How many Peoples still Posts here WE NEED MORE PERSONA LOVE!~
ROFL Yeah Paper just likes to cut people Up D8 So hardcore lol 8D
WOAH!~ VINCENT IS AWESOME!~ Red Clocked and not afraid of Bulls!~
Omg they seriously are they are just there to kill!~
HELL YES WITH HIS CABBAGE!~ And His "You didnt hear this from me but IMA KILLER"
I did D8 but when I came home from school it was all clean D8 Ok thats good
*stares in awe* What else do you have in this Wig ?! -accidentally falls through the dimension in your wig- Alot more different then the Meat...
Ahh No D8 One time she did and I felt so bad because I procrastinated for like 3 weeks D8 OOH alright so still around 11:40 will be fine right?
AHHH PAPER CUTS I FREAKING HATE THOSE.... -Paranoid now- Ima just file these corners ROFL!~
Ahh Yes Because Hitman's never quit and Neither should a MAN!~ AHH yeah I am lame LOL XD Oh alright Just making sure ahha!~ Wtf Is this Volcano...
Mhm Believe me its a hassel Every week too atleast I try to LOL D8 Ahh Yes I heard from maki we need to come earlier right? Ill come 11:30 then
AHH OFCOURSE easier for the Aliens for when they conquer us!~ And its fine just tell me when you leave or Like take off ghost you know!~ Ahh YES...
Ohh Lucky well I need to sweep pick up bottles and clean the computer area... Also take out plates and stuff! Ahh alright Gotcha!