i wasn't talking about sex >_< I can't really tell wat that is :o
hahaha we talk about the strangest things as if they are normal, and we don't give a sh*t lmao so what else can i say other than.... Sly Fitzinrider O_O
to me it is, seriously... meet my uncle -shutters-
we aren't allowed to post roms for one and for two its way too glitchy. do it yourself
sign me up? XD
lol, well u r quite tha thang ;) XDDD
o_o woah there
Well to me youtube is dead, i hardly even use it anymore :/ time to find a new video hosting site.... ever since google got ahold of the d*** thing -.-
I claimed her! XD and yw mother nature lawl
hey guys is it too late to join in, if so then ill wait for the next one to open up, and if so i'll need help XD
:o thats one se*y name Mother Nature
lmao, well i'm not posting my stripper name cuz its f***d up but i just had to laugh at that XDD
I'll download it right away, should go nicely with my new theme :3 Btw i would appreciate if u cud teach me to do this cuz I need to make one for a game i play that i'm in a clan of o.o lawl
This is just a section where you can post your theme that you use, like a name and a screenie of it, I use the Panther (mac os) look on windows xp with a safari skin over firefox, looks cool but I don't wanna upload any pics right now so i will do that later XD
Okay here is my current desktop that me and my friend made: and can anyone tell me where i can get this theme again, i lost it :( http://s478.photobucket.com/albums/rr147/Silent_Angelz/?action=view¤t=desktop1.jpg
lmao anti is right, besides i think Xion would best be pared with Spoiler Namine seeing as Roxas = Sora and Xion = sora's memories so technically wouldn't she have her own memories from Roxas and Roxas falls for namine -whew- in other words, she loves who Roxas loves, and Roxas loves Namine (obv) D: that took a whole minute to type!
you simply put the joker code, look for the set of Digits you want to joker it to (L, R, Up, Down, etc.) and put the code under it, this applies to Jokering DS only, most other systems are more complex but here is an example Play as DW Roxas W/O Joker -- 0204CA8F 00000013 This instantly activates and in most cases is best used on an emulator Play as DW Roxas With Joker(R) -- 94000130 FEFF0000 0204CA8F 00000013 Now you need a joker to turn this off so that you can play as Roxas when the mission ends, so add this code as well Play as Roxas (L) -- 94000130 FDFF0000 0204CA8F 00000000 Hope this helped :) Note: I need these codes Spoiler 1hp (to make it really hard to survive lulz) No Potions (aka a code that makes it so that you can't equip potions,or just a code that makes it so that you have 0 potions)
most of the codes on the front page I use in AR format and they work... so... try them... some AR doesn't read it right though so you may have problems
i've tested and for some reason not all codes are currently working on the patched english version. sorry
i used it on my ds emulator Hey guys jw if anyone can give me a heath mod code so that i can set my hp to one, i don't think i can do that on my own :(