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  1. NikkiNoNo
    Going on with the story!~

    Anora and the gang made their way out of the town, passed the guards and into the woods where they were supposed to meet Robin Hood and Little John. "They said to meet them in the woods but...where?" She said, thinking outloud. She stopped in a small clearing in the middle of a whole bunch of trees. The white bunny turned and looked at the rest of the keybladers.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 6, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. NikkiNoNo
    Xenon was surprised when he wrapped his arm around her.

    I wonder, if I had a heart... Would it beating fast?

    The hazel eyed female looked up to Xaldin and gave another "smile". It was getting...better. Step by step.

    Xenon looked at the walls of the castle. It wasn't going to be easy finding her way through the palace and she didn't doubt she would get lost.

    The kitchen was nice, no one was in this room and she didn't mind. It was nice to be with Xaldin. But she did wonder what Xena was doing.

    I wonder if she is with the man with the eyepatch...

    Her mind went back to focusing on the words Xaldin was saying.

    Raoxthu must be another memeber. I wonder where he might be...?

    Xenon popped her head into the fridge and looked around. "Are you hungry, Xaldin?" She asked him, coming up and tilting her head to the side.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. NikkiNoNo

    Xenon was stiff when they returned. She heard what he said... She heard what her Superior thought of her and she was going to prove him wrong.

    I won't let Xaldin down. He believes I can...

    Even though Xaldin's words made the anger that boiled inside her cool, she still remembered those words.

    "I have no use for you. I will never have a use for a Nobody that relies on words. You say you will...but all I see is that you can't. All that lies in your weakness."

    I am not weak.

    Xenon looked up to Xaldin. He was talking to her about the castle. She had never been to a least she didn't think she did...?

    "I am a little hungry." She said, staring up at him. Her eyes slowly gaining the green color back and the brown turning a brighter shade, like caramel.

    "And Xaldin... Thank you for standing up for me." She smiled a bit and had this urge to wrap her arms around him. It was an urge that made her step closer to him and hug him, only quickly though before she herself felt weird for doing something like that.

    It is just a hug...

    "Onward to the kitchen than?" She turned to what ever direction and started to walk. She stopped and turned.
    "Actually you should lead the way."
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. NikkiNoNo
    Xenon's eyes widened, her body completely turned to look at the Superior.

    At that moment the girl who felt nothing since she awoke could feel a bubble of fear and anger build.

    With out thinking, with out looking at Xaldin for help, the Nobody's hazle eyes pierced and she stepped infront of the retreating man.

    "I'll prove to you that I am a fighter worth keeping. That Xaldin's work was not pointless." She said, the emotionless tone had dropped and the anger was swelling inside her turning those green eyes darker and darker in color, connecting with that of the golden eyed man.

    "I will help get the hearts, I will help open Kingdom Hearts. I swear on my 2nd chance of this empty life. I. Will." The last words came out detached and though her mind was working against each word she said, she couldn't help but say them, to prove to Xemnas that she will be better, no matter what!

    She stayed there, looking at the man, holding his gaze though she knew it was dangerous...

    I'll be lucky to even survive this...
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. NikkiNoNo
  6. NikkiNoNo
    The firebender stopped at the entrance of a cheap noodle shop. She had been traveling with Kuki for a long time and finally they were here at Republic City.

    When I am done, pro-bending won't know what hit them.

    thought the fierce firebender. She had a smirk on her lips. Unfortunately, though her teammates were a little help back due to....reasons... That was the only reason why Azar Kasai had a twisted gut feeling...that and she was hungry.

    "Are we going to eat here Azar?" Asked the smaller whitenette. She looked to the noodle shop and felt her stomach growl. Kuki Kumo was friends with the noble Azar since they were young kids. It was Kuki who begged to come with her firebending friend, not for pro-bending, oh god no, she wasn't that type of person...she wanted to talk to the air monks on air temple island. She was an airbender herself and she knew no one like her, being the only airbender on an island of firebenders....

    "Yep, looks like its good, and cheap too." Azar said and moved the curtain like doors. It smelled good, and Azar held back the urge to smile at the smell. She had to look fierce, she was in Republic City not her home where people feared her authority because of her family name and who her family was, no this time she was going to make a name for herself!!! The firebender walked in, her violet eyes scanning the room, her pouty red lips pursed slightly as she looked for a table. She found one by a group that were talking about pro-bending, at least that what her ears caught.

    Might as well get to know that competition while I'm here.

    Azar walked across the room, making eye contact with the man that said he was apart of the team. She gave him a coy smirk and flipped her thick black dreads over her shoulder. She sat down and looked to Kuki who looked shy and cute as always.

    Kuki just followed in. She looked around in curiosity, she looked at each of the people in the shop. They looked all different. it was because they came from so many different places!! It was exciting.

    Maybe I'll meet another airbender!! Oh that would be truly amazing!!

    The quiet female took her seat in front of Azar and looked at the menu in front of them.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. NikkiNoNo
    Sorry it took me forever!! I will reply now ^.^
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. NikkiNoNo
    (Sorry guys that i havent posted in a while!!!!!! i love all of you please don't be mad xP haha <3)

    Xenon nodded and turned her head to look at the 6 heartless in front of her. closing her eyes she took in a deep breath and thought of snow.
    Snow...It is cold, white. Sometimes it even hurts if its too

    Opening her eyes again the picture of a snow storm was implanted inside her head. Her hand lifted quickly, while the picture and feeling was still there. The freezing temperatures, the soft snow that turned into hard ice.

    "Blizzard!" She commanded and the magic was created at her palm, swirls of ice, snow and wind until it broke free and gave a powerful heave toward the heartless who were still frozen.

    But they weren't clean shots, she used so much power that the magic was messy when it hit them, only killing maybe 3 and harming the other 3.

    1 minute was up and the Heartless began to move, they ran toward her and began to slash which in turn had Xenon dodging and jumping back till she was able to yet again summon blizzard.

    This time she focused on steadying herself as she shot the cold from her hand "Blizzard!" Another beam of ice, snow and wind hit the heartless creatures, freezing and killing the dark things.

    The girl hazel eyed girl dropped her right hand to the side, it felt cold. Turning her head, she looked at the faces. Xemnas, to the other two and finally to Xaldin.

    Didi I do well?...Was it too sloppy? I couldn't get a grip the first time and the second time was only decent compared to the first....

    (Oh and BTW love the sig and avi itachi lolz xD)
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. NikkiNoNo
    ((sorry it took me so long to reply))
    Xenon's head turned to look at the men who stepped into the conversation. She recognized the man with silver hair. Her superior, the man named Xemnas. The blue haired male, she did not recognize.

    so when the hearts have return, the skies won't be so dark...and this empty feeling will dissapear...

    Xenon stayed quite looking between the 2 men as they talked. once Xaldin started to speak to her she refocused back on him.

    These Keybladers, are these the ones with hearts that Xaldin mentioned before?

    With a nod she went back to being silent. Her eyes, instead of looking at the 2 men infront of her, were looking at Xaldin as he spoke. Only when there eyes caught each other, and she saw those dark blue eyes, did she look away.

    once again Xaldin was speaking to her about spells and magic. She took the cure and looked at the spell, she could feel the healing power, the same that Xaldin used on her the past 2 times she was fighting.

    I'll be using this a lot.

    "Blizzard." She said, her voice not as soft like before when she would talk to Xaldin, but loud enough to notice the accent and to show she was not afraid.

    Don't show fear.

    Her head turned as 2 other black coats appeared from the Dark Corridors. Xenon took a small step closer to Xaldin...she just wasn't use to new people, she was shy.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. NikkiNoNo
    Skylar turned and looked at the male who introduced himself as Allister. She smiled.

    Finally, our thrid team mate.

    The pinkette chuckled Welcome to the team Allister." She said egerly. They really needed this last memeber to start the exam! "Now with our third memeber we should see Hikari. Let's go." The girl turned and hurried on toward the master's office.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. NikkiNoNo
    Xenon just wanted to lay on the ground. To sleep. All that energy she used for that last attack tuckered her out.

    "You did well Xenon"

    Xenon felt his hands wrap around her, her eyes opening slightly to stare back up to him as he lifted her. In the back of her she wondered if he would drop her, if she was too heavy? She wasn't fond of heights... But she was too tired to make a fuss.

    As he held her in his arms she pushed that scary thought and focused on how warm he felt even though he had no heart... Then, he sat her down on the bench and she fought herself to not slump over. Casting cure was a big help, it healed all her slashes that the heartless managed to get pass the cloak and gave her a bit more energy. Stretching, she took in a deep breath.

    "How do you feel?"

    "Better then before. But a bit tired after all that." She said, her voice still soft and emotionless. Her eyes caught his and she tried to smile. She was getting the hang of it, though the smile still seemed odd since it had the sense of being forced...

    When he broke the gaze she still looked at him a bit longer, the smile returning back to a straight line, her hazel eyes, which returned from that light brown to its green mix, taking in his facial features. The thick sideburns, his fierce gaze and large features.

    His voice broke her from her state.

    Her head tilted up to look at the orange and red colors that reflected off the clouds. "Twilight Town...The sky is pretty here."

    "At the castle, is the sky always dark?" She asked Xaldin, closing her eyes.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. NikkiNoNo
    Hurricane! No school, Woo Hoo!
    Status Update by NikkiNoNo, Aug 27, 2012
  13. NikkiNoNo
    Republic City Citizen
    Totally forgot i had to put that ^^


    Kuki Kumo





    Type of Bender:

    Kuki kumo is an air bender! Yes, her great grandparents were air benders during the time of the great 100 year war. they were able to hide but their children were nonbenders which meant they were safe from fire nation attacks. But the generation seemed to not allow airbending and soon the family forgot about the gifts. But after 5 times the family finally had their own little airbender which they named Kuki. After honing her ability Kuki traveled to many various places stopping in Republic City knowing that the last of the avatars would be there and helo her excel in her bending.

    Other (Optional):


    Azar Kasai





    Type of Bender:

    ar was born and raiserd in the fire nation. Her father and mother are of nobility and her brother is apart of the nation's army. She is very wild and untamed and doesnt like to pay attention to what anyone say to her. she will fight you and she will attack anyone who tries to threaten her. But of course she has these awesomely cool instincts, its because she is apart of Pro-bending team, Ember Island Eel Hounds. and she is ready to win!

    Other (Optional):
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. NikkiNoNo
    Xenon looked at the heartless infront of her.

    There are so many of them!

    Her hand tightened around her flute.

    What do I play?

    With all her frantic thinking she didn't notice the group of soldier heartless running toward her.

    "Whoa!" She cartwheeled to the side and began to dodge the slashes, gaining a few herself. It was fast!

    Think Think, I don't have much time! What can I do?

    Then the thought came to her.

    Jumping back Xenon took in a breath and let out a long forced note that pushed the heartkesses back and into a group of shadows.

    Taking in yet another breath she focused on the notes. How to plag them, how to attack. Placing the cold silver against her lips she breathed out creating a noise. The tone had a harsh beginning note but went soft, then another.harsh note only to become soft the next. There were slurs that connected each of the high notes.

    Through out the song the heartless were being thrown back against each other and in a way chained down by the song. The softer the sound the heavier the chains but with each sharp note that enticed the song the strikes began. A fast high flurry that transcended to a low note from her flute sent out multiple attacks to the heartless killing off the shadows easily and weakening the soldier heartlesses and the large body.
    The tone became fast, the notes a staccato ranging from the low notes to ending with very high sharp notes that were like daggers to the heartlessess, killing off the soldiers. She let her flute down after its end and looked at the only remaining heartless. The large body.

    At the end of her notes the large body awoke and boy was he mad. He got up quickly and slided his giant stomach to Xenon knocking her against a wall of the sandlot.
    Her head against the sandy ground, she could feel the shaking of the earth underneath her as the large body was coming for her.

    Xenon looked up at the black heartless and she got up, summoning any bit of her strength that she could. Opening her mouth she took in a deep breath, filling her diaphragm and let out a low pitched, operetta trill that bought her time. The heartless fell to the ground being once again chained as the female continued her trill going higher and higher in the scale tightening the chains so tight that when she had that final long high note that could break glass the heartless was squeezed to the point where it popped, a heart lifting out of it's now disappearing body.

    Xenon let out a breath and fell to the ground.

    So tired...
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. NikkiNoNo
    Anora took the note from Maverick and looked at it. There was a small smile on her lips and she nodded.
    Looking up to Mav, Kel and Saelis she said, "To Sherwood Forest we go." Placing the note into her pocket she looked out the alleyway and once clear she walked off.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 25, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. NikkiNoNo
    he believes in me?

    The thought made her smile on the inside, though it didn't show on the outside.

    Xenon nodded, "ready." She stated and her hands tightened around the lance.

    What should I do?

    She thought trying to come up with something. Xenon new she was strong with hand on hand and in defense she could barely block an attack. She took another deep breath and her hazel eyes sharped, as she went for it. Swinging the lance she grunted. The Shadow would hiss and twitch and attack as well.

    "Whoa," she lost her stepping when the heartless slashed at her nipping at her arm but only getting sleeve, and fell onto her bottom, the lance falling and rolling a little ways from her.


    The shadow twitched some more and charged.

    What do I do What do I do? The lance!

    She was worrying and when the heartless jumped for her she did what every other female would do when they were scared for their life.


    What ever she did though, something happened. Xenon's eyes shut tightly, and when she emitted the scream it was like waves of sound that her vocals made were coming out sending the heartless back and onto the other side.

    She opened her eyes and looked. Where was the heartless? Her eyes saw the black creature getting up.

    What just happened? Did Xaldin help me?

    She looked to Xaldin for only a quick second before she saw the heartless come at her. This time she sprung up and ran from the wild slashes the heartless did.

    What do I do?

    The thought came to her head just at the same time her eyes saw the lance. Looking at the distance she knew it would be risky but she had to try getting it!

    So she dashed for the weapon and grabbed the lance with one hand, her grip tightening.

    Where is my weapon? What is my power?"

    Her mind thought and the frustration grew inside her making the hazel of her eyes turn a light brown shade.

    The heartless hissed and sank into the floor crawling toward her, she was ready for it! And as the heartless manifested itself it froze.


    Then this weird feeling came over her. She looked at her hands where the lance was and it disappeared!
    Her eyes widened and looked to the heartless who twitched.
    But the feeling was still there! her hand, where the lance once was, began to glow and when the light dimmed, a silver flute with the Nobody's insignia engraved, was in her hands.

    What the hell? A flute?

    But she didn't have time to dwell before the twitching Heartless hissed and began to move.

    Do I even know how to play the flute?

    Her mind was racing as she jumped back trying to avoid the slashing.

    Xenon was getting tired and she had to end it...with this flute she guessed.

    I hope this comes naturally!

    Blowing into the hole, her fingers moved, pressing down on the keys. The sound was fast, frantic, and hard. And caused the heartless to freeze and get confused, the hard notes were like invisible daggers stabbing into it before it died.

    Xenon lowered the flute. She looked at it and then to Xaldin.

    "What in the world just happened?" She asked completely lost. Was this flute her weapon?
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. NikkiNoNo
    The darkness doesn't seem that bad..

    She thought to herself as they walked through the darkness.

    Actually... It feels comfortable....

    But was it because the darkness was comfortable, or was it because Xaldin was there...?

    Upon entering Twilight Town's sand lot, the brunette looked around.

    This is another world!

    So far the only place she has seen has been the castle. And she knew she came from another world when she had a heart...which one was the mystery...

    Refocusing back on Xaldin once he strated to speak, she stared at the black shadow known as heartless... It did look harmless. And very easy to kill from the looks of it.

    Another appeared and Xenon took a breath in before grasping the lance. It felt awkward holding his weapon, not right for her. But she had to make do with what she got.

    Xenon looked at the heartless and got ready to attack, her legs crouched down, and the using the lance as a staff, she positioned it at a shoulder-hip and watched as the heartless first attack her.

    Going down into the ground the shadow scurried across the floor. Xenon was surprised, she didn't expect that thing could do that. Her body turned around, eyes still conected to the shadow as it came up. This time she didn't wait and went straight for it slamming down the top part of the lance against its head and the lower angle to its side. She took a few steps back as the thing started to twitch.

    Did it die?

    But het thought was wrong, the Shadow jumped at her and slashed at her. A grunt escaped her lips as she fell back and the shadow continued to slash, causing Xenon to try blocking each move the best she could.

    Another grunt and she heaved the shadow off and stabbed it with the lance.

    So maybe hand to hand combat wasn't her thing... She glared at the darn thing that only took Xaldin a second to kill with one attack and took her 5 minutes with 3 attacks.

    I shouldn't have thought it was so easy.

    She then looked at her hands.

    My hasn't showed yet...

    Turning she looked at Xaldin.

    "Send another out, please. I stilk haven't obtained my own weapon." She said, looking up to him, her voice still light, her accent heavier with the more frustration she felt.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. NikkiNoNo
    Xenon looked at the lances that appeared in his hand. And then to her own hands as she lifted them, expecting something to appear. Nothing happend just yet...

    I have something like that?

    Her eyes then went back up to him as he continued to explain.

    Corridors of Darkness?

    She didn't really like the sounds of that. Xenon stepped back and eyed the portal. She knew she would have felt that fast pump of fear in her chest, this corridor of darkness was scary, the dark shadows swirling.

    As Xaldin stepped closer to the portal she kept her feet planted on the ground....

    "Shall we go Xenon?"

    Her eyes went from the dark swirling shadows, to his eyes.

    What will happen if I go in? The darkness was scary when i was in it....

    Taking a deep breath she stepped closer to.Xaldin, keeping her eyes only on him. "Xaldin, your my friend. So I trust you..." She tried to smile again and was directly behind him waiting for him to lead the way.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Aug 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. NikkiNoNo
    Talking to this Cynical Geek ;3
    Status Update by NikkiNoNo, Aug 22, 2012
  20. NikkiNoNo