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  1. Viroxor
    Xalerin looked at Mickey's dead body, then at Verxy. "We've done it. But I have another matter to relate to you. Nixon has betrayed us. Revealed Jordie's memories to her. He has ruined everything! This must be dealt with. You handle him, I'll kill the Queen. And you, traitor." He added the 'traitor' under his breath. He said it pointing at Roxas. "Go with Verxy."
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Viroxor
    OMG! Nashida wins three cookies. One for recognizing Falco, one for being the first to do so, and one for labeling him as teh favorite character. For he is also mine.
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  3. Viroxor
    Wii can play Star Fox. *Pokes* Oh, and anyone who guesses the character in my avvy not only wins at life, but also receives a cookie.
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  4. Viroxor
    OOC:Everyone's posting too fast. That's why all the posts contradict each other.
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Viroxor
    Xalerin refused to go out this way. This quickly, and all for Nixon's plotting. No! He rapidly blew the girl off of him with another wind barrier and got back to his feet. But then he realized it. He was too exhausted. He came down to a kneeling position, for lack of strength to stand. Confronted by all the Keybladers, he gave a word of parting.

    "You... you are fools, all of you. You would assist his plot. You would allow Nixon to manipulate you like this?! If the other eleven superiors are eliminated, his power will be absolute. I will not lose everything for his treachery. I won't..." As he finished this, he vanished through another doorway through darkness, the barrier disappearing as he did.


    As he reappeared back in his chair in the World that Never Was, he commented. "Nixon betrayed me. He turned her and the others onto me. Threw me into the wolf's den. He has to be dealt with, don't you see?" He resigned himself, simply slouching, not in any mood to continue.

    OOC:Fine, the Roxas thing happened inbetween, I don't feel like editing again.
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Viroxor
    OOC:Yeah, I was posting that before. I read your post right after I put it up. Neway, it's edited now.
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Viroxor
    Nixon wanted her in his group, as it happened. "What are you talking about? If anyone deserves a Keyblader in their Organization, it's me!" He said, slightly angry now. He and Soujiro exchanged a series of blocks and counters. "Impressive, boy!" He said. He jumped back and surrounded himself in a wind barrier, a trick he learned from Xaldin.

    Doing a flip in Soujiro's direction, he attempted to knock him back with the barrier. This would be no problem. These two alone weren't enough to stand against his infallible power. But then something happened.

    She was inside the barrier somehow. "What?" He quickly blocked her attack and drew back. "This is your plan, Nixon? Turn them all on me, isn't it? You traitor!" Then she somehow spawned a second Keyblade and launched them both. One in front and one in back.

    He teleported clear of the frontal attack, but the second knocked him into the air, off guard.
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Viroxor
    Xalerin didn't think he could do it that easy, and he didn't. She blocked it, and then ran at Nixon, who Xalerin hadn't seen before. "Nixon, what are you doing here? Couldn't you just let me have the fun this once?" He said, then looked at the other two Keyblade wielders. "Fine, you take her. I've got these." He took several steps forward, and snapped his fingers. Immediately, a barrier rose from the ground around he and them, forming a big circle.

    "It's my show now. And congratulations to you. You're the main attractions!" With that, he flew at the dual-wielding one and sliced horizontally with his arm blade.
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Viroxor
    Xalerin sneered at the girl. She couldn't tell, of course, because he had his hood up. He decided to take it off, allowing his black hair to hang freely. "I'm not here to give you answers, I'm afraid. I'm just here to get you out of the way. Now, in the name of the Committee of the XIIIth Order, I expel you from this existence!"

    He pointed one finger at her, and part of his cloud formed into three spears, which launched at the girl wielding the Keyblade.
    Post by: Viroxor, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home