DANGIT...I don't know who to blame XD
AWESOME!!!! The 3DS is really cool XD
Haha. Thats interesting, I guess XD
Oh well, its your gift, right?
Haha, that would've been cool XD Well...Okay XD #Nofollowup
Well...I just nerd out about them to my parents XD
Yeah, I know its popular...and you're right, it does fit Espurr XD Haha, thats great! Espurr is pretty cute, so I guess thats a compliment?
YAY!!!! I like that song...I guess...not to familiar with it. BUT I LOVE ESPURR!!! But I love Meowstic more.
Haha, pretty much. I keep telling my parents that I would run and buy it in an instant XD
Yeah...I wish they would make COD paintball, I'd love that.
Yep. I don't like gritty realism in games XD
Well, you don't have some of the values game developers have today, so it makes you different at least XD
Good job, PETA
Well, and the fact that they are just crazy XD
Darn... I wish I could let you borrow a game XD
Do you get allowance?
It wasn't that bad...but I knew it was bad XD
Haha, pretty much XD Yeah, I saw a picture of one of those...pretty bad. #HatePETA
YAY!!! Fire Emblem Awakening and Kid Icarus Uprising. And KH3D too.
XD Thanks...I don't have a follow up, but you're a good friend too! DANGIT CRAIG!!! XD