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  1. NikkiNoNo
    Anora felt weak, her breathing heavy after that last attack. It really took a toll on her. Reaching in her pocket she pulled out one of her potions and took it quickly. She could feel herself healing, the liquid spreading a warmness through out her body. Her breathing returned to normal and she stood up, taking a defensive position.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. NikkiNoNo
    Anora glared at the giant piece of metal and focused on the arms, pointing thher Keyblade upshe yelled out:
    Lightning strands appeared from the sky and crashed down on both arms. "Yeah! Gotcha!"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. NikkiNoNo
    "We hurry outof here." Anora said. "Come on, lets get back to the forest with the others." She looked to Robin. "We'll help rally the others and get them to safety." The white bunny looked to the two behind her. "Come on." she was going to turn when she noticed the masked woman was gone.
    darn it..we should go after her...
    Looking at the others she sighed and turned,running off to get the towns people.
    I'll regret this later, I know for sure. But right now these people need us the most.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. NikkiNoNo
    Anora ran behind Little John, her Keyblade appearing in her hand once they got close enough to hear voices. She heard King John's voice ordering to bring down the gates. At first Anora was going to use lightning to destroy it. But they had made it just in time.

    "King John your days of tyranny are over." Anora spoke up and looked at Robin's ever optimistic face. Looking to the side she saw the alligator captain and the masked woman.

    "Nequa." Anora looked to the female. "Is that the woman you were talking about, the one that sent you here?"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 10, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. NikkiNoNo
    Oh wow that sounds amazing!

    I can't wait to see what they make out of it in the end! ^.^
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. NikkiNoNo
    I was watching the final installment of the Twilight series with my friend when I saw the trailer to this movie.
    I died a little inside. My heart stopped. I GOT GOOSEBUMPS listening to Hathaway sing~
    During competitions, I use to performe songs from Le Mis, "On My Own" being my favorite. Also being a theater student that loves the opera and musicals, I couldn't help but squeal and say "Oh heck yes I am watching that!"
    So when I saw the older version of Le Mis and noticed NO MUSIC NO SINGING I was very upset... And no one likes a NoNo when she is mad.
    I just hope I am not getting pumped up for no reason, that is my fear! I have seen the musical about a thousand times...through Youtube sadly.
    But there might be some hope! Hugh Jackman is in it and he is just mmmm~ no words can describe my attraction.
    Anyways I am SUPER EXCITED!!
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. NikkiNoNo
    Anora chuckled, light and soft, "Yes, very." She looked out the door making sure no one was coming this way. "Well we should hurry off to find Little John, the bear that...knocked down the door." She looked to Kel and than back to her. "Here, put this over you." she said pulling out the coat that she wore earlier during the tournament. "It would be best not to cause so much commotion at this moment. You see we're trying to help a friend from being hanged... Odd yes, but he doesn't deserve to be killed, so just stick with us, alright?" Anora turned around and went back to the door, looking down the halls she saw no one coming that way, her ears didn't pick up anything either. She looked back to the female. "What is your name, dear?"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. NikkiNoNo
    Once hearing about the masked fighter, she stiffened and nodded. "She is rather rude, isn't she." Anora murmured under her breath. She than looked at the woman and lifted her hand. "This is a Keyblade." she said and it appeared. "It looks a little different from the original style since this is a jungle key." the bunny's blue eyes went back to her. "Do you have one?" She asked the woman who hadn't given them her name yet. But Anora couldn't help but look at the marks on her. Not wanting to be rude she avoided looking at the scars on the dark haired woman's body and instead focused on her eyes.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. NikkiNoNo
    When Little John went off to look for others Anora looked to the woman. "Don't worry we aren't here to hurt you. I know it may seem odd, being in and all but just stay calm and listen" She asked, that kind smile on her lips. Meanwhile her brain was confused and racking on what was she doing here?

    If she is a keyblader wouldn't she had gotten the message to go to the Land of Departure...unless she got stuck here...

    "Opps, sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Anora, and this is Kel. We are humans too." She looked down. "Well not right now, but normally we are. You see its a really long and complicated story so we will explain it later. But for now, could you possibly tell us how did you get here?"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. NikkiNoNo
    Anora walked quickly toward the bear and noticed his garb. She was not going to ask what he had to do to get those clothing. "Little John do you have a plan on how to get Robin out of here?" She whispered, so that no one nosy could peep in on their conversation. She hoped on the hay wagon and noticed they were heading to a different part of the town. Dungeons. "Are there more people in here?" she asked and when they stopped she jumped out and followed Little John, waiting for the next move. That's when he stopped. She watched the bear as he talked to the door and who ever might have been inside it. When John broke it down Anora looked around. Did anyone hear that?
    "What kinda animal are you supposed ta be?"
    She heard him say and the white bunny popped her head in to see. A HUMAN! Anora's head whipped to Kel and she dragged him over to see the human girl inside the room. "Little John, why don't you go and look for the others, we'll take care of her." Anora smiled kindly, that warm smile that everyone trusted. Her blue eyes flickering to the female who was there.

    How she got there? Well that was Anora's first question after Little John left. She looked to Kel. Was he thinking the same thing too?
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. NikkiNoNo
    Anora would like to equip Strike Raid!

    Please and thank you~
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 7, 2012 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. NikkiNoNo
    Anora nodded, "than lets go." she said and looked at the villagers who were hurrying back to their own homes in silence. "let's hope they don't get caught." Anora said and nodded to Kel as they turned the opposite direction, heading toward the center of town. Sticking to the alleys and shadows the buildings casted, they searched for little john. he had to be somewhere right? As they neared they saw many guards and at the gallows there was Robin Hood. "We better hurry and find Little John before its too late." she said.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. NikkiNoNo
  14. NikkiNoNo
    As Anora sent Kel off with the others to make sure they got away safely, and so that the vulture guards didn't sound a warning, she sneaked out the other way, trying to find an exit closer to the center of town where Robin was more than likely held for the...hanging. but on her way she saw something. Bags and bags, filled with gold. She recognized the bags. They were the same one Robin gave to them to give to the villagers for the taxes. Looking around Anora didn't see anyone coming her way, her ears searching for any sound. nothing.... So in went the white bunny and she took the bags. "Time give to give back to the people." As she was about to exit she heard voices down the hall. She froze and looked around. where to hide? What to do? She saw a window above her and began to climb.

    As the vultures entered they took a seat and continued to talk to each other, not realizing the missing gold that Anora stole and got away with.

    She ran, bags tied together tightly. She stuck in the shadows, which was kind of hard for someone fully in white...

    Soon she was able to find Kel and the others. "Good you guys made it safe. Here I have something for all of you." She said and pulled out the bag handing them to the villagers. "Take these and go hide."

    And than to Kel, "Did anyone follow you?"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. NikkiNoNo
    "I guess we should probably go check in town. I'm sure we'll find him eventually and if anything we could ask around."

    Apollonia walked out of the school along with her weapon and they headed toward town.

    What fun this will be... She thought. A wild goose chase around town looking for this guy...


    Apollonia and Kaito made it to town.

    "Hmmm, we should start maybe in the ally ways. If Lord Shinigami wants him, he must be dangerous and bad."

    The meister just turned down one random ally way and turned to look at her weapon. "Come on, the faster we do this the faster I can finish that report the Professor assigned us."
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. NikkiNoNo
    Unlocking the gates she motioned for everyone to be quiet and not to say a word. In the silence everything seemed to be extremely loud, like when she would open the cell's door. The creaking noise was unbearably loud and she stopped afterwards to listen in if anyone was coming.

    After getting everyone out she went to Kel. "Alright. We'll get them out and hide them. After that we need to hurry to Little John. He is probably close to where Robin is." They all went downstairs, but everyone's steps seemed so loud. Anora could feel her heart begin to race and squeeze. Anxiety.
    Looking down the halls she saw no one coming and motioned for everyone to follow.
    Everything seemed to be going well when she heard the whistling of the vultures and not everyone was on the other side. Putting up her hand she told the townsfolk to pause. they all held their breath and the vulture continued to whistle past them. The bunny boy let out a breath and the vulture stopped. His gaze piercing to where the sound came from. He was walking toward that direction and Anora's eyes widened.
    What to do what to do?
    Looking at her feet she saw a bunch of small pebbles and picked them up. She threw one and it hit a wooden pole, making a clunk noise that caught the vulture's attention. He went to figure out what the sound was and quickly the villager's ran to the other side and Anora hurried them out.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. NikkiNoNo
    Looking around she saw a flight of stairs and engraved in the walls were the words "Western Staircase"

    "Kel, over there." she said pointing to the stairs. "I think we found it." she looked down the hall to make sure no one was coming before she started to move toward the entrance. As she made it to the other side she raised her hand to Kel signaling him to wait. Her long ears twitched as she picked up some sort of sound... It soon disappeared and she motioned Kel to follow. Going up stairs she scanned the area for guards until letting the prisoners go.

    "Wow, this was too easy.."
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. NikkiNoNo
    Apollonia looked at the drawing and then to the tablet.

    What was she going to do? Fight Lord Shinigami to get that mission? That would disrespectful on all levels.

    The silver haired Meister nodded. "We'll take it Lord Shinigami." she bowed and than took one more look at the picture, taking in every detail so she could find him later. "We will be on our way then. Bye bye." she waved and the mirror turned off. She looked to Kaito. "Lets go than shall we?" she smiled a little and than headed off out of the office.

    She was slightly upset, but hell. A mission is a mission and if Lord Shinigami wanted them to do this than it must be important.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. NikkiNoNo
    Anora nodded, "Be safe Little John, we'll meet up later to get Robin Hood back." the white rabbit turned and ran back down the hall, watching out for any guards. She got to cells that she passed recently and unlocked them.
    "Shh," she said softly. "You guys need to sneak out and don't bring attention to yourselves." she looked back to her gang. "Xara, get these guys back into town safely with out getting caught. Kel come with me to get the other villagers in the other tower."
    Anora walked off, her ears twitching for any noises that would tell her a guard was coming near.
    Now where is the western staircase?
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 20, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. NikkiNoNo
    Anora looked to Xara and nodded, running out of the bushes to Kel.
    "Lets go." she whispered and she ran toward the gates. She waited until the two vulture guards voices slowly disappeared, before she entered the town.
    Now if I were a prison where would I be?
    With her back pressed against the wall,she was able to find some stairs that led below the gate.
    She looked back and moved her fingers for them to follow.
    She descended down the stairs and looked around, the dark halls were lit by torches, she could hear the foot steps of guards and she hid in one of the dark corners until they passed. She continued down the long hall until she saw the hold where all the villagers that were seeking help from Robin were kept.
    She noticed the family of rabbits and the church mice that she helped from earlier.
    "Have you guys seen Little John." she whispered. The youngest rabbit boy nodded and pointed toward some other prison cells. Anora went down the hall until she saw the big ol' bear sitting down.
    "Little John." she whispered,and smiled, they found him!
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Nov 14, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena