that would suck i would go insane if i did not have internet then what good for a computer NOTHING!!
that is how i feel i don't mind its whatever makes them happy.
yes those are my favorite but the first one is nightmare before christmas
OMG i need to run and hide he scares me
lol man what is with that hawt chick?
on the 2nd one i would put a slower/sadder song to bring out the emotion that is what i would do and might get more people :)
what i meant was that we CAN'T have babys sorry
males can give birth we would burn/kill the baby
i love the song and the video is nice to
i say that they would both die or have a tie but if i could vote again it Eragon
so be careful becuse people can change words and you dont even know lol
yes it wrong i mean it not cool making or hateing other people that is why our world screwed up
so space/time is the 5th element?
yes it is if someone dose change it they change it back to how it was
yes that true there are some anime that is over the top XD
well of course no the whites could have dark skin some Mexicans can be white and some people have a sickness that has spots of different color on their body
hell ya do it and have fun :)
wow that was really good and i love that song to
what are you talking about that the Asians are yellow?
yeah no problem