crap, does it matter if they are at the end of the code, because i dont really feel like re-typing all this on a ps2 controller ._. EDIT: Still T-Stanced o_O
mmkay, testing now, btw, when i start working on making dw characters and other stuff would you mind helping?
simply add it on to the code or do i have to remove something and replace it with this?
Hmm... well I hope it can be fixed, well I will brb, gotta go do some stuff, when i get back ill test it if ur done
so what should I do?
I'm using this one (I'm guessing reaaaalllly long?) Riku code FIX (Ground combos allowed, shorter air combo, runs fast) 11CFA3FC 0000089B 01CDCE77 0000002E 21CDCE78 7465736D 21CDCE7C 00000000 01CDCE96 00000005 11CDCE9E 00000002 00340A84 0000008A 20340CE4 00020100 11CEF10C 00000317 (Replcace "0317" with the UWM digits to change Riku's Weapon) 2037A3D8 0016EA14 21CEFF54 48455F57 21CEFF58 00303030 21CEFF5C 00000000 21CEFF60 00000000 21CFC700 40000000
? What do you mean by that
K, after i figure out why the riku fix is constantly T-Stancing me I'll try this
And this UCM changes me to Anti? Sorry if I seem confused, i'm not good with codes if I don't label them as I use them
so just add this to the end of the code i already have? If I have to redo the code then that'll be a pain lol
what does this code do?
thx, i'll go test it, still wondering why the DW Anti Sora crashes me... even with none of sora's abilities equipped and exact copy-down from your code... o_O
Anyone got the code where Riku has a 3 part air combo and infinite ground combo? My Riku V5 has a long combo in air (which I hate...) and his ground combo's still crash if i attack too much lol
mmkayz thanks, i'll go test it out real quick, also, i'm gonna try an do one based on this and make a DW goofy possibly xD It still crashes... Is it because I'm using my file that doesn't have Sora's abilities unequipped? And is it also cuz i'm in TWTNW: Alley to Between
i'm guessing the keyblade is the bolded line above? Or is it the Red line?
well could you at least give me your copy? And are you using RAW or are you using ARMAX? Also, now that my gameshark is working again i'm gonna be working on combining codes into a few custom codes such as a few possible fixes if i can, finding false digits and other stuff, it'll be vigorous but it'll be fun lol
Hey can someone gimme a stable version of the "DW Anti Form" bcuz I compiled my own and it crashed even when I jokered it, sometimes the music would play and BSOD other times it would just BSOD on startup even b4 i hit my joker ._.
Sorry, its been a while since I posted, forgot the rule of every 2-3 pages, and oh, ok, i'll check antiweapons page and the Coders Corner for it :)
Just incase nobody saw this
Hmm.. ok... I was wondering after I posted that... is there a way that we could modify the model of Shadow Roxas to Dual Wield... like have a second keyblade in his hand? or even one floating with final form moveset on him.. that'd be interesting to see