"Can I get a refund?" XD jk Haha, stupid PETA...They go to far sometimes.
XD "Darnit Princess, I payed 10 Dollars for this!" No, I haven't. I've heard of it though...Dangit PETA XD
Haha, and me...Though if it's on a system I don't have...XD Okay, writing Team Plasma now...eh, they still say never to beat Pokemon...which is...
Yep. Nobody telling you the limitations or anything, you just make the game by yourself XD Well, and you'd be able to beat Pokemon with...
Well, you'd be a good indie developer then :D I dunno...Keyblades are cool, I guess? I dunno. I think they're just important XD
Well, if you do get a 3DS, I absolutely recommend it. It's pretty awesome XD Good luck with the Video Game industry, sounds like a blast :D I...
XD That's alright, Fire Emblem Awakening on 3DS is amazing anyways XD Whoah...Metapod VS Metapod? ... Mind Blown.
Well, I did have a DS Lite, but now it's broken XD Haha, yeah, you just plot mass destruction all day XD That sounds amazing...I want that to...
Yeah...I'd play them, but I don't have anything to play them on XD Wow, you and Mewtwo have a shared destiny or something XD
Certainly, it's great even for people who haven't played the original games *cough cough* me *cough cough*
I need to watch episode three still...I've seen all of the other ones XD or was it episode 2...I don't remember.
Oh my gosh that needs to be a thing XD #teamstarlight Good luck, Starlight!
We do need to catch up! Although I do think we're still friends XD
Wow...Haha, God does work miracles after all.
Dangit! XD Well, at least you got into college XD
Exactly. #GodisGood XD Aww, that's sweet :D You're a nice person.
Never give up! XD Your welcome :D It was pretty nice.
He never does give up. Oh, well that's cool, I'll watch it at some point :D
:D Well that's a shame...hopefully he comes around. Well, I wouldn't worry about tainting it, there are a number of slightly inappropriate video's...