look at this it funny Edited cause he's an idiot
yes it dose
is this better *****sigh*****
i meant to make this dark this is not my best one but i like it and hopefully this is nature.
well im going to keep one in text and one like this
linkin park fall out boy system if a down seatbelts tatu rammstein avenge sevenfold maximum the hormone angels and airway weezer gorillaz daft punk crystal method dragonforce plus 44 blink 182 nightwish P.O.D relient K switchfoot skillet hoobastank B-52 beastie boys billy talent Breaking Benjamin bukethead bullet for my valentine Disturbed green day Gun 'n' rises high and mighty Incubus jet jimmy eat world nickelback nirvana orange range queen rage against the machine red hot chili peppers rush HIM shiny toy guns stankfunk slipknot styx sum 41 three days grace and 30 seconds to mars
6/10 that is ok but not the best
well the text is her quote but if i should get rid of it tell me.
this is a sig of faye
well ya English would be hard if you weren't born on US
teach who Swedish?
the hardest language to learn is Chinese because there it more then 1 kind of Chinese. in china there is like 5 languages.
that was funny when he was going though the lazers
ya no prb if you want more fill free to ask....XD
agree i don't care that much ether.
i change the color but i left the line.............and shes also more blue
here is one of my sigs tell me what i should do to make it better.
not bad i like it *shrugs *
its the Emperor's New Groove for me
very well it make it pop out more.