FCFC70 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2. Play as Sephiroth E005FDFF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7E 000008B6 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00ECF140 2096D858 00F46910 2037B300 00000000 E022FEFF 0035BA5C 209DA138 01198690 209DD2B8 01198690 209DA1B8 011B0BE0 209DD338 01238B90 209DD378 01242DD0 209DD3B8 01238B90 209DD3F8 01238B90 209DD438 01238B90 209DD478 0117E8C0 209DA2F8 011BB940 209DA338 011C80D0 209DA378 011D5C00 209DA3B8 011E4990 209DA3F8 011F2BD0 209DA438 011FDAB0 209DA478 0120B680 209DA4B8 012155F0 209DA4F8 01221D10 209DA538 0122BA90 209DC618 01251DF0 209DC658 01251DF0 209DC698 01251DF0 209DC8D8 01251DF0 209DC918 01251DF0 209DC958 01251DF0 209DCB98 012971A0 209DCD98 01284FB0 209DCDD8 01284FB0 209DD018 01284FB0 209DD058 01284FB0 209DCB58 0127A780 209DAE58 012A7520 209DAF18 012BBB20 209DAFD8 012F9FB0 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2. Sephiroth Dosen't Attack 2117E2E8 0117E8C0 2117E568 0117E8C0 2117E578 0117E8C0 2117E588 0117E8C0 2117E598 0117E8C0 2117E5A8 0117E8C0 2117E5B8 0117E8C0 2117E5C8 0117E8C0 2117E5D8 0117E8C0 Play as Axel E005FDFF 0035BA5C - R2 11CFAC7E 00000051 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00ECB540 2096D858 00F19930 2037B300 00000000 E020FEFF 0035BA5C - L2 209DA1B8 0111B0C0 209DA2F8 011242D0 209DA338 0112E5C0 209DA378 0113A0A0 209DA3B8 011440D0 209DA3F8 0114E790 209DA438 01157650 209DA478 01160C50 209DA4B8 01169060 209DA4F8 01177060 209DA538 0117F000 209DAA78 010FA8D0 209DC618 011F4190 209DC658 011F4190 209DC698 011F4190 209DC8D8 011F4190 209DC918 011F4190 209DC958 011F4190 209DCB98 01218160 209DCD98 01277720 209DCDD8 01277720 209DD018 01277720 209DD058 01277720 209DD338 01269190 209DD378 01277720 209DAE58 0122A280 209DAF18 012881B0 209DAFD8 01293D00 209DD3B8 0120F280 209DD3F8 0120F280 209DD438 0120F280 209DD478 010FA8D0 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2. Play as Tifa E005FDFF 0035BA5C - R2 11CFAC7E 000008FA 20911858 00E91910 20911868 00EB3940 2096D858 00EF4110 2037B300 00000000 E00EFEFF 0035BA5C - L2 209DA2F8 01029F90 209DA338 01029F90 209DA378 01032BE0 209DA3B8 01032BE0 209DC618 01058720 209DC658 01058720 209DC698 01058720 209DC8D8 01058720 209DC918 01058720 209DC958 01058720 209DCB98 01064460 209DAE58 01084DF0 209DAF18 010A6FF0 209DAFD8 0103B720 Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone. Then fire up the animations with L2.
i like it, it looks nice, i was so tired of pink.
ok, i have 2 issues with my PS2 slim. for one thing, my multitap doesn't work. you know, that tool that allows more than 2 people to play games. also, Swap Magic doesn't load up. it can read the disc fine but it keeps returning to the browser, i'm not sure why but i'm sure the laser is still in good condition. does anyone know how to fix these problems (hopefully without having to spend any money)?
i REALLY hate it when people answer a question with another question!!!! it's so annoying, they think they're so smart but its' just annoying
are there any movies that don't end happily? i'm not sure but i don't think i've seen any movie that has a "bad ending" like when a villain wins. except Saw 4, i think that's the only movie with a unhappy ending that i have seen.
ok, what if someone was in a room with like say 9 tea cups. but 2 cups were lethally poisoned and the person had to drink 4 cups before they could leave the room! is it a good SAW game?
ok, despite obviously being a girl game, it's actually a VERY good game for the Wii. anyone else played this game? i was very skeptical about playing this game at first because it was a girl game (or it seems like it anyways) but i found that i have become quite addicted to this game. the gameplay kinda reminds me of the old sonice the hedgehog games back on the SEGA. and just everything about this game is appealing, especially the graphics and the opening. once you get past the fact that it's a girl game, you'll like it. or....you could just play it when no one else is around, lol.
ok i have a question and dont' kill me but this has been bothering me for a LOOONG time. i just have to know, are you a boy or a girl? i honestly cannot tell. and whenever i dont' know whether someone is a boy or a girl i have to find out, it's one of my many character flaws.
i hope this isnt' a stupid question but when i ordered and received my copy of the Ultimate Hits version of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+, inside the box was this ticket looking thing. it has some URL that doesn't work and some kind of code. i can't understand what the writing says because it's in Japanese, can anyone tell me what this thing is? i'm really curious
i remember reading about this on internet news and seeing stories about it on TV. many people are wondering whether the adoption process should or should not be completely color blind. while it will not be the determining factor of whether or not the family is allowed to adopt the child, some people want it to at least be taken into consideration. i know at first it doesn't sound right but if you think about it, it might make a LITTLE sense. thoughts?
ok the best way to explain a guilty pleasure is this: something that you enjoy but would be embarassed for other people to know about. does anyone have any guilty pleasures? i sure do, i read 4 "The Babysitters Club" books. also, KEEP IT PG-13.....i don't wanna hear about sex secrets <.<