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  1. rikusorakairiown


    wheres my goddamn manhug TCO? >=D
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Aug 2, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. rikusorakairiown

    brb guys

    excretin some **** waste.
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Aug 2, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. rikusorakairiown

    EDIT: Fixed
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Aug 2, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. rikusorakairiown
    Apparently robe is a good adjective because apparently ninjas wear robes and wearing one makes you feel like a ninja

    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Aug 2, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. rikusorakairiown
    **Mortualia || on GunZ sent out PENIS! 412HP, 193ATK, 132DEF, 115SPC, 102SPE, ELECTRIC type.
    *for srs
    Wifey says (18:11):
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:11):
    **Wifey sent out VAGINA! 477HP, 155ATK, 200DEF, 185SPC, 123SPE, ELECTRIC type.
    **VAGINA is first.
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:12):
    Wifey says (18:12):
    *hao? D=
    *attack with squirt
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:12):
    **It is not your turn.
    *use ******
    **It is not your turn.
    *attacks with ******
    Wifey says (18:12):
    *use vagina
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:12):
    **It wasn't very effective...
    VAGINA's VAGINA did 14 damage!
    PENIS: 398/412 HP
    **Mortualia || on GunZ called back PENIS.
    **Mortualia || on GunZ sent out OLD GRANNYU! 457HP, 194ATK, 173DEF, 103SPC, 193SPE, NORMAL type.
    Wifey says (18:12):
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:12):
    **Wifey called back VAGINA.
    Wifey says (18:13):
    *Go Penis
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:13):
    **Wifey sent out PENIS! 425HP, 190ATK, 108DEF, 192SPC, 164SPE, ELECTRIC type.
    Wifey says (18:13):
    *use penis
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:13):
    **It is not your turn.
    *use apple fling
    **OLD GRANNYU's APPLE FLING did 19 damage!
    PENIS: 406/425 HP
    Wifey says (18:13):
    *use ***
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:13):
    **PENIS's *** did 35 damage!
    OLD GRANNYU: 422/457 HP
    **OLD GRANNYU restored 31 health!
    OLD GRANNYU: 453/457 HP
    Wifey says (18:13):
    *use more ***
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:13):
    **PENIS's MORE *** did 134 damage!
    OLD GRANNYU: 319/457 HP
    Wifey says (18:13):
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:13):
    **OLD GRANNYU's FINISHER did 154 damage!
    PENIS: 252/425 HP
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:14):
    Wifey says (18:14):
    *Use white wind
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:14):
    **PENIS's WHITE WIND did 171 damage!
    OLD GRANNYU: 148/457 HP
    **OLD GRANNYU's BANHAMMER did 93 damage!
    PENIS: 159/425 HP
    Wifey says (18:14):
    *crap, that was supposed to heal <.>
    *use lock
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:14):
    **PENIS's LOCK did 53 damage!
    OLD GRANNYU: 95/457 HP
    **OLD GRANNYU restored 23 health!
    OLD GRANNYU: 118/457 HP
    Wifey says (18:14):
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:14):
    **PENIS restored 41 health!
    PENIS: 200/425 HP
    **OLD GRANNYU's KILL did 156 damage!
    PENIS: 44/425 HP
    Wifey says (18:14):
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:14):
    Wifey says (18:15):
    Mortualia || on GunZ says (18:15):
    **OLD GRANNYU's HAHA NO BUTT did 112 damage!
    PENIS: 0/425 HP
    **Congratulations, Mortualia || on GunZ! You have defeated Wifey!
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Aug 1, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. rikusorakairiown
    Ok so I always ahd problems with paranoia, and I tend to have a lot of trouble sleeping because of it. But now I think I know why it was such a problem. About a week ago my friend came over to stay for the night. We did..Gaming stuff, (I am a no lifer after all.)

    Anywho, at around 11pmish, she decided she had to go to the toilet, so I waited in my room, watching the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm character select screen. The mind numbing boredom made it seem like an eternity as my paranoia started to sink in, heavier than I ever remember it being. A few seconds later I heard a scream from the bathroom.Without thinking I rush to the door, just stopping myself before entering, realising what I was doing. I stood outside of the door cursing myself, what do I do? I can't just barge in on her, but there has to be a reason for her screaming. After another few minutes panic took over and I barged in to see her stood pointing at a spider.

    I was enraged! Without thinking I shouted at her, I can't even remember what it was I said, but it msut've upset her because she hit me, I got in one little fight and my mum got scared she said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air, I begged and pleaded with day after day but she packed my suitcase and and sent my on my way. She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket and put my walkman on and said "might as well kick it" first class hey this is rad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass, is this what the people of Bel Air are living like? Hmmm... This might be alright! But wait I hear persy boy lyin, is this the type of place they should send this cool cat i don't think so we'll see when i get there i hope they're prepared for the prince of bel air well ah when the plain landed and i came out there was a dude that looked like a cop standin there with my name out i aint tryin to get arrested yet i just got here i sprang with the quickness of lightning and dissapeared I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror if anything i can say this cab is rare but I thought naw forget it yo homes to Bel Air! I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie yo home! smell ya later! I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel Air.
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Aug 1, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. rikusorakairiown
    [noparse]well ?[/noparse]
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 30, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. rikusorakairiown

    In hindsight

    GunZ gameplay vids are terrible when they're uncut D:
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 29, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. rikusorakairiown

    Hey, libregkd

    you're awesome, you know that?
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 29, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. rikusorakairiown

    dear god

    I ****ing loved twilight
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 28, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. rikusorakairiown


    this band gave me a headache but it's like an orgasm in my ears T.T

    What do i dooooo?
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 28, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. rikusorakairiown

    Dear humans.

