*Backs away* Okay...we're cool bubby...right? LOL *LOOKS AT TIME* Um, we are rebels!! It's way pass our bed time!! HAHAHA...well G2G to bed. I...
Ha,ha,ha, ppl are gonna start think we are crackheads. *KICKS IT* MUAHMUAH!! ...that ws suppose to be my evil laugh. Eh,...FAIL.
*Looks at u funny* Have u been drink ur mom's pills again Missy? EH? lol JKJK Because that was no turtle, era un queso!!
Sorry it's the juice box I drank. Mira, si soy pero Cuando está cerca de la Navidad. *WISHPERS* You know that fat@$$ can see you? *LOOKS UP* XDXD JK
No soy! Ha,ha,ha,....!! ^^" Soy naca!! ¡Chido, Liro, Ramiro y el vampiro, Clodomiro! Wow! Where did that come from?! JK No soy nada. Soy niña...
Emo yo? Para nada! Asco!! XP I'm just a loving person~! Ugh, I suck at lying. XP
*Let's go* Sorry I got carried away in the moment. U know how emotion I get. LOL Okay, but don't get scared if u end up finding yaoi and a mad...
I ♥ u too. *BEARHUG* LOL Es un anime/webcomic. U should check it out it's pretty cool. :) *TUMBS UP* I approve!
You know u love me. Even if I'm loud and creepy at times. Ha,ha, soy otra freaky subnormal XD Oh, have u heard of Hetalia?
I'm not!! Okay, maybe a little. *YAWNS* Readed any good manga lately?
My drawings? Ha,ha,ha, as if!! Well, I always see an imperfection in them. :/ Ya sabes que freaky soy. But I think ur pretty good!!
ORLY? I'm been drawing myself, but mostly sketches. I usaully never finish them...since I'm lazy.
*NOMNOM* You have any milk? XD Are you still drawing?
Thankyou!! :) *Gives cookie* Eat that cookie at your own risk. 'cause I'm gonna be the one to blame if you gain weight. JK XDXD
*THINKS* I guess,...thanks! ^^" Sorry! Pero soy muy burra. Okay, now...ugh! I never been to a place like this. *CRIES*
Okay, "Alice". ;) Well how do u edit ur proflied? >:C This stuff is confusing. >__<
Hey!(It'sRuby) Okay, I think I got it. But being me I'm gonna need some help! ^^" Espero que no te importa ayudarme un poco. ¿Sabes lo estúpidoa...