Only one word describes this... EPIC O_O
Hey stop bein a jerk okay he was trying to help you out to the fullest he can and he obviously can't provide a code for you if he doesn't understand it; and he can't really provide a code if he's not hacking this game. Here's the code you're looking for... Roxas W/ Saix's Moveset and Weapon (might crash) 1207E856 00006173 120B2CCA 00006173
Update Added "Selfless" to list of Poems
Spoiler Thanks for your polite criticism; and don't worry; there sure is more to come :D and also; the reason the capitalization and stuff is so bad and the usage of dots is over-excessive is i wrote this in a stage of depression yesterday in like... 10 minutes after a test XD Also; did you understand what the poem was about? Don't post what its about just pm me tellin what you think its about XD
My poems thread. --RETITLED FROM MY FIRST POEM-- Okay guys so here is my poem list. These are the first poems I have EVER posted ANYWHERE :) I hope you guys like them.. and for those with a less creative mind read it then click the spoiler at bottom of each entry. Some have the meaning and some have other ways of getting it. Deception Spoiler He appears a normal man a single love a single child a single home... Then when no one is around... he transforms shows his ugly side becomes... the abnormal... He appears a normal man a single love a single child a single secret from the world He appears to be a normal man... Until the bus drops him off to visit his single love his single child his second home. How to understand the meaning of Deception: Spoiler If you don't understand what this story is about then simply pm me and after i get a few pm's then I will post here what its about instead of messaging everyone back the meaning of Deception. IF you message me title the name of the Message "What is the Meaning of "Deception"? My reason for having you guys ask me in PM is so that the poem isn't ruined if someone decides to get a little... well... suspicious bout the spoiler ;D NOTE: Please only click this spoiler if you read and understood the original!!!! DECEPTION REVISED: Spoiler He appears a normal man A single love A single child A single home... Then when no one is around... He transforms Shows his ugly side Becomes... the abnormal... He appears to be normal Appears to live a good life Appears to have a happy wife Appears to be... Complete Until the bus drops him off to visit His single love His single child His second home... Then his truth is shown His lies come revealed His shame is shown He wonders if she will hold him If she will love him If she will forgive him If she will... Complete him once again His One Love... His true girl His only life His significant other His newfound wife-to-be Selfless Spoiler The man on the corner The owner of a small shop The clerk working for a cheap boss The writer of a novel All selfless All giving All loving All wanting the same The novelist a perfect world The owner a world of love The clerk a time of giving The man a warm home for all A world of love A world of truth A world of need A world of pain The sad truth is No matter what one gives How one loves How one tells truths It is not a perfect world Regretless Spoiler Though times and thoughts change Though things don't always go as planned Though I have made mistakes Though I have forgotten... Nothing ever changes Nothing ever decides Nobody ever tries Its always war... The thoughts inside The feelings we have The ideas we share The times we've lost... Though I have forgotten Though I have lost Though I have descended Though I have yearned I have one thing One special thing That nobody else can have I have... My regretless past My Darling Love Spoiler There is none other That deserves my heart That I can show I love That knows how I feel There is no lover That can feel so right To hold me so tight To love me as I love her But oh so close I am How I feel your love How you hold me tight How you love me as I love you How wonderful you are Your beauty Your smile Your laugh You truly are My single brightest star My angel from up above My Darling Love Meaning of My Darling Love Spoiler Okay; this doesn't really have much of a "meaning" so much as a "Why I wrote this" I wrote this because I am currently talking my my bestie (Heaven) and found she likes me as much as I like her (or at least nearly x3) and we wanna give us a shot; see how it works; only one complication; her current boyfriend is treating her badly and threatens to kill himself if she leaves him. I don't want her hurting; but I don't wanna be selfish either. So I wrote this today to explain how I feel about her and how I truly wish she were in my arms; I hope the best for her in all honesty and I hope that she chooses me... cuz he's been a jerk lately and I love seeing her happy... and she has been happy around me; lately I'm the only person able to make her smile or laugh so yeah... to the best of luck with us <3 Here it lays Spoiler Here it lays The truth The lies The look in your eyes Here it is The fire The ice The look is so right There you go Wandering Drifting Roaming like a lost soul Here it lays The truth in Disguise My love for you... Here it lays Meaning of "Here it Lays" Spoiler Well if you didn't get this i'm surprised. Ofc its not my best poem but its a nice one :3 However; yes; it is about Heaven; and yes it is another love poem ofc; if you don't understand it try coming up with what each 4 lines mean then compile it together into one meaning. That should be enough to give ya a reasonable-ish explanation. Ignore the comment about Heaven above. I left it in because I wanna always remember this; but she's pushed me out of her life so I guess I don't matter. At least memories always matter. EDIT: Life has been WAY back on track. Heaven is greatly in love with me again and we're back together! (yay!!!!) and well... she may be having a child soon ^_^
pretty nice quality; my webcam gets bout the same :) wish I had a capture card though >>
FM only i'm guessing...
Hmm.. I have a theory about the room that contains the thousand heartless battle... just waiting for SuperSora to send me a dump so I can open my ps2dis :3 and no... I won't reveal anymore info to anyone about my theory so no asky til i test it D:
I'm gonna go test it now :)
Is anyone here good at slot hacking?
Just letting you all know if you need help/testing with codes i'm pretty bored nowadays and would gladly help :)
lol, i was testing a custom form and figured something out, the slots for the 1k heartless are still in that room, because i was testing the form vs. Xigbar in the 1k battle area and BOOM he pulled his special they all appeared T-stanced and I crashed XD
No I can't I have already beaten the boss on all my accounts except my proud account where he's not even level 11 yet so i'm only in The Land of Dragons (First world I chose to unlock)
Yeah, here ya go: it's an FM video only so don't get too hyped, and its keytotruth and he said don't ask for the code so if you dont have the code to port, sorry bud XD
i simply input the code, i hit the L2 Joker, and it doesn't work or it BSOD's... the L2 joker IS the Xemnas battle joker right
I believe I asked this in the last thread and everyone told me it would be impossible to give Sora Roxas's textures and it would be highly DMA... but i watched a video last night of FM that had sora in roxas's clothes...
i followed the steps. Either the battle doesn't load (i have to use the boss warp) Or I get BSOD (if it doesn't load it just keeps me as sora...)
well, S4 League is KINDA an RPG cuz you gotta train to get weapons and you get stats you gotta upgrade so yeah, i'd say S4 League or Cabal are the best i've played (You can add custom music lol) Btw... I hate tibia >_< too many pkers and non-pvp is just boring XD
Find someone or something you can't help but be happy about, and think about it constantly, its the only thing that keeps me from going to a hospital and getting a med other than we have no cash extra each month, and the fact that i'm under 18 and would prolly kill myself with meds anyway
well he looks glitchy so i'm playing with it to test him out lol, besides i mite make a Xemnas Vs Xemnas and ... battle EDIT: If you get playing as Leon to work can you work on Play as Cloud :D that would be epic... cloud vs. cloud and sephiroth o_O