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  1. Hannah
    awh thanks guys. xDD
    i wasn't expecting much of a response since i hadn't really been on here long anyways.
    Post by: Hannah, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hannah
    so i made this video for my friend's birthday.
    which happens to be today.

    i made it like UBER EARLY OMG.
    but anyways. anybody wanna see it? xDD

    [ don't hate on the akuroku </3 ]
    Thread by: Hannah, Nov 30, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. Hannah
    guess who's been dead for eight million years!
    me. =]

    well prolly not. but, hello again, everybody. xD
    Thread by: Hannah, Nov 30, 2006, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Hannah
    greatest song in the world tribute - tenacious d
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 22, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Hannah
    turn me on - erotica
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 21, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Hannah
    How you got there: You're living with them for some reason....
    Quote that best descibes this night: Darkness is sweet and kuddly and soft and fluffy and-- *gets beaten unconcisiously*
    Who drank the most of all? Luxord - *building card-houses.... many card-houses*
    Scarriest moment that night? When Lexaeus startet stripping
    Funniest moment? When Axel sat on a tree and started meowing
    Person who told everyone they loved them giggeling Luxord
    Person pointing at stars laughing the whole night? Larxene
    Will you repeat this night? What? *scratches head sleepily*

    -..snort- o_O
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 21, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Hannah
    hehe, thanks everybody. x3
    and, yeah, i'm a fan of weird angles. i'll try to see if i have a more normal looking one. xD

    edit: uh.. apparently i don't have any normal-angled pictures. O____O
    but i found this one.. from second grade. WHOANOTRECENTATALL. but it's cute and like yeah.

    Post by: Hannah, Oct 21, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Hannah
    i'm a gangster - adam & andrew
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 21, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Hannah
    thanks for the opinion. ^-^
    and i think i will try to do some more with effects in the future. transitions and whatnot.
    again, thanks. i'm just starting to get the hang of video-making, which is pretty obvious, so it's cool when i get people telling me how i can improve.
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 21, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  10. Hannah
    do you like waffles? - guttermouth
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 21, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Hannah
    this is the fourth amv i've made, and it's my favorite so far.
    i was able to do a lot more with timing because i got a new program. VEGAS > WMM.
    kay thanks. xD

    i like it.. anybody else have anything to comment on? o-O
    Thread by: Hannah, Oct 21, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  12. Hannah
    ooooooh pictures.
    -joins the posting fun-

    um.. that would be my face. and my headphones. and my mother's computer. xD

    and that would be me being a dork. yup. xD
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 21, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Hannah
    those were awesome, dude. x3
    i faved. ^-^
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  14. Hannah
    it's been said. numerous times.
    but my favorite keyblade is BOND OF FLAME.

    i mean, it's awesome. like, seriously. o_O
    it's all -CHAKRAMish- and.. it makes cool little airmotion thingies when you swing it.. and, you know, there's always the fact that it's tied in with AXEL.

    every time i've played through the game, it's been with that keyblade. one of the times, i got ultima, and played with it for a while, but i just couldn't permanently unequip BOF.
    because i'm sentimental and i have seperation anxiety. ^-^
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Hannah


    my birthday is march fourteenth.

    -..will only be fourteen ^-^;-
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Hannah
    this one is totally random and all, i know, but it's one of my favoritest lines in the whole game. x3
    "anyway, i digress. go, find kairi."


    um, let's see.. i also like
    "i'm not telling!"

    "so what if i am?"

    "you make a good other."

    "we could find the real theives. that would set the record straight."

    "you look happy, roxas."

    "now the whole town and their mothers are treating us like the klepto club."

    "i'll go get some ice cream!"

    "don't stop moving or the darkness will overtake you."

    "the roxas that i know is long gone.

    "you can't say ---. why not?!" (thatonealwaysmakesmecrackup. xD)

    "clever little sneak."

    "you shouldn't judge anyone by appearance." (life lessons from demyx, anyone? xD)

    "if the world is made up of light and darkness, we'll be the darkness."

    "look sharp!" (-..dies-)

    "i kinda always thought you were better at everything too."

    "i wanted to see roxas. he was the only one i liked."

    "i always thought nobodies were doomed to fade back into darkness."

    "perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart."

    "i had given in to the darkness. how am i gonna face everyone?"

    "not that nobodies actually HAVE beings, right?"

    "it's always closer than you think."

    "you and i've got something in common, kairi."

    "you've been hanging out in darkness too long."

    "you're home."

    and, you know, it's impossible to forget

    Post by: Hannah, Oct 19, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Hannah
    i have three letters and two of each.
    um, i suppose it would be something like.. nahxahn? o-O
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 19, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Hannah
    best- axel, roxas, riku, sora.. demyx, xemnas, xigbar. o_O

    worst- ..luxord. he just creeps me out. x3
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 19, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Hannah
    i love it. maybe it's the fact that i'm terrible with critiscizing, or maybe it's that i haven't really found anything to critiscize.
    either way, that is one sweet amv.

    how long have you been making videos?
    i just started, and mine are craptastic so far, but i like to think that i'm starting to get the hang of it. =]
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 18, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  20. Hannah

    Green Day

    um.. i like the old stuff better as well, and i'd have to say that my favorite album is 1039/smooth.
    but the genius behind american idiot is just too amazing to pass up. x3
    Post by: Hannah, Oct 18, 2006 in forum: Music