*echo* Hello!~ Can anyone hear me!~ Fudge!~ THERE IS FUDGE IN HERE TOO WTH!? Damn this is just Like when I got lost in the Cabbage Dimension with...
MHM HELL YEAH THEY DO!~ Thats an hour that will haunt me for the REST OF MY LIFE!~ Ohh alright how many are you getting? and who is joining in...
Yeah Just beat the mid boss lol he was cake for me....My party got raped tho D8.... well only Yukiko and shes 2nd in level next to rise. And are...
OMFG YES AN HOUR OF SAYING NO DAMMIT D8 Mhm ahh what were you going to tell us online again O: I forgots!
Ahhha Not much! just playing Persona and being all wannabe pro getting killed stupidly 8D Nah not anymore since I went to go save ..... 8D And yes...
Nah It cant die we will post here everyday!~ and YES ADACHI AT JUNES AT CABBAGE DIMENSION!
Mhm Totally To bad all i know about him is what was shown in advent childrens D8 -Never played ff7 and too engulfed with persona to start it on psp-
Mhm and I died again!~ this time I got enraged and I killed myself since the lion reflects physical attacks
HELL YES THERE RUDENESS AND BRAINWASHING!~ Ahh thats true and well your saving for your laptop!~ YES IT DOES SUCK! Well ima guess on most of it...
Ahha Of COURSE!~ I want to file a REPORT ON THEM!~ but nah too much time and im busy with Persona >.> Ahh see I am the Worst ace detective!~...
Hah Yeah I love my mom!~ Rofl Gosh they really need to close that place down D8 Well ofcourse she did since she couldnt brainwash anyone that...
Ahh I should!~ but persona is addicting! so later i will ask~ Ahh I could only go there after dark cause of that so eventually I will see the...
She SHOULD!~ And Does Cici Have Yahoo O: i likes Yahoo more then Msn for some reason O: Mhm those ads just pop up anywhere
ROFL!~ Yeah Kh is convenient and Only place I get to talk to Christina But its fines !~ 8D that site has many ads.....
Yeah it really is!~ And Site the Picture site O.o I cant go to it since sis is in room D8 And this site Convenient!~
Yeah ROFL She isnt obsessed anymore anyway lol!~ Rofl Yeah I learned to come so EARLY!~ Might get called into the Stress test place again D8 And...
ROFL!~ "the DOOR Yeah the DOOR"
Ohh Yeah my mom is like look at this mess!~ when theres nothing there... D8 Um Cici Knows but I dont know about Juan maybe maki will know I didnt...
Um Not really she just hates dirty So I guess so but she works too so she cant really maintain the whole house clean just the important parts....
ROTFL AHH FECK THAT VIDEOS IS SO FUNNY " Um im pretty sure I cant do that with my legs" ROFLES!