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  1. NikkiNoNo
    After getting food in her stomach, Xenon decided to roam around the castle.

    "Bye, Xaldin, I'll see you later."

    She gave a little smile and nodded.

    "Enjoy your food."

    A ham sandwich was on the counter for him and she was off, going down the hall.

    I wonder where Xena is at?
    As she continued down the hall, wondering, she heard voices. One of them was Xena. Following the ruckus she poked her head into the room.​
    She saw Xena and smiled slightly, but after seeing the others, the smile fell and she didn't know what to do.​
    Should I hide? Should I go in?Maybe if I wait out here she will come out and see me...
    She remembered that at some point Xenon would have to meet these people and work with them...​
    I have to start, so I can prove I am worthy...
    Taking a breath she walked in, not saying anything but standing behind the blue haired man from before. She made a face and moved away and saw Xenon talking to another female.​
    I have to speak. I have to use my voice.
    She spoke up and looked around, trying to put a little smile,which felt odd to even have. Her eyes went to Xena for some help.​
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. NikkiNoNo
    I'm a magic user!!!
    Power to the Mystics!
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. NikkiNoNo
    Anora stood up, clapping her hands excitedly. She watched as Robin walked toward Maid Marian.

    Now he'll be happy.

    At that moment, She thought about Noroz but than quickly focused on what the King was saying.

    How he was talking gave Anora an odd feeling, bit she shrugged it off. How could he know its Robin?

    Sure enough the King took off Robin's costume and sentenced him to death!

    Quickly, Anora jumped down from the seats and ran to the now captured Robin, her hood coming off exposing who she really was. She was going to help him when she saw Nequa.

    "Cr*p.." She said and looked at the creature that she summoned. She hadn't seen these type of heartless before... Were they even heartless?

    Taking off her cloak she rushed to maid Marian's side.

    "Don't we'll protect you." Anora gave a quick smile before looking forward. Ready to fight!

    As those grey monsters twitched and slid, its long legs curving and bending, Anora went to attack. Her Keyblade moving along with its usual grace. But some of her attacks would miss. The creatures body would bend and come up behind her. Turning, the bunny attacked again, this finally destroying it.

    What in the world are these things?
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. NikkiNoNo
    Profile Post Comment

    okiedokie ill be yours than ^^

    okiedokie ill be yours than ^^
    Profile Post Comment by NikkiNoNo, Oct 21, 2012
  5. NikkiNoNo
  6. NikkiNoNo
    Profile Post Comment

    Thanks Krowley!

    Thanks Krowley!
    Profile Post Comment by NikkiNoNo, Oct 21, 2012
  7. NikkiNoNo
  8. NikkiNoNo
    Nikki NoNo​
    Apollonia Imada​
    Kaito my Scythe
    She is a mix of Greek and Japanese.​
    Her mother was a meister and her father a human, for a while she lived with her father until she hit 11 and started to show qualities of being a meister, that was when her mother took little Apollonia under her wing as a meister. She has a thing for sharp objects and either can fight with her weapon,or with out. It doesn't matter to her as long as she can fight.​
    But at some moments she can snap,especially when things are pissing her off and not going the way she planned. She is known to have patience...but to a point. She doesn't like annoying things,especially Black Star. She has to stop herself from slapping him in the face!​
    Either way, Apollonia is smart when it comes to weaponry and fighting...but books and academics aren't her forte and normally fails in quizzes,exams and test.​
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. NikkiNoNo
  10. NikkiNoNo
    walking off with the other archers Anora stuck to the other keybladers. "I hope he wins." She said as they took their seats down and she watched as that no good sheriff, Kel, Robin and the small raccoon female got ready for the final tournament.

    Anora booed along with the crowd as the plump fox cheated. He clearly did and yet the king did nothing!

    ay, I would love to use thunder on him right about now!

    Thought the bunny girl who continied to boo in a lower register of her voice.

    As the fox walked off, switching places with the small raccoon girl, Anora tilted her head and looked at her, wondering how well she would do.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. NikkiNoNo
  12. NikkiNoNo
  13. NikkiNoNo
    Anora's fingers squeezed around the bow, the other hand reaching for the arrow behind her.

    I'm sure I can do this. only the four best will be able to advance. Robin is for sure to be one of them!

    Anora looked to Robin, than back to the target. Placing the arrow on the bow, her grip loosened, her head tilting to get a better angle.

    She took a deep breath. Drawing back the bow.

    The elephants blew their horns.

    Letting out a breath, she let go of the arrow and it hit the target!

    She blinked and looked at the arrow.

    The arrow was in between the 2nd and 3rd ring.

    Oh darn.

    She looked to the others to see how well they did.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 7, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. NikkiNoNo
    ((I am so sorry that I have been M.I.A. on you guys!!!!!))

    Anora patted down the pants of a brown and bage peasant costume. A hood over her head to mask her ears which were bundled up in a bun. She was portraying a guy...a very short guy... Anyway, Anora's hand tightened around the bow. When was the last time she had one of these? oh yes, when she was in school (-.-). She wasn't the best archer her skills lied in magic and sword play. But nevertheless she- uh he- was ready. Following behind the "stork" Anora looked to the king and Maid Marian she believed.

    Oh she is very pretty!

    Her eyes than fell upon the other guys, she smiled a little but than placed her head slightly down as she passed the Chief.

    I hope this disguise works....

    As she walked passed him, a breath held the whole time, she exhaled.

    That was nerve wrecking...

    Each archer was given a target hers was the 5th in line. She looked at it.

    Well to win I need to hit that target...

    She saw how small it looked.

    Yeah I can't hit that.

    Looking at the other guys she wondered how well they would be at arching.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 26, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. NikkiNoNo
    Xenon nodded and took out some ham, cheese and bread. Bumping the fridge's door with her hip, Xenon placed everything down on the counter.

    The hazel eyed girl looked to Xaldin, he was looking at the roof in a daze.

    Looking back forward she washed her hands and than got to work making sandwiches.

    It was quiet and Xenon was comfortable even in the silence she closed her eyes onky for a second.

    "Xenon starting tommorow you will be given missions some alone some with another member. You have to show Xenmas you can complete them."

    The female turned, her eyes opening. Looking Xaldin the female felt a tug in het stomach...not a good one.

    Looking away from the make she looked at her feet.

    "Yes, I understand."

    That means Xaldin won't be there for me if I need his help... I'll be alone again...and I never met any other organization member except Xena, Xaldin anda few others....

    Though her mind went into panic mode her facial expression stayes calm. The hazel eyed female nodded, "I will show Xemnas that I am brave." She looked at Xaldin and turned to continue making the sandwiches.

    Why do I have this strange feeling? As if i am worried...i will see Xaldin again... I am sure...
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. NikkiNoNo
    Kuki and Azar got their bowls of noodles and ate.

    Azar listened in on the people beside them conversation. The Avatar? Hmm it should be around the time for the cycle to begin. she thought, remembering all those long and dreaded studies her parents made her take.

    After their meal the 2 benders stood up. Azar leaving some coins and walking out.

    "So to Air Temple Island?" Kuki asked excited. Maybe the Avatar could be there! she thought.

    "Yeah. I know its close to the Pro-Bending Arena. So when you get across I can head over there." Azar said as they walked down the busy streets of Republic City.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. NikkiNoNo

    Anora stood straight, her hands behind her back as she listened to Little John and Robin Hood.

    an archery tournament? she thought. and the winner gets a kiss from Maid Marrien.

    Looking back to the guys she smiled. "Shall we escort the great Robin Hood?" She asked her fellow keybladers.

    Actually Anora would love yo help out the couple. This brought a thought to the bunny's head.

    I wonder how Noroz is doing...
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 10, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. NikkiNoNo
    Anora breathed a silent sigh as they didn't ask any questions about Mav.

    Her ear lifted. "Who is this 'she'?" Anora asked, a smile on her face.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Sep 7, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. NikkiNoNo
  20. NikkiNoNo