OOC: oops, im so sorry *bow* Skylar nodded, " yes we need one more person but I don't know who it would be. I was just trying to look for a second person." She said, looking at him and then looking around the room for one more keyblader.
Skylar looked at the male who had turned around to look at her. Hackari I think his name was... "Because by the looks of it we both need to partner up with someone to be able to continue." She said with a little smile, her voice soft but big as she spoke to him.
One More Day Before School Starts!!!!!!
After a bit of running through stands and stores throigh the market Anora finally stopped at the side of two houses that created a small alley. just big enough for them to hide from that chief. Anora let out a huff, her bunny ears down, against her head. She looked up to see Mav and then Kel running in. They followed. She took in one long breath before standing up straight.
Xenon looked up to him and if she could feel excitement her heart would be pounding happily. "My name is Xenon." There was a pull at her lips as she tried to smile. It was odd not to have any feelings to automatically be able to smile, it felt like she was disabled or something. I hope Xaldin likes my name... "Xena went with the man with the eyepatch." She continued on, hands behind her back playing with the long, thick braid. "She told me to come with you, since you were waiting." The small smile grew a bit more.
Xenon looked up to her superior and then looked to the male with the eyepatch. The female stepped back slightly behind Xena as the man came closer to them. Xena wants to go along with this guy. With a nod to Xena's suggestion, she turned away and walked to the door I want to see Xaldin and tell him my name. The idea would have made her smile, if she had a heart... Stepping out the door she looked around for him.
Skylar looked at Jason and then to the stuff he handed her. She was... Annoyed. Seeing as the first group was already created she was frustrated that it took this long for her to find a team of 3, mainly because the whole mess with Jason and Sess made it impossible for them to team up. "No thank you." She said lifting her hand and stepping back. She still sounded patient but god only knew how long she could keep it like that. "Jason, I want to ask if we could not be in the same team. It would be best in my opinion. Besides, there are plenty of other wielders you can chose from." The pinkette tried to give a small smile so she didn't seem so mean to the boy. "Well good luck and be careful." She nodded and waved, turning quickly and walking off before he could say anything. Getting to the other side of the room she looked around. To be completely honest there were only a few people left to choose from, not a wide verity as she hoped though... Her eyes ended up falling upon a male who was showing off his "skills" with magic and the keyblade. Taking in a deep breath, and letting it drag out, she walked toward him. "Hello?" Skylar spoke up coming up behind him. "I'm looking for a partner as well."
A really big change but I have hope in our EPIC staff on KH-Vids!
Skylar watched this whole **** storm take place. She looked to Jason then to Sess then to Jason again and after he stormed off she looked to Sess. She was going to go after him, to say something, maybe to change his mind but then she saw the other female, Katia get to him first. "Hm, well I guess it was never meant to be." she said and tilted her head. She needed one more partner so that the 3 were complete and they could start their journey. Turning away from Sess and Katia her Violet eyes searched for someone new...Someone that Jason wouldn't get pissed off with and they all could work as a decent team. men, she huffed.
*hangs head down* yes
...yes, haha When i was calling i got scared someone else would pick up... and then when no one did i felt bad because i didn't know if i was...
Oooh thats why....>> Oh i am just at home. My mom left with my step dad to the keys.
So whats up chicken butt?
Yep ^^ So one more day to relax and catch up on sleep
So i love my mother. Also she is predicable. Im staying home! Woo!!
Haha i liked that last part. But still! I want to know!
Eeep noo stay away *swats you away from your humanity It isn't nice. I wanted to know. Honestly!
*slaps leg from kicking your humanity and protects it* No your not *pouts*
... *falls to floor and curls up* never mind...I-I..nevermind *shakes head* Forget I ever said anything Sessa-chan just...forget it.