YAY! You can get KH HD now! (I would avoid getting Sonic 06 though XD)
XD I definitely hear that. I don't have many other stories, but yeah XD Yep. I'm a Waffles fan in general XD
I'm sure it did! Well, maybe someday :D
XD That is fantastic XD
XD Sora, y u be a bully?
Yeah, I get that XD For the longest time, my normal face looked sad, so people got worried XD I wasn't sad, that was just how my face fell. I see,...
XD That was pretty great. And this Avatar is MEGA AMPHAROS!!! A Mega Evolution that will come in X/Y!
Again, if you don't know who PrincessKairixXx/TheLunarFlower is, GO SUBSCRIBE RIGHT NOW!!!...
Yeah, it sounds shocking! I guess they find it weird that you find it funny? I dunno. You don't seem like a sad abused kid, IMO XD, so I guess...
Well, that's sad! Hope you feel better soon!
NOOOOOOOOO! How dare you!
Wow...that's a sad thing. Those people making mean comments XP Yeah...Well, I'd kill for an hour long shout XD
XD YEAH, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT XD No, it's mine, I don't upload often enough!
Yeah...that is kind of sad...Well, maybe it'll get better! Maybe over time you'll be able to hang out without being nervous. XD My parents would...
Yes, they do! XD
XD I know. There's probably a schedule issue or something.
Wow...well, I wouldn't worry too much. You've lived with it your whole life, right? It's just who you are, right?