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  1. Viroxor
    But that's completely irrelevant. We weren't talking about what usually happens.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Viroxor
    It all comes out as question marks for me. I'm guessing my computer doesn't read Japanese.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Viroxor
    No-one said he had to die, just that he had to lose.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Viroxor
    Sephiroth is harder in-game, true. But if you think about it, Xemnas is actually stronger than Sephiroth, storywise. I mean, everytime Sephy gets near, it's just "Guard!" and back he goes again. He wouldn't stand a chance against Final Xemnas. He could just steal his heart! Sora only escaped it because Riku saved him. Who's gonna save Sephiroth? He's pretty much everyone's enemy.

    So therefore, Xemnas is clearly the winner.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Viroxor
    Coolest quote: "So you've awakened at last, princess? At last, the final keyhole is complete. But now it's over. You've served your purpose."

    Coolest action: In the final boss battle when he says "Darkness... witness real power!" Just the way he says that gives me chills every time. Then I get to hear it again when I die!

    Note, these are not just my opinions. They are full-blown facts. No debating allowed.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Viroxor
    I actually just said she's not. Or at least, not that I've heard of. Her IMDB page can be found here.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 9, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. Viroxor
    The following is a list of the best movies ever made. Please note that I didn't say they were my favorites (although they are), I said they were the best. It's a fact.

    The Trumpet of the Swan
    Forrest Gump
    Pulp Fiction
    The Fugitive
    Battle Royale
    Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

    Those are the greatest films ever made by humans. Ever. Everyone who denies it is going straight to whatever bad side of the afterlife they believe in.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 9, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Viroxor
    She's a voice actress, which should be self-explanatory. She does stuff like voicing characters in video games and animated films and stuff, though I never heard the trailer thing.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 9, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  9. Viroxor
    Captain Hector Barbossa is the best Disney villain. Michael Jackson is the best Disney hero. No, actually, I say the best hero is Aladdin. He was cool.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  10. Viroxor

    Fake Ansem

    He's still Ansem. I say Xehanort gets to be Ansem's Heartless, just because Ansem was so much cooler than Xehanort. DiZ can just be DiZ, nobody loves him anyway, except for the Christopher Lee part.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Viroxor
    She's some kind of distant relative. Ah, she voiced Billie! Melissa is cool.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  12. Viroxor
    I one recited the entire "All worlds begin in darkness" speech without a hitch. It was amazing. I'm going to play Billy Zane when they make a movie about him, you know. Watch and see if I don't.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Viroxor
    By last boss, do you mean the first or second Ansem fight on the ship? If it's the last one, where you have Donald and Goofy in your party, he's not all that difficult. Just stay back when he does the whole "Witness real power!" attack. It'll kill you. Fast.

    I never tried at level 9, though. Fight through the Coliseum a lot is my recommendation. It'll level you up pretty quick. I first beat Ansem at around level 56.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Viroxor


    Yeah, he'd be the same as Clayton, although probably easier if he was in KH2.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Viroxor
    I can sound like Ansem, Xaldin, Luxord, or Saix. It's pretty cool. I can sound like Axel sometimes, but only his yelling lines. You know, from when you fight him. But I sound like Ansem when I talk normally. The other ones I can do if I try.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Viroxor
    That doesn't matter. Have you seen Corey Burton's credits in KH2? He voiced Sark, MCP, Shan-Yu, the Peddler, and some others. I don't think they are limited to one role.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Viroxor
    DeLisle would be brilliant for Larxene, now that I thought about it. I switched around my choices a little bit.

    Marluxia- George Newbern (Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II)
    Larxene- Grey DeLisle (Azula in Avatar)
    Vexen- Jason Alexander (Abis Mal in the second Aladdin)
    Zexion- Seth Green (Boyd in The Trumpet of the Swan) or Eric Balfour (Milo in 24)
    Lexaeus- Dee Bradley Baker (General RAAM in Gears of War)

    Credit to sonickenshin for bringing up Grey DeLisle. The rest were my idea.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Viroxor
    I know that the old man in the video summoned Kingdom Hearts.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Viroxor
    ****Chapter 4****
    Sora had been all over the place since they had returned. He always figured that what he wanted most was to come home and stay home. But things just hadn't happened that way. All that time adventuring and fighting evil had taken the quiet part of him right off into the distance. He couldn't stay put for a second. And he couldn't stop looking at Kairi...

    As he thought about these things while walking down the beach, a glint caught his eye. He looked to the shore. A bottle? It looked like it, but inside was a message. Excitedly, he picked up the foreign object and took the message out of it. Immediately, he called to his friends as he saw the King's seal on it.


    Dear Riku, Sora and Kairi,

    I have bad news. Beast tells me Xaldin and some of the other Organization members are back. Xaldin and Vexen are the only ones he identified, but they said they're going to Port Royal. Don't worry, Beast and Belle both made it out alright, but if the Organization is back, then we have trouble. I imagine they'll come looking for Roxas and Namine eventually, so you'd better hurry and find them, before they find you.

    Yours truly,
    King Mickey


    Sora mulled this over. He knew Xaldin, but... "Who's Vexen?" He asked. Riku looked at him curiously. "I remember Vexen. I guess you never met him, but I fought him in Castle Oblivion. Then he made a clone of me that I eventually killed." Sora's eyes widened as flashes came to him. He saw a man with extremely light blonde hair and green eyes. "Green eyes? Almost white hair?" He said, giving the general description. "Yeah." Confirmed Riku. "You met him?" He said. There was a long silence before Sora continued. "Well, we have to go to Port Royal, if the Organization is going to be there."

    "Right." Said Kairi and Riku at the same time. Riku looked at Kairi in surprise. "Kairi, I think you should stay here. It was just a week ago that you fully recovered from the effects of first leaving the islands. Remember? You lost your heart? Ansem? Namine? Xemnas? Ringing any bells?" he asked. Kairi looked indignant. "There is no reason why I can't go." Then Sora cut in. "Come on, Riku let her go. She's proved she's tough enough." He implored.

    "NO!" Shouted Riku, silencing both of them. "I'm not letting you get hurt. Sora, come on, we're going." He asserted. Sora reluctantly followed Riku toward the doorway. It was actually kind of creepy being here. The last time he had seen the real islands, they turned out to be part of Ansem's dark world. He just didn't know what to trust anymore.

    "I don't think it's fair, really, Riku. She's proved she can handle it." He said. But Riku was adamant. "Listen, Sora. I like Kairi the same way you do. That's why I'm not letting her go. I submitted to that darkness once. I won't let that happen to either of you." Finally, they reached the door. Each of the Keyblade wielders put a hand to it, and it opened.

    Both of them passed through. As they did, Riku could still faintly hear the same chilling, distant voice that he had heard the first time he opened this door. "I'm still here, Riku..."
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Viroxor
    She didn't have them before Namine was born. Why should it be any different after they reunite?

    I'm not sure Axel could come back, but Xehanort is almost certainly still alive. Xemnas died, but Ansem is still out and about in Riku's heart. He even said so himself, in addition to actually appearing on multiple occasions. I think that will be the premise of the next installment. As long as Xehanort's Heartless still exists, he can still come back, right? But I don't want Ansem back if he's going to be voiced by Epcar. I will only accept Zane/Ansem.

    Anyway, if Axel's Heartless is the same as Xehanort's, then he is alive. That's really as simple as it gets.
    Post by: Viroxor, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX