love hurts, love scars, love wounds, and marks
I finally found out wtf I'm gonna' do with my life rather then sitting on the computer play Yu-Gi-Oh intill I'm 30 (not that i wouldent) I've been homeschooled for 8 years so i am about to go into highschool I'm going to skip highschool completely (which would be a 3d online school in which everything i would learn there is like watching Mr. rogers for 15 year olds "can you say the Pythagorean therom? i knew you could") I am going to spend the next 4 years here studying my SAT and get my GED and I'm going to try to get into either deVry or ITT TECH and be a electronic engineer. . . . Yeah I feel good.
Official story: He's my best friends Dad, I knew him for 5 years I've slept at his house. This is sick and wrong he sang at a damn church every Sunday. I feel betrayed.
I'm fucking serious I'm bored as hell.
I hear the drums echoing tonight But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversaaaaation
It doesn't snow in Mississippi! It's snowing here! This is the first time I've seen snow! ... Its cold now.
[I missed NCIS]
Hye people i had to wright a thing for school, its suppoused to be a cover paper for a work application. And here it is >_< do you think I'll get an A? "Good day mr. Merlin my name is Sora and i would like to apply for the Keyblade bounty hunter/man slave job listing i saw at the cornerstone yesterday. Though i do not get the last part, but I'll learn. My experience as a bounty hunter is inpecible and i am highly skilled. My past jobs are :I saved the world from a giant Terranort :I saved the world from a guy with pink hair (which I'm actually not supposed to remember but Riku told me, but then again can i really trust Riku with that kind of thing, anyways) :I saved the world from a Xemnas So you should definitely hire me! My number is 1-555-539-2533 (AWESOME NUMBER RIGHT IT SPELLS KEYBLDE) Sincerely Sora...and donald...god dammit and goofy." What do you think?
fucks! thinks of making viruses! I've been computerless for 3 days trying to get rid of this virus that says its a anti-virus. And ya'know everyone dealt with one of those BUT NOT THIS ONE! This one wouldent let me open my anti virus or task manager or start menu I was able to somehow get to system restore and get to a date before the virus and it seems to be gone. But dude it opens a windows explorer page and searches up Porn! 0_0 I hate the internet TT_TT
alright i dissided to break down and buy swap magic. I have already modded my playstation 2 slim to cover the sensors so i don't need the little magic tool things. i have 10 bucks to spend and all i need is the disk. Does anyone know where i can buy swap magic disk only?
I've been to 2 diffrent graphic shops at 2 different sites and nether actually does it I waited 2 months for the first and about 28 days for the secound...i got nether So here this is all i want size: 400 by 120 Text:The worlds have given us this doorway. Subtext: They want us to be the guardians of their destiny. Image: Anything Extra?: Some blueish black effects
Here And heres the weird thing! Heres ven at yen sid tower And heres sora at yen sid tower Weird aye? Anyway enjoy!
I was browsing google images for a picture of Vanitas when i found this Looks pretty legit and freaky 0_0
I have a modded ps2 slim its known as the "tissue and tape mod" I would like to play kh2fm but i don't know how With my modded playstation 2 could someone tell me a technique in which i could play this game without a swap magic disk. Thank you Also if it helps i have ar max
Today in Mississippi near the Louisiana Border. Me and my mother 2 days ago dilivered alpacas to this rich familys house. They had a huge yard huge house, the alpacas we were dropping off had been at our farm their entire life. It was hard letting them go, but these people seemed like a better home and we needed the money. Today my father woke me up and said to me "Your mother needs to talk to you" I was confused on what she wanted me about. I stubbled out of bed towereds her room she was in her study. "What is it mom?" i said "Baby sit down". It seems that the alpacas were killed by 3 pitbulls, belonging to the next door nebhours. The children cried at the site of this massacrer, the son in his 30 who lived there to do farm work shot the dogs and told the owner of the dogs "You better start packing your things because I'm sueing you for everything you have" I hope he damn well wins. Worst Christmas Ever.
Well I have been contemplating on the matter and have come up with a possible theory. Well what we do know Ven Aqua and Terra are friends and students of some sort of keyblade academy Lead by a elderly man Master Xehanort Anouther keyblade master named Master Eraqus and a apprentices named Vanites. Vanites and Xehanort Misteriasly disappear Master Eraqus send Terra Ven And Aqua to find time About the same time a mysteriose enemy appears called the unversed From then on we don't know much Theory Time! Vanities and Ven have a connect unknown as shown here My guess. Vanites is a teachers pet and is constently spying on Ven and what not First sign of trouble and Master Xehanort will no about it Vanitis is in Ven's room because he is going through his belongings. Ven looks angry and Vanitias seems to have found something. This leads to a huge grudge between the two Also an unknown fact Ven is too young to have graduated yet he left with the others, even though he is to young. Theory _______ Master Eraques sends Terra and Aqua and refuses to send Ven Which causes a huge argument and leading to Ven sneaking away with Terra And Aqua. ________ Now...We can't skip this. Ven has a remarkable resemblance to Roxas. Well does anyone remember in Kh1 where Sora had a voice in his head and strange dreams Very short time Hell i don't think he slept after that anyway It has been proven that Terra see's Sora and Riku on the island Well could it be possible that Ven was there. I believe something happened with Vens heart on the island And when was "erased" as said in the trailer Terra did so and Ven's stray heart wandered Back to the island Into Sora. The voice in Sora's head was Ven the dreams were images of Ven's life. Ven led him in the right direction. Protected him from the darkness. Then He gained Kairi's heart at the island right before he Um... left persay Now picture yourself You have a keyblade You experience...A wooden sword You cannot take on an army of heartless like that? Vens heart Gave him the experience of Ven the Strength. Then Hallow Bastion he releases Kairis heart and Vens in the prossess Right then as we know Namine was made BUT Heres where things get freaky Vens heart had no body to go to So he took Soras freshly made blank nobody Before it could gain picture or memory or anything Ven's heart took it. Giving him his appearance. But do to him guiding Sora, he lost his memorys. This is why Roxas Had emotion AND Roxas is still technically Sora's Nobody Now for Xion Well as you might have noticed due to y statement she comes in and contradicts everything Because of this Xion is seen as Ven More Theory Ven after leaving Soras heart leaves all of his memorys deep in Sora's subconscious When the memorys were takin in CoM to make Xion they took the Image of Ven and to some she was seen as him. Due to her having his memorys she became close to Roxas who looked like him. Now on to Terra There has been a rumor which i have peiced together which makes it possible. Xemnas being Terra First lets get a picture Terra Xemnas You gotta admit We got some similarity's here Now theory time During birth by sleep Master Xeonort tells Terra to embrase the darkness (actually proven there) Then the video cuts off What if that was near the end He did embrase it and lost all of his memorys of his past life He goes into a fit of rage voices in his head the only thing he heard was "Xaonort" Terra kills Him in one mighty blow of darkness Since he only knows that name he thinks it of it as his own Then he became an apprentice with the others under Ansem the Wise He then betrayed him and took his name due because day after day he kept losing memorys to the darkness Now for kh1 Sora Donald And goofy fight Him as his giant self That was the dark terra he was "killed" Now he wasen't actually killed but was reborn as Xemnas Xigbar found Xemnas and thought of him as a Nobody But actually he lost all of the darkness inside of him When Sora opened the door Terra started to remember his life then confused beyond belief he had an idea Recreate kingdom hearts but for anouther porposs To gain his memorys back, to become whole once more. By the time Riku Sora And Mickey opened the door he remembered his old life which leads to the scean with aqua on the floor with him in the chamber of whatever And also leads him to the battle with Sora in his old Armor Well that will do for now ...Yeah
Alright Zelda is a good series but for Christ sake they made another. One game: ya' awesome game awaiting more Two games: Great better then the original Three games: Good game but same story line Four games: This bores me But look at all of the games Adventure of Link A Link to the Past Link's Awakening Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask Oracle of Seasons Oracle of Ages The Wind Waker The Minish Cap Twilight Princess Phantom Hourglass And now Spirit Tracks I mean seriously how many games can you make out of the idea that Some 15 year old kid saves a princess then gets laid. It's as bad as Mario with Princess Peach but at least mario mixes it up a little. Well that ends my rant In short Stop makng Zelda games It's not fun anymore T_T