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  1. Silent Angel
    Can you give me the code to texture mod his clothes? or do you not have it ._.
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Silent Angel
    which is why you would joker it in several codes :)
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Silent Angel
    Awesome, I'll go test it :D

    EDIT: Doesn't work, he stays sephiroth D:
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Silent Angel
    so just joker the first one right? the one with role mod, donald mod, and sephy mod, and it should make a DW Boss with HP?
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Silent Angel
    explain/label parts of code please?
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Silent Angel
    Erm, ok, could you provide a code for that plz?
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Silent Angel
    Darn :/ I was really hoping to be able to do that... is the sora boss code released yet? I could do a DW Roxas VS Sora reverse if so
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Silent Angel
    Erm, but how would i make him have a health bar so i can actually "kill" him? Like if I were to replace donald with sephiroth he can be "killed" where his model stops with that ball of light, I wanna be able to fight against him and thats another problem of mine .-. thanks for all the help :)
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Silent Angel
    Well what i'm aiming for is a simple Ally Roxas that I can mod to have a hp bar and the ability to attack me so that I can remake a "Data" Roxas battle in the NTSC version
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Silent Angel
    ty, i'll go test my theory by doing a sora vs "Data" Roxas aka DW Roxas with the UCM mod :) Thanks so much, can someone help me with the DW Sora problem though? It doesn't work even with moviemode turned off D:

    EDIT: Would it look like this? Character Slot 2 (Donald Turns into DW Roxas)
    11CFA3FE 00000323
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Silent Angel
    Hey guys long time no post in this section, so I was gonna make a hacked battle to post on my channel and I was wondering if anyone could gimme a working DW Sora code because the one on the front page seems to crash with the movie mod or just doesn't wanna work at all :/

    For now that and a way for Roxas to do magic as seen in the KH2FM+ vid of the Ven Texture Mod... if anyone could help with those two requests that would be fantastic :)

    Also, is there a way to make a boss out of a character model like DW Roxas, because I was gonna try and make a code to do so and have a NTSC Edition of "Data Roxas"
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Silent Angel
    First off, stop with the all caps its rude, and second off, if you read the J forum and other coding forums for this game, you would know they DO NOT WORK on an actual ds. They only work on emulator
    Post by: Silent Angel, Nov 12, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Silent Angel
    No longer gonna upload the videos on that youtube account...

    Okay, this is a project I'll be working on for quite a while but I thought I might as well make a choppy preview of what you guys will get to see, clear pictures, what song, a few of the cutscenes etc... if you have not played the game or have not yet reached some parts of the game, this will be a massive spoiler so turn back right NOW if you don't wanna ruin the game for you. I know i'm still interested even though I haven't beaten the (U) edition yet. Well, here is the video, please do comment and rate, and if you wanna, you can even try to help me by telling me what cutscenes to use, even though I have an idea of what I want it like. So, yeah, here's the video! Enjoy!

    if the video doesn't show for some reason or if it's not fully viewable here is the link to the video
    Thread by: Silent Angel, Oct 21, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  14. Silent Angel
    i got it the day it came out lol, i also beat it on proud mode in like 4 days of constant playing :D i didn't sleep for a week just to beat sora's story, then i unlocked riku and sat there like UH OH NOT MORE XD
    Post by: Silent Angel, Oct 20, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Silent Angel
    hey can you teach me to port codes plz?
    Post by: Silent Angel, Oct 19, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  16. Silent Angel
    Well, as you can guess by the name of this forum i'm testing my voiceovers for Terra because well... Terra is simply amazing and he is one of the characters I can voiceover pretty well for from this gaming series, I hope you all enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed making it, this IS an HD Trailer if you download it from the link given, no copyright infringement intended, I just made this out of a fanbased material. WARNING: The trailer DOES contain a few spoilers for those of you in Japan, so if you don't wanna spoil yourself wait until AFTER the release in 2010... or... just watch anyway and enjoy XD
    Also, I know I screwed up the voiceover in this video, I was nervous, so please don't count that against me >->

    VIDEO's COMING SOON (once uploaded for youtube and mediafire)
    Cutscene on Youtube

    Cutscene for download

    Again, I take no claims for anything other than my voice, also, I thank whoever it was that gave me the link to download this, since they are on youtube i doubt they will see this but i thanked them already in their video :) Thanks for watching, please do post a response if you liked or didn't like it, I don't plan on this getting big, just something small I wanted to try lol :P

    Program Used: Sony Vegas 8 Pro, Sound Recorder

    All built in stuff I know (other than sony vegas XD)
    Thread by: Silent Angel, Oct 18, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  17. Silent Angel
    hey guys i've been inactive for a while cuz of grounding, is there any shorter edition of the code to modify your partner in slots 2 and 3 when you're on a solo mission, if there are any at all, and is there a successful slot weapon mod yet? If so, please do tell and thanks

    And if I wasn't clear above I need a code to do these two things

    1. Modify Partners in Slot 2 (maybe 3?)
    2. Modify weapons OTHER THAN your own characters

    If it cannot be done with my requested materials, any close-enough code is good enough for me, such as if you can't make a DW Roxas wield an Umbrella without you weilding it, thats fine :)
    Post by: Silent Angel, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Silent Angel
    thanks lol, maybe you should read the rules a lil more thurough, kinda boring i know but it keeps you outta trouble... TRUST ME XD
    Post by: Silent Angel, Sep 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Silent Angel
    nice thread of codes, but sorry to spoil your fun but there are NO tolerations of ROMs... I have to report this thread so a moderator can remove the link
    Post by: Silent Angel, Sep 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Silent Angel
    same to ya, an no, just use the ARDS codes i gave, ill make a vaid on youtube. sorry 4 typos im on my wii XD but no, idk the unlock for mission mode codes
    Post by: Silent Angel, Sep 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault