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  1. NikkiNoNo
    "Good, Lord Shinigami." she greeted him with a smile and than got straight to business.

    "We contacted you, to give us the okay for our mission. We went ahead and took the Thug Behram case."

    She lifted the wooden template and showed him.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. NikkiNoNo
    After a while they finally made it to Death's door. Apollonia opened the door and walked down that long path that held guillotines over their heads. Something she found very frightening on her first trip to his office. But now it was nothing. As they made it to the circular platform she saw there was no Death.

    "I guess I'll just call him through the mirror."

    The silver haired meister stood infront of the dark mirror, she took in a deep breath and exhaled, making the glass fog.

    With her finger she wrote the numbers.


    The mirror shined a bright light and Death himself appeared.

    "Meister Apollonia Imada and Weapon Kaito calling in for you to accept our mission, Lord Shinigami."
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. NikkiNoNo
    Hell yes!We need a challenge." Apollonia smiled.

    "Than it's settled. We're taking it on." slipping the little template from it's hook she took a better look at it and smiled. "Come on,"she looked up to Kaito. "Lets go to Lord Death and in form him our mission." Turning down the hall, she began to walk with her weapon to Death's office.

    "This mission will more than likely take us to India, ya' know." she spoke up, her eyes removing themselves from the little template to look at Kaito. "After we can maybe visit the Taj Mahal, or ride an elephant, or-" she stopped herself realizing how overly excited she was sounding at the moment.

    "Or something like that."

    The Greek-Jap gave a little shy smile and shrug and looked back at the mission.

    She couldn't help but get excited. the rush of battle, or going different places. It was just in her blood, like her mother.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. NikkiNoNo
    Anora looked to Kel who spoke up through the silence. She nodded, letting her long white humanoid hair down, running her furry paw through it.

    "It is no doubt a trap but we need to go and save Little John and the other villagers."

    She looked to Robin and than to the raccoon female. Stepping closer, so that Anora's voice couldn't reach the fox's ears, she spoke.

    "This all may be happening real quick for you, since your a new keyblader. But I'm sure you understand our mission." The white bunny smiled. "We're a team so if you need help or anything, we're here." she looked to Kel and took a deep breath before turning back to Robin.

    "Robin Hood, what do you want us to do?"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. NikkiNoNo
  6. NikkiNoNo
    Thank You~
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: OOC Lounge
  7. NikkiNoNo
    Musical Mission:

    Son of Man from Deep Jungle COMPLETE!

    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: OOC Lounge
  8. NikkiNoNo
    Anora glared at the masked woman. she was ready for whatever the mysterious woman had up her sleeve.

    Little John is going to be killed! Should we trust her? What if its a trap?

    Anora looked to Robin.

    The same thing must be going through his head...

    As Robin let loose of the arrow Anora watched Nequa. The mystic's eyes widened as she saw the shield that protected her.

    This is woman is more powerful than I want to believe. We have a long way to go before fighting any of them...

    As Nequa disappeared back into the portal of darkness Anora turned to look at the other keybladers and than to Robin and Maid Marian.

    A frown was engraved in Anora's face. No matter what, this was a trap. They would go down there and more than likely get captured. But there was still that tiny sliver of hope that they could save Little John and the villagers and whoop some lion king's butt!
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. NikkiNoNo
    "I have one. Split and run!"

    Anora looked to the little Raccoon girl, "Follow me, okay." and the slender white bunny looked to the gang, nodded, and ran.

    Her keyblade appeared in her hand,just in case any of those guards decided to try and block her.

    Running through the frantic crowd, Anora made sure to keep an eye on everyone, especially the newest group of keybladers.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. NikkiNoNo
    Apollonia was running a little later than usual today.

    Darn it, why did I think an extra 10 minute of sleep was what I needed? I'm going to kill Kaito for not waking me up!

    The Greek-Jap ran up those dreaded stairs, it didn't affect her much. She enjoyed the exercise it gave her every morning.

    Running into the building,she stopped, took a deep breath and got her "Calm-cool-and-collected" face on. Once her breathing and heart returned to normal she walked down the halls toward the mission bored. She smiled to see her weapon looking at the bored.

    Maybe he found a good mission for us to do.

    It was a thought...a silly thought. More than likely,knowing her weapon, he was trying to look for the easiest and quickest mission to do...And that did not fly well with Apollonia.

    "Hey Kaito." she said, cheerfully and wrapped her arm around his shoulder,nonchalantly, and connected her fist to his head, rubbing and causing friction. "Why didn't you wake me up this morning?"she chuckled and let go of him. She gave a cocky half smile and turned her attention to bigger, more important things.

    "Hmm," she hummed and looked at the missions posted up, a hand on her hip.

    Looks like a lot of the other students got their missions already.

    Her eye caught something for a quick second and she walked toward the right.

    "What do you think of this one Kaito?: Thug Behram, Serial Killer, leader of a cult in India called the Thuggee Cult, it is said he killed 931 victums by strangling them."

    She looked to him, "So?" Her grey eyes were sparkling with anticipation and eagerness.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. NikkiNoNo
    Those things were disappearing now.

    this is something I have to tell the others back home.

    A nobody came walking toward her, bending, twitching. Anora ran toward it ready to summon another lightning bolt when it jumped over her and striked her on the back.

    Anora yelped and turned around, slashing at it but it kept dodging and jumping over her. A pattern.

    She continued until she had an idea. Instead of turning to face the nobody she made a complete 180 around it, confusing the creature and and taking her chance to attack, taking it down.

    The Keyblade disappeared and she let out a long and shakey breath.

    Looking around, her blue eyes took in her surroundings. Where was Nequa?

    But that was pushed aside for a quick moment when she saw Robin Hood.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 28, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. NikkiNoNo
    Profile Post Comment

    Okie Dokie

    Okie Dokie
    Profile Post Comment by NikkiNoNo, Oct 28, 2012
  13. NikkiNoNo
    Where do we start the Soul Eater RP?
    Profile Post Comment by NikkiNoNo, Oct 26, 2012
  14. NikkiNoNo
    Anora looked back when she heard the "AH". The white bunny was going to help her when she saw one of those grey bodies, slick through the air toward Maid Marian.

    She can handle herself Anora.

    She thought and ran to Maid Marian.

    As it rose to strike, Anora ran as fast as she could, her keyblade swinging around the nobody and pulling it back and away from the fox women. Pointing the point of her jungle key toward the no eyed creature she summoned her magic energy,focusing it's power to its tip.


    The lightning bolt clashed and shot at the creature,it spazzed and disappeared,gone.

    The Bunny smirked and blew against the tip of her keyblade."Gotcha."

    Her eyes shifted to yet another Nobody.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. NikkiNoNo
    In Performance Mode!! xD
    Status Update by NikkiNoNo, Oct 26, 2012
  16. NikkiNoNo
    Profile Post Comment

    Yeah, he is better now

    Yeah, he is better now
    Profile Post Comment by NikkiNoNo, Oct 26, 2012
  17. NikkiNoNo
    Xenon looked to Xena and than to the blue haired female Xue.

    A Mission I wonder what it could be...
    Looking at the black swirling portal, Xenon stepped forward, a nod.​
    "I accept."
    She looked up to Saix and than down to Xue.​
    She has already reached her limit and now she suppresses it?...I wonder how strong she really is...
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. NikkiNoNo
    Anora looked to the little Raccoon.

    Another keyblader. Good.


    Said the bunny who attacked yet another one of these flexible creatures. But what really was on her mind was Nequa. What was she doing? How was she able to summon these things and what were they.

    another slid by her, strickinh her before she had a chance to dodge, they were quick!

    Hissing, Anora was back into action despite the sting. Her eyes were drawn to its symbol. The blue orbs darted over it before taking her keyblade and stabbing it.

    Quickly it died and she turned to attack the others.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. NikkiNoNo
    ((what do you mean Saix snatched Xenon's hand? Xenon didn't even touch Xue o.o))

    Xenon looked at the nobodies, stepping back slightly as Saix growled.

    What is going on? Why did he growl?

    The hazel eyed brunette looked to Xue.

    she is a nobody as well. Will I some day work with her as well?

    Xenon thought about it again, more than likely not, especially with Saix getting this upset.

    is she dangerous? Looks can be deceiving...

    Nonetheless, she stood there, silent, hands together.

    "It is best not to argue. Or fight."

    Her voice still songlike and soft, her accent only showing slightly.

    "We are working together for the same goal...So there is no reason to growl at people."

    Xenon looked at Saix and than to Xena. Sure it might not be her place, but she was sick of this being quiet thing and wasn't going to let a moment pass without putting her two-cents in.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. NikkiNoNo