Mine is hacked thats why O:~ You can get yours hacked too if its 1000 or 2000 but the newer ones cant D8... I was going to do it with maki's too...
Ahh My psp can play N64 games do i might try that~ Ahh well we are still young we can always learn and change~
With The Hippy freakish huge headed dude? TOO FREAKING EASY 8'D MY WHOLE PARTY DIED THEN IT WAS UP TO ME TO FINISH HIM 8D I should have solo'd it...
Ahh Yes I will buy White paper to do the things and then scan it and make it nice~ then the lulz will commence~
FFFS~ I think I do but not 100% Sure on that I either have it here or gave it away to my cousins in El Salvador so I need to look for it~ Yeah...
Oh its fine I have been preoccupied with Persona and poor nanako D8 Ahh that is good to hear~ Well do take care of yourself k~ Ahh Yes Thank you~...
HEY CHRISTINA DID YOUR CRAZY DIET KILL YOU~ Ahha Just kidding of course just dropping by to say Hi since I need to look how to make some more...
ROFL!~ Ahh Ic Ic I think I should play more zelda then~ Ahh Yeah and then I always feel guilty of not doing Homework when I dont care really D8...
Ahhh Skull kid O: I am out the loop with zelda D8 Ahh Nice well I cant ever get Straight A's since sometimes I dont do Homework at ALL D8 And...
Ahhha Thnx for the many Lulz 8D I will spam back soon so no worries! I might even make my own....Maybe....
Ahh Ic Damn Princesses is it in the Job description that they need to be Pro's at getting kidnapped!~ Ahh Yeah I didnt do the game cards but....I...
Yeah For Realz Its like For Serious!~.....Yahhh!~ Im am weird so Zelda becomes Shiek in which Zelda game?! Yeah Rofl and Not really just the...
Ahh Yeah Totally 8D -pats dust off- Freaking amazing im still in one peice! -gets shot- Nuuuuuu!~ I didnt stealz it D8 I borrowed it without...
Ahh Yes I read that on that wikipage!~ And Yes Zelda needs you! why is It Legend of Zelda when all she does is get captured!~ No I mean when we...
Yeah He is awesome...Love his design!~ Igor is still burned into my mind tho D8 And I will but I will do it in pencil LOL!~
Rofl Glad You ENJOYED THEM!~ And rofl at Igor and o///o At akihiko
Rofl Well now I know who he is Rofl....HES A POWER RANGER AND VOICE ACTOR FOR PERSONA MC!~ Ahh Yeah I didnt finish either almost did but Persona...
http://kumi-pumi.deviantart.com/art/PERSONA-3-MEME-109621095?q=boost%3Apopular+Persona+4&qo=97 MUST SEE THIS FOR IGOR!~
http://crystaldragon.deviantart.com/art/Persona-3-vs-Reborn-140197525?q=boost%3Apopular+Persona+4&qo=164 LOL!~