dude i tried it and it worked, but it gave you 999 hp (what the godmode is supposed to do >_<) so obviously your thingy doesn't work right
the reason you can't convert it is because he had a moveset mod in it EDIT: can anyone test this for me, its just a 1hp code i'm trying to make or rather find >< 02042F0C 00000001 It's godmode i know, i just changed the last 2 digits to hex equivalence of 1
idk wat DSTT uses, but most of these are Codebreaker and some (mostly the play-as) are AR.... and for some reason the Jokers are AR and the Play as are Codebreaker... at least thats what my emulator reads them as ><
its prolly just you then, the codes don't crash for most ppl, and if ur on emu and using a play as code, just unclick it when the mission ends. then re-click it in mission select. that simple, i just prefer jokers
whats with the long lines of code >_>
make a joker underneath the code, then make a play as normal roxas code under the new joker so it would look like this (jokered to L = DW Roxas R = Roxas) 94000130 FEFF0000 0204CA8F 00000013 94000130 FDFF0000 0204CA8F 00000000
its on the front page its the Hooded Roxas -- Single Wield
i mean can a coder or someone that actually makes codes do it, not somoene who just says stuff cuz they think they kno it >_> i actually DO romhacking, so I can talk about a lot of stuff i do with it, but most people don't they jus throw other pplz stuff together Well here is NO EXP GAIN :D 2219371c 00000001 I'll make the no munny gain value in a second and post Here's the no munny gain value :) 22193720 00000001 if that doesn't work change the 1 to a 0 EDIT: I need a 1hp code for someting crazy i wanna try lol
kk thanks can anyone do my other requests?
well they hacked a crit. mode for kh2 but ok, and uh, how do i use an activator, i'm new to codes i only been doing rom hacking lol
well i wanted something harder than proud, but i guess that'll do, and btw, i don't just remove every pannel cuz i still wanna be able to use weps, and if i have magics/potions, i will use them >_> i want a code that doesn't lemme pick up items other than orbs/munny if that makes sense...
ok i see wat you mean lemme get some time sometime (o.o) and I will try and make a code for you okay? It will be un-jokered tho >_>
i'm saying the old ones work, so there is NO NEED for new ones, god Can someone give me a code for No EXP Gain: Challenge for meh :D Critical Mode: More Challenge 0 Potions in Stock: This way I can never use potions to heal 0 Cura In Stock: Again, so I cannot heal without Orbs 0 Magics: No magic in stocks at all The reason I want the 0 potions - cura - magics is because I always equip the stuff I have >_< The 0 exp gain is so that I can just simply NOT get any lvl blocks Critical mode is just for a really cool challenge XD