Crazy Nanako D8 8D ENJOY!~
-Looks Up Johnny Yong Bosch since its the 2nd time he was mentioned to me- WTF WASNT HE A POWER RANGER!!~ -looks at his Wikipage- WOW!~ HE DOES...
Ahh Yeah KH1&2 are awesome!~ Hmm The only zelda game I have played are the handheld and classic ones...AH DMC 4! I played and beat the 1st 3 havnt...
Ahh Ic Ic!~ Well Persona is Long and involving...To me its like a book that isnt boring...I hate to read btw but even I will read a great book if...
AHH Wtf!~ Well I win as first Loser so HA!~ You didnt win that....And I lose when it matters D8 so maybe you were meant to play Persona!~ I asked...
HEY YOU!~ Was there something wrong today?! Do you need sweets?!~ Ahh maybe it was just in my head O:
That is true D8.....Stomped again D8 Yeah I feel so too lol. And Yeah thank you! Yes she will but she wants an estimate 1st. I wouldnt want her...
Ahh!~ D8 Rofl Ic Ic I will I dono you got me there xD....PLAY!~ Alright sounds good!~ Ahh Jeez D8 Lol 500 cards is weird to ask for huh!? Well My...
Rofl!~ I will Tie it back to Persona some how! ask me about the weather I will say hurry up and before you find a body hanging from a pole because...
-Shoots self- Oh yeah Totally I wasnt talking about the mall or anything D8 You know I feel like I need to play P3 but I should Wait and enjoy it...
OH NOEZ I DONT WANT TO FORCE YOU NAO D8 I will Recommend Daily until you give in!~ Yeah She is lol D8 I said it in last comment -points to...
Mhm It is awesome one day we will MAKE YOU PLAY!~ And not like those weird stress test people force LOL!~ Yeah she is and ask them what O: im...
No its awesome it explores the mind and Friendship and Yeah all while giving you a badass murder to solve!~ Yeah she was at school she just came...
Yeah Now I just see People Hanging from Telephone Poles!~ 8D The way its meant to be 8D Ohh alright!~ and Yes she says shes coming but the bus...
Oh Shiz We didnt go did we!~ FAAAAAA!~
AHH!!~ GET ME OUT OF HERE!~ *runs Around while Flailing like a Madman* Alright ima sit down here and wait.... Nah this is too Long theres bound to...
Ahh **** SO TRUE!~ Persona Is awesome ya know!~ Oh alright well I gave my 5 to Christina at lunch you probably have it now. And I will ask Cici...
Mhm AWESOME!~ Ahh I will also bring soul calibur 4....Need to brush up in my Mitsurugi Play