    You're all prejudice, hypocritical, self loathing, petty, idiotic, self centered pieces of ****.

    I hate you all.

    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 28, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. rikusorakairiown
    How do I gtfo KHV?
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 28, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. rikusorakairiown
    It will be my 12th time becoming prem.

    I still have the record rite?
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 28, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. rikusorakairiown
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 27, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. rikusorakairiown

    arguing 101

    Lesson 1: dont argue as badlyy as this guy

    Dphect says (17:13):
    *imma post le pics on bookfaec
    riskown says (17:13):
    Dphect says (17:17):
    *awl white
    riskown says (17:17):
    *they look like my old p.e. shoes.
    Dphect says (17:18):
    *well ur old p.e shoes must've been very stylish.
    riskown says (17:18):
    *I hated them
    *pure white is boring
    Dphect says (17:18):
    riskown says (17:18):
    *needs some designs man
    *like my football boots had
    Dphect says (17:18):
    *pure whites awsum
    riskown says (17:18):
    Dphect says (17:18):
    *it glows in le sun
    riskown says (17:18):
    *its boring
    *and lame
    Dphect says (17:18):
    riskown says (17:19):
    Dphect says (17:19):
    Dphect says (17:20):
    *crap i forgot to put my all white tee's in the pic
    Dphect says (17:21):
    *i hate khv
    *u never talk since you got unbanned
    riskown says (17:27):
    *cos I was afk
    *<< away
    Dphect says (17:31):
    riskown says (17:31):
    Dphect says (17:31):
    riskown says (17:31):
    Dphect says (17:31):
    riskown says (17:31):
    Dphect says (17:31):
    Dphect says (17:32):
    *urbanears > all
    *true story
    riskown says (17:32):
    *they're plain white
    *do you walk around in plain white everything?
    Dphect says (17:32):
    *not all of em
    riskown says (17:32):
    *and have a plain white room?
    Dphect says (17:32):
    riskown says (17:32):
    *and plain white underwear
    Dphect says (17:33):
    *my rooms blu
    riskown says (17:33):
    *and a plain white comp
    *and plain white hair
    Dphect says (17:33):
    *underwears blue/grey
    *nope hair black
    riskown says (17:33):
    Dphect says (17:33):
    riskown says (17:33):
    Dphect says (17:33):
    *if u wanna be judgemental
    riskown says (17:34):
    *I love the design variety
    *solid colours
    Dphect says (17:34):
    *theyre candy paint
    *solid colors are awsum
    riskown says (17:34):
    Dphect says (17:34):
    riskown says (17:34):
    Dphect says (17:34):
    *theyre designish
    riskown says (17:34):
    *they're BORING
    Dphect says (17:34):
    riskown says (17:34):
    Dphect says (17:34):
    riskown says (17:35):
    *they looks like crap
    Dphect says (17:35):
    *urbanears > all
    *the fact still remains even if u hate
    riskown says (17:35):
    *cept skull candies
    Dphect says (17:36):
    *most scull candies are just facepalm
    *some are awsum
    riskown says (17:36):
    Dphect says (17:36):
    *but most
    riskown says (17:36):
    *most are awesome
    *all of the urbanears youve shown me look like this
    * Not all participants can view handwriting, so your messages will be sent as text
    riskown says (17:36):
    ***** no handwriting
    Dphect says (17:36):
    *and theyre uncomfterble
    riskown says (17:36):
    *they arent.
    Dphect says (17:36):
    *they are
    riskown says (17:36):
    *urbanears are boring
    *and not heyre not
    *fine are fine
    Dphect says (17:37):
    riskown says (17:37):
    Dphect says (17:37):
    riskown says (17:37):
    *you agree
    Dphect says (17:37):
    *no the fact that ur a hater is le truth <.<
    riskown says (17:37):
    Dphect says (17:37):
    *gotta go shower nao
    Dphect says (17:38):
    riskown says (17:38):
    *whenever we ave an argument
    Dphect says (17:38):
    riskown says (17:38):
    *all you can do is sya
    *and LIE D:
    Dphect says (17:38):
    riskown says (17:38):
    Dphect says (17:38):
    riskown says (17:38):
    *nice comeback
    Dphect says (17:38):
    *shush D:<
    riskown says (17:38):
    *very nice
    Dphect says (17:38):
    *shush D:
    Dphect says (17:39):
    riskown said (17:39):
    *very nice comeback
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 27, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. rikusorakairiown


    1. KH-Vids

    buy kh-vids mugs, tshirts and magnets
    I kingdom hearts forum with videos from said games. The majoirty of the staff have issues and most of the members are noobs. The few mature members have either become inactive, become trolls, or have just faded from spot light. They are known for thier pointless e-drama in the kingdom hearts community concerning such things as unbanning permanently banned members, trying to take over the site and convert it into a dictatorship, pop-punk fans insulting hip-hop music and culture, and pointless personal arguments caused by the stunts of /b/tards who pretty much run the place.
    CockgoezHea69: Hey, the mods should unban Mr.Bubbles000 cuz KH-Vids is nuthing without him

    Noobs: Sure why not

    /b/tards: Yami Flood

    I am so proud of you KHV. SO PROUD. <3
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 27, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. rikusorakairiown

    what is love?

    Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 27, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. rikusorakairiown
    Avenged Sevenfold <3

    RIP Rev. Rock on in drummer heaven.
    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 27, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. rikusorakairiown

    Oh gee

    Thread by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 27, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone