hahaha thanks for testing my code x)
lol my name would be.... hmm... Sierra... thats what my mom always wanted a girl, and i survived and disappointed her, hence my name being Devon :D
for me it was in rev/rebirth, playing as Riku vs. Xemnas, now THAT was hard the 2nd time thru (1st time i forgot to remove my cheats o.O)
lololol my friend is like 30 and she plays the new one
i like a lot of their music and the ppl that say they are **** really need to calm down its just a band if they wanna sing let them, if u dun wanna hear it, dun buy the music. that simple, oh, and don't listen to the radio ever again, cuz they took over a lot of it ^_^
yeah use the UWM and just switch the Struggle Bat to any other weapon, load your game, voila
well thanks for testing guys ill change it so that its a role mod where you aren't the normal person so nobody will attack u EDIT: Here is the fixed code, btw your assumption was rite Ryota, glad to see people are paying attention lol, i'll try and learn the digits for invisible sora, hard without a working gameshark =/ (NPC Sora, just hit select :) I will try and fix this later) 2037A3CC 0016EB58 (Donald) 11CFA3FE 0000???? (Goofy) 11CFA400 0000???? (Room Mod/World Mod Jokered to R2) E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 0000YYXX
Un-DMA Code Okay I think I learned a way to un-DMA those codes where it just shows the enemy attacking another enemy, here is the simple way of it working easily, sora is modded to be invisible idk if it works on a REAL ps2 or just emu, but here is the code it's not the best but its short and probably works well (Invisible Sora) 11CFA3FC 00000000 (Donald) 11CFA3FE 0000???? (Goofy) 11CFA400 0000???? (Room Mod/World Mod Jokered to R2) E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 0000YYXX All digits on the first page, please try this and tell me the results, preferrably make one of the partner slots into a boss and the other into an ally, Riku VS Xemnas would be cool, just to see if it works and thanks for testing record if u can :D
use the roll mod on the first page :P
Ok I just got the original PSX FFVII and I was wondering if anyone can post codes for it, i have the ORIGINAL PSX gameshark, i think its the most recent version of it so the last version of Gameshark1 for PSX :) thanks for codes guys you rocks!
not possible since it is a movie that runs off of actual animated features... not the character models, fmv i think its called idk im tired lol
... is that even possible...
Why after I say "If there were new codes they would be posted" do people ask. Anyway I think almost everything possible to do through coding has already been done....
jokers don't work with all codes cuz they are in a special format (ar i think) and the codes work on ds and emu. there. Also, DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST POST THAT CONTAINS CODES How many times do people have to be told >_< if there were they would be posted somewhere in the thread
even if you could you would need access to files nobody can extract
not yet, srry
.. there is no point in posting something i have already written a tut for and am going to post soon, but first i have to remember my mediafire info >_<
you're the one spamming by asking it over and over when we gave you an answer!
nobody has created it, thats why we are telling you to wait, mention it to a coder and see if they can do anything with it. End of story, don't post anymore questions about it nor spam here please, thanks
like we said you must wait the coders have not yet made one. Sorry, and I doubt you will find it through romhacking