They also took some gameplay elements out of KH2, while adding others. They had smoother controls and all that, but I noticed they ditched the ability to fly. Sure, if you work really hard, you can glide, but in the first game, I got to fly! That was my favorite world. Which was another thing. What happened to my Neverland? I mean, they had enough pirates in the Port Royal world. Barbossa more than made up for the absence of Captain Hook. But I got a little pissed when they omitted the whole world from KH2. It was pardoned, though, by having Beauty and the Beast and Mulan in it. Shan-Yu kicks ***. Ansem/Xehanort was my least favorite character in KH2, because he lost every ounce of the malevolent charm he had in the first game. In the first game, he was a badass Heartless and had the plan and everything. I guess it was Zane who made the difference. He just wasn't the same with Richard Epcar. *sighs*
That's hard to say. I thought their age looked pretty close. Or at least, Terra looks considerably older than either of them.
They look romantically involved to me.
1) Black Sabbath- Iron Man 2) Eurythmics- Sweet Dreams Are Made of This 3) Billy Joel- Big Shot 4) Bon Jovi- Living on a Prayer 5) Earth, Wind, and Fire- Boogie Wonderland Those are some great songs. Wait, soundtracks don't count, do they? If they do, I've got a whole other list.
****Chapter 3**** As the five black-coated figures stood waiting for the other, he, at length, come from the portal, smirking. Xaldin came to him. "Did you find out where it is?" Vexen nodded. "I found out where half of it is." He said. Xaldin looked disappointed. "Half? Where is the other half, pray tell?" To this, Vexen nodded knowingly. "I don't know, but I think I know who does. Larxene was always Marluxia's lackey. If he trusted anyone with it's location, it was her." Xaldin looked around. "Well, I'm afraid I don't know where Larxene is. Do any of you?" He said, looking at the other hooded people. Finally, one rose a hand. "Yeah. I think Luxord mentioned something about 'feeling her' when he was on that mission we sent him on in Port Royal." He said. Xaldin held up a hand, and another spear came into his hand. "We have a destination, then. Unfortunately, Beast, you are a witness. And that simply won't do." In the blink of an eye, he had thrown the spear at Beast. But before the spear could hit, Beast had broken free of the other two. But rather than rushing the group, he bolted for the window and leapt, just as another spear embedded itself where he had been moments before. Xaldin ran and looked out the window, watched as Beast grabbed an outhanging pole and propelled himself to safety. Xaldin whispered a curse to himself before he turned back to the others. "We should hurry, then. It may not be long before our old friend the Keyblade Master is upon us again." With the final words, each of them disappeared into darkness. **************** The chapters are shorter than I'd like them to be, but I'm taking it bit by bit.
Barbossa vs Luxord. That would be cool.
Well, story and gameplay give two different perspectives. For example, according to the story, Xemnas is supposed to be the strongest, but in gameplay, he's easier than Demyx or Xaldin.
Leon/Squall is the only one they got right. Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin got completely screwed over in KH2. I would love to see Irvine in KH, as well as Zell.
****Chapter 2**** It was all white expanse that stretched around Vexen, save for the platform he was standing on. But of his notice was the orb floating in the air, with the shape of Marluxia's weapon engraved in it. As Vexen looked on, Marluxia appeared. "You, why are you disturbing me here?" Vexen glared with pure hatred at the upstart boy. He wasn't too much younger than Vexen, but he had done enough to gain his hate. In life, anyway. Vexen snapped, causing several Dusks to take form around Marluxia. "The Superior has need of you, Marluxia." He said. The pink-haired man looked at him. "Xemnas? What did he ever know?" He replied. Vexen laughed out loud. "No, I'm afraid Xemnas is long gone. Our new Superior, however, has great need of you." Said the scientist. Marluxia's eyes cocked in curiosity as the Dusks attacked. --------------------------------------------- "So, Xaldin, how are you back? Sora and I fought you. I watched you die." "We all died, Beast. But Xemnas trusted with us things that ensured certain... precautions, in case of such accidents." He answered. "Why, then isn't Xemnas here as well?" Asked Beast in reply. Xaldin looked at him and continued his explanation. "Because Xemnas could not be restored from the power of Kingdom Hearts, as he was inside it when he was destroyed. There is nowhere to go from there, I'm afraid." Beast grunted. "How did you know where to find this castle. After Sora left, I made certain to redirect the portal to somewhere else." He said. "Well," replied Xaldin, "A villager named Gastone told us where Belle always went off to. I decided it would be a good place to start." He smirked. Beast roared at him, but did not move. ------------------------------------------- Vexen looked around in an unimpressed manner after Marluxia dispatched all the Dusks. "This is my place, Vexen. You're as useless here as you were in the Castle Oblivion." Said Marluxia. Vexen snarled in anger as he summoned his shield. "Fine. We'll see who's useless." Was his reply. For a few seconds, they stared each other down, before Marluxia jumped. He attempted to bring his scythe down toward Vexen's head, but Vexen blocked with his shield and took advantage of the opening to throw an ice blast at Marluxia. the force of it sent Marluxia sliding back, but he retaliated by sending a slicing wave of energy toward his adversary. Vexen blocked it, but it sent him sliding as well. Marluxia took advantage of Vexen's loss of balance by jumping and coming at him again. But before he reached Vexen, he stopped. Vexen smirked as he looked at Marluxia, now frozen up to his head in ice. Marluxia thrashed his head around, trying to break the rest of himself free, but it was futile. Vexen picked up the ice sculpture. "Now, you need to tell me where you hid it, because Xaldin will be very angry if you don't." He said. Marluxia spit in his face. "You take orders from braid boy now, do you?" There was a long silence. But ultimately, Vexen spoke calmly. "You are going to tell me now, or you are going to fade forever." ************** Cool, It will become quickly obvious how they came back once I start to reveal it.
