Well, I can understand that, sorry for being a jerk, guys. Change does that to me.
Okay, I'm completely ignored here. Apparently, everyone forgot about the first TV show already. Jerks!
I'm just fine, pal. What's up?
I just hope people don't forget the first anime and start thinking of the new anime. The first FMA anime had a good story, it was mysterious, funny, and exciting. Replacing the original anime was just too harsh of an action to take. They should be pleased with what they had and move on.
I honestly don't think they needed to restart the series, it ruins the fun. It's like the Star Wars Pre-Trilogy, it wasn't needed.
Heyhey, man.
Guess who's back in business?! PS: I liked the "Owen Wins" episode better. Sorry. :(
Who the hell is Kiri? I've never heard of such a character.
I just hope they could ad a suprise character like Kadaj, Ultimecia, or Shere Kaan in the game.
Wow, endless choices. Well my favorite character is Mustang. Then again, Sheska was always a cute, jittery, and funny character, I liked her the most.
A younger Tidus would apear (Dissidia's Tidus). Marth can't appear because he is licenced by Nintendo. If I used another company's character, I'd get sued!
Well, yeah, of course he'll be in it. Sorry to keep you waiting for your answer. :D
Wow, alot's happened since I left. So, what's up?
Sephiroth is getting a little old, don't you think?
whoa, you can do that?
Werehog here, wassup?
Please, just call me Werehog.
get started with what?
Please, just call me Werehog