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  1. NikkiNoNo
  2. NikkiNoNo
  3. NikkiNoNo
  4. NikkiNoNo
    Anora blinked, seeing his blush. She was at times dense, mainly because she was never hit on by other men in her home planet since women were always shrouded in dark cloaks and clothing. The white haired female had always found it odd when the males would react in such odd ways, like Kross, he always seemed to turn red around her and Anora had a thought on why he would but she was not big headed, nor confident, that it was because he had a crush on her. Still Anora just smiled happily, "I'm glad you made it back too, safe and sound." She said and looked over to the female by the wall. Waving at her, that bright smile still gracing her soft expression. She asked him, hands behind her back. "Oh, yeah." she said and turned her head to look at Yana. "This is Yana, she is a new keyblader that Kel and I met in Nottingham. Yana this is Kross, a mystic keyblader." Now that introductions were out of the way she looked back to the boy. "So, how was the planet you visited like?"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jan 27, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. NikkiNoNo
    Anora lightly jumped off her Glider and landed on the ground, patting down her white dress. Looked around the Courtyard and the mystic felt happy to being human and back in LoD, and not an animal.

    Walking up behind Yana she tapped the newest member to their little rag-tag family of warriors and smiled. "Welcome to the Land of Departure." Said the white haired female, hands in the air, her light pink lips formed a closed smile. "I'm guessing the others are inside by now. We should get you acquainted." The fair skinned female walked passed Yana and toward the castle taking each step with grace.

    Going up the steps and entering into the castle, Anora looked around at the large group of keybladers. "Oh, well I see we're not the only ones who have been doing recruiting." She giggled and waved to Kross. "Hey Kross, I'm guessing the mission was a success?"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jan 26, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. NikkiNoNo
    Time to Audition!!~~ >3<
    Status Update by NikkiNoNo, Jan 14, 2013
  7. NikkiNoNo
    As the Keybladers entered deeper into the forest, Anora stopped, her keyblade appearing. She looked to Yana and smiled, "since we do travel from planet to planet, our keyblades turn into gliders." She explained as the white bunny threw the keyblade into the open area, transforming into her glider. "It is really simple, so you should have no problem what so ever."
    Jumping on top of the floating device, the female looked to Yana and Kel.

    "Come on you guys, lets get going~"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jan 13, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. NikkiNoNo
    "Let's get going shall we?" Anora smiled and looked to Yana. "We'll be going back to the Land of Departure with our gliders. It's something that our keyblades can do." She looked around at the talking animals. "But we'd have to do this back in the forest. so let's say bye and get going, I'm sure Yen Sid would want to know about what happened here as soon as possible."
    So the white bunny went to the animals, who all gained their happy ending. "I hope everything goes back to normal again for you guys." she looked around and her eyes landed on Robin and Marian. "And I give you my blessing to live happily ever after." she giggled and looked to her gang stepping back and waving bye.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jan 10, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. NikkiNoNo
    Anora smiled. A Happy ending. She thought as she watched Marian and Robin Hood hug. She was happy for them all, the cowardly lion was defeated allowing the rightful king to take his place on the throne.
    Watching King Richard, Anora wandered what he meant. Suddenly when the chair opened she followed Yana down the stairs until they saw the keyhole. The white rabbit looked to Yana as her Keyblade reacted, pointing the tip toward the hole, a light emitted from it and there was a locking sound. The world was locked.
    As they exited up top Anora looked to Yana and smiled brightly, "We're a team now, so we will always have each other's back. We will work together and do what the keyblader's were meant to do, and that's to protect the worlds." The white rabbit looked between her two partners. "So, shall we get back? I think I've been a rabbit for quite too long." She chuckled, her cute pink nose wiggling.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jan 8, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. NikkiNoNo
    Profile Post


    Status Update by NikkiNoNo, Jan 2, 2013
  11. NikkiNoNo
    Anora laughed at Yana's comment. "Now, now, that isn't our decision now is it." She looked to Robin. This was his world, not their's. Technically the keybladers were just guardians of the peace. She looked to where the heartless just a second ago laid before turning into a giant heart and disappearing. She looked back to the king and Robin. She crossed her arms and chuckled.

    It is funny though.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jan 1, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. NikkiNoNo
    It. Was. AMAZING!
    The Best nine dollars I have spent on a movie in a long time (No that's a lie, the Hobbit was amazing too~)
    But this movie. God. I cried.... That's all I got to say.
    Bring Tissues!!
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. NikkiNoNo
    Anora looked at the upraised gauntlets and she felt frustrated. She wanted too attack them but looking at Yana's weak states she knew that it wasn't long till the female fell. "Yana!"She called out to the female, pointing the keyblade toward her she shouted, "Heal!" Green surrounding the female as her energy to went up. "I got your back." The bunny smiled and focused back to the heartless, retaking a defensive position. She had no more magic now. Crap.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. NikkiNoNo
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by NikkiNoNo, Dec 29, 2012
  15. NikkiNoNo
    Anora watched as the torso of the Guard Armor started to spin rapidly. There was no way she would be able to hurt that thing with out getting hit. So what was she to do? She knew her magic was running low, but she could at least use this last bit to shock the Guard Armor long enough for someone else to attack, if possible.
    Focusing all her energy to the tip of the keyblade, she pictured strong lines of electricity shooting from the sky and down on to the Heartless.
    The bolts rained from the sky, hitting the heartless's torso.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. NikkiNoNo
    "Here!" Anora called out for Kel, and grabbed for the potion bottle. "Take this, Kel!" she tossed the bottle. "We don't need you falling out." She smiled to him and than Yana. She was doing amazing for her first boss battle.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. NikkiNoNo
  18. NikkiNoNo
    Anora looked to Kel, he wasn't looking too good a second ago. "You okay?" she yelled out. She was ready to use a potion or to heal him if needed, but right now, they still had a long ways to go to kill this thing. Since Anora didn't want to drain out her magic so quickly she ran to the arms, jumped and slashed at them multiple times before touching the ground. Once reaching the ground she turned a ran, getting away from the swinging gauntlets and stomping legs.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. NikkiNoNo
    Anora lifted her keyblade up in the air. "Lightning!" She yelled once again. This was the most effective attack she could use against this creature since it causes damage everywhere. The lightning bolts shattered onto the heartless and Anora returned to her defensive position.

    (Sorry its so short guys T.T)
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. NikkiNoNo
    Anora looked as Yana started to attack the feet and Kel brought the gauntlets down.
    "Yeah! Way to go Kel!" she cheered and refocused, this time on the torso.
    She had gotten it before with Lightning, but this time it was time to use that new ability she just learned. Squeezing the handle of the keyblade, she reeled her arm back and threw it toward the torso, the keyblade hitting it, pushing it back, and coming back again into Anora's hands.

    That was amazing!
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena