no, just random ps2 outage... i was like 20 lines in... EDIT: Nvm, i got a USB keyboard to use
is there any other way to put it in... my gameshark crashed...
... this better fit on my gameshark... cuz i'm going to test it :)
sorry guys i planned on releasing my code tonight but i dont have time to work on it then publish it fully working but yeah, i'll have it up sometime tomorrow
Ok guys, I don't have the time to right now, and i dont mean this as spam its just a heads-up, later today I will be making a Custom Form + Custom Party all-in-one code for you to mess around with and i'll try and have it un-T-Stancable as possible so that you can do almost anything with it lol. Well, I really hope you guys enjoy it... cuz I'm gonna be taking time testing it and everything because it's your... THANKSGIVING DAY TREAT ^_^ Happy Thanksgiving guys, watch out for the code
the code posted above this question allows him to dw i believe
Before I add all that... what exactly does it do o_O
Meh, if you wanna, it doesn't really matter to me lol, I don't use moveset mods that much unless i'm making custom forms
Cuz im not sure how to use the neo moveset lol
Mmkayz :3 i msg'd the person who made the Thread, hope it gets added Edit: Custom Form Titled Zero-G form :D Spoiler 11CFA3FC 000006C1 -- Kh1 Costume 200F9000 10400005 -- Moveset Mod 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0001 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 21CEF10C 0000077B -- Replaces Kingdom Key with Ultima Weapon 201C78B8 0000102D -- You can Drive w/o Party Members 201C77E8 0000102D -- You Dont lose party members when Driving 21C95308 0A090964 -- Infinite Drive The only thing is that my form T-Stances when you change Map and when you Transform, so make sure to revert b4 you go to another room :3
Please stay on topic. Does anyone have a code request (MUST BE a compilation of already existant codes you want me to try and make a form out of or something) cuz i'm kinda bored playing Raven Shield and downloading Halo 2 ._.
Well would you mind telling me who all freezes so I can msg the person who made the forum with a list of working and non working characters? And have you tried Jokering it to make them work?
oh, mmkayz lol, do you know what lines in the Riku Fix it is that makes his air combo shorter? o_O i'd like to see that, can it be done for Roxas? Spoiler EDIT: Anyone wanna test this for me, my ps2 is overheated right now... View Battle Code (kinda like the ???? codes) 11CFA400 0000???? 11CFA3FE 0000???? <- donald/goofy mods, replace the ?'s with proper digits 21CC5930 58455F4E 21CC5934 00303238 11CFA3FC 000003BE 2037AE7C FFFFFFFF 20378D2C 00000000 2037AE48 00000000 <- sight seeing mode (allows you to view the battle) 2037A3D8 0016EA64 <- makes bosses into normal enemies, can be changed if you want a boss to fight normal enemies
Well I was just telling him what most custom forms are like, and what they do o_o
The code is in raw format, it's a custom form code (aka replaces valor or something) i think its one of the ones where you have to revert into sora for it to work
its not my gameshark, the only codes i ever have a problem with are DW Sora models and the Riku Fix that makes him have shorter air combos EDIT: If you can tell me the lines of code that make his air-combos shorter i can add it onto the working Riku code i've got and see if that works
can someone please explain to me why the Riku fix works for some people but not me... it seems that everytime i bring up a code question about it it's skipped right over ._.
I was talking about the Riku Fix... it works for him but not me....
erm... why does it work for u but not me T_T
Any ideas? o.o;