****Chapter 1**** Everything had been quiet in his castle for quite a while now, since Sora had helped him, and then left. He hoped Sora had succeeded on his quest, although he was happy with where he was. Soon, his curse would be broken. He could be human again, and he and Belle could live happily. He was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. He knew by the softness of the footsteps that it was Belle. "Beast?" said her soft voice. It was one of his few joys in life. "It's so gloomy in here. Come back to the rest of us." He looked around at her. As always, she didn't flinch or take a step back at seeing his face. That was one of the things he really loved about her. "But Xaldin took the rose. Someone could take it again." He said with his rough voice. She looked at him consolingly as he strode towards her. "Xaldin's dead, remember? Sora saw to that. Don't worry. It won't be much longer before we can-" Belle was interrupted when Beast suddenly threw her aside. No sooner did he do so that he was pinned against the far wall by two spears. Beast could never mistake their design. "Xaldin!" He growled, his voice dripping with pure venom as the black-coated figure emerged from the shadows, with several others alongside him, and took down his hood, revealing his face and long black hair. "Quite. I didn't think it possible that I could be defeated by you. But rest assured, my plans are no longer for you. Xemnas died with his Kingdom Hearts, and I don't plan to follow him. We've come here to interrogate someone who is...trapped here." Fear showed in Beast's eyes. "Belle, run!" He shouted. One of the black-coated figures made as if to pursue her, but a motion from Xaldin halted his pursuit. "No, we're not here for you or Belle. An old colleague of ours is here. And we need something he had. Where is Marluxia?" He demanded. Beast glared angrily and grated out a response. "There is no Marluxia here. I don't know who you are talking about." Xaldin advanced in anger, obviously irritated at Beast's answer. "You lie! He is here, I sense him!" But as he came close, a glint in the corner caught his eye. "There it is." He said, a sense of relief in his voice. He walked over to a strange and curious object in the corner. It was odd, Beast had never seen it before. Xaldin held up a hand to it, and it suddenly hovered in the air, glowing with a bright pink hue. "There you are." He said with a smirk. But rather than go through the mysterious portal, he turned to one of the others. "Vexen" He asked, "Would you like the honors?" The one called Vexen shed his hood as well, revealing himself to be a man with very light blonde, almost white hair and fair complexion. Right now, Vexen was grinning evilly. "Greatly." He walked past Xaldin and through the portal. Almost immediately, Beast disliked Vexen even more than Xaldin. "Hm." He grunted. "If this Marluxia is against you, he can't be a bad person." He finished. Xaldin simply glanced at him and said, "You have no idea."
My cast: Ansem- Billy Zane Axel- Quinton Flynn Marluxia- Steve Blum Larxene- Rebecca Romjin Vexen- I said Jason Alexander, but I hadn't thought of Mark Hamill. Zexion- Seth Green Lexaeus- Keith David or Dee Bradley Baker The rest, of course, are obvious. You know, David Gallagher, Haley Joel Osment and all that.
Xigbar was cool enough in Land of Dragons, although it didn't really make much sense. But yeah, Luxord fit in fine.
Leon's voice in KH1 wasn't all that bad, he just always sounded really depressed and monotonous. Same with Cloud, except when he was yelling gibberish during the fight. Leon sounded better in KH2. Demyx's voice was pure win. Ryan O'Donohue is cool. The reason they didn't have to Curse of the Black Pearl cast in the Port Royal world was because they were filming Dead Man's Chest at the time. That doesn't explain why Geoffrey Rush didn't voice Barbossa, but still. I still maintain that KH2 Xehanort had the worst voice, KH1 Xehanort/Ansem had the best.
The Pocahontas sequel had only one redeeming quality, and that was the fact that it had Billy Zane.
Prince Ali from Aladdin. I like it, and it pops into my head frequently. And Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas. I loved it when I was little. Actually all the songs from Pochahontas.
The Nightmare Before Christmas was good. So was Beauty and the Beast. The Lion King was a good one, but was only on par with the other two because of James Earl Jones. Everything else was slightly inferior, except Aladdin and Hunchback of Notre Dame. There were a lot of other ones that were very decent, but those are my personal picks for favorites. Please note, I'm counting only the classic/animated ones. Which rules out PotC and all the Pixar ones altogether.
He's still a Heartless throughout the rest of KH1 and all of CoM, he's just in human form. It's sort of the connection between him and Ansem. I remember someone saying they heard that in an interview. It's always important to have some sort of connection between hero and villain.
Or it could turn into a tragedy when an assassination occurs in the middle of his proposal. Man, that would suck.
Charlie was my favorite character. *sighs* I knew he was going to die, but I had kind of hoped it wouldn't happen. It was worse than Milo or Tony dying (not on Lost, but still). Why DID Milo have to die? I'm off topic. Mikhail does appear to have infinite lives, but is that all you find strange? I think he, Ethan, and Richard are experiments of some sort. Because: 1)Mikhail: Appears to be unable to die. 2)Ethan: Appears to have superhuman strength. 3)Richard: Appears to never age. I believe that must mean something. I almost didn't want Tom to die. I guess I kinda figured he might have become a good guy. Not now, unless he pulls a Mikhail. Wow, I'm geeking out over this finale.
Squall/Leon, definitely. He would be so cool as a Nobody. Well, coolER.