Billy Zane should be added, because he did the best of all the KH voice-acting. He voiced Ansem, so everyone knows.
Xigbar would win. Xaldin's tough, but Xigbar is too fast. And since Xaldin's not Neo or Sora, he can't dodge bullets, especially not homing ones. And Xigbar is too second in command. There's a reason he gave Saix orders. The first six members have dominion over everyone else. Marluxia broke that rule when it came to Vexen's authority. Saix acted like second in command, but that's because he was next in line after Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion, all of whom were deceased at the time.
I seriously thought it was gonna be Ansem (not DiZ, Xehanort's Heartless Ansem). I wonder if Kuxir will be pissed about Sora blowing up the only other one of his kind.
I thought it was gonna be Ansem. I was like. Woah.
X and Zero used 'damn' and 'hell' many times in the Megaman X series. If they use those words in a Megaman game, it isn't really surprising for it to be used here.
Because there's still the pieces of him in Riku, because of when he possessed Riku in KH1. Therefore, the only way for Xehanort's Heartless to be permanently gone is for Riku to be permanently gone. It could be an interesting plot point.
I think he's referring to the music for the final battles, which is collectively titled "Darkness of the Unknown". In which case, the Xemnas throne battle #2 music was my favorite as well.
Oh, forgot MMBN. Ah well, I'll edit the list later.
For me, it is as follows. 1)Devil May Cry 2)Star Fox (looks at avvy and title) 3)Dark Cloud 4)Hitman 5)Final Fantasy
The Door to Darkness sealed by two keys could refer to Roxas, or to Sora and Mickey, or to Sora and Riku, or Mickey and Riku, or something else entirely. On second thought, it might refer to Sora and Xehanort's Heartless, since they were the two main Keyblade-wielders in H1. That's interesting.
I said that about Slippy. He had to pull out for repairs at the first boss.
Xemnas, yeah, but I don't think Roxas is in that league. Thirteen out of thirteen is last. And he obviously didn't have any rank in the Organization (like Saix) or he would have been closer to "in command" status. Sorry, but Roxas is to Organization XIII what Slippy is to Star Fox. He's the inexperienced and furthermore least skilled one that no-one really liked to begin with. Axel doesn't count.
I could see Marilyn Manson as Marluxia, but if Justin Timberlake voices Zexion, I'm going to kill myself.
I think Lexaeus was probably the strongest. Xemnas was undoubtedly the most powerful (hence why Axel, Saix, and all the others chickened out when he threatened them).
Please tell me when it starts. I'm looking forward to this. I lack the patience myself to write something this big. Most people do, I think. This is a remarkable project. You rock.
Lexaeus is the strongest.
Marluxia was a ****! I hate him so much! I only regret that I don't have a Gameboy, and am thus furthermore incapable of kicking Marluxia's sorry *** all the way to hell! Marluxia is going to hell, and Vexen and Zexion are going to be there laughing at him and Axel. The only good thing about Marly is that he made Axel slightly tolerable, when Axel betrayed him.
Haley Joel Osment was in The Sixth Sense and Pay It Forward. That's all I know for him. Hayden Panettiere (or however you spell it), well, she was just in Heroes. That's all I know for her. Jesse McCartney, I have no idea. No idea about Brittany Snow, either.
We don't know anything about Demyx's personality. All we know about him is that he thinks he can't fight, but in reality kicks all ***. Yeah, that makes him a lot weaker than Sephiroth.
*Reminds eastercat of the clear facts I presented just a few posts ago* It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Xemnas would win. All he has to do is "Can you spare a heart?" thing, and bam, Sephiroth drops dead. No heart=no person. Sephy wouldn't become a human-shaped nobody because only people with incredibly strong hearts can do that.