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  1. NikkiNoNo
    Her name was called and for a second, coming from the voice, it sounded a lot like someone he knew. Turning her head, her blue eyes took in the man in confusion. She had never seen his face, yet he knew their names. But than she took in his uniform and her eyes widened, eyebrows lifting in realization as his voice clicked something in her memory. "Krowley!' She said, a warm smile greeted the man as he stepped closer to the group. "It has been a very long time, I almost didn't recognize you without the mask." She said, taking a better look at him. "It's nice to see what's underneath your mask. I always wondered what you were hiding, at least it wasn't what I thought." She gave a little chuckle at what she thought was under his mask since they first met each other in Deep Jungle. It wasn't like the others also wondered, she just never said anything...
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. NikkiNoNo
    Anora listened to Ananta's explanation of her world. The blue eyed female could almost imagine the river that flowed in this world, how it connected and gave everything life. Anora especially got excited when hearing about a world of mystics. "In my home of Vamacara, most of us are mystics as well. Magic is apart of our everyday lives and it is granted to us by the gods of our realm. Where I was born, the center of Vamacara, the temple of Spirit is the most powerful and those born under the God's protection are marked." Lifting a strand of hair she gave a shy smile before letting the long strand fall pass her waist. "It's very odd I'm sure to some, but i wear it with pride now that I am allowed to expose my blessing." She smiled.
    Anora listened to the others speaking about the situation at hand. Noting how odd Steel ate. She tilted her head trying to figure out how he did that, blue eyes wide in curiosity as she tried to understand how that was possible.
    Chuckling at Kross's reaction to this place, she patted his shoulder lightly. "Some worlds are strange, but they all hold their on beauty. Central Heaven's technology is far beyond anything I have seen or known. Their healing ways are astonishing to behold." She said with such wonder in her voice, her family excelling healers with their magic and potions.
    Anora looked to Aden and she nodded her head, a memorie of Aden's first time gliding expierence. "Yes, but you have gotten better." She encouraged, ruffling his hair.

    (so sorry for this post guys!)
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jul 3, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. NikkiNoNo
    "Lea found me as well, but on a different set of circumstances than Aden and Raisor." She avoided eye contact with the others, mindlessly placing a hand over her heart on . She didn't want to tell anyone just yet, of course Aden and Raisor knew something about her situation but only that she got "sick". She didn't want anyone to think that she was weak and couldn't keep up and be a burden. Yes it would be harder but she would never be the weak link. At least she will try.

    Her eyebrows knotted forward at the mention of the missing princesses and the disappearance of Land of Departure. Her eyes came up to look at the three. "If they have that sort of power what do they need the princesses for?" It was a question more to herself that she asked. She frowned realizing that the group of three didn't even know why they were here, let alone what was going on. She looked to her hand that had fell from her chest. Thin, long fingers balled up into a fist before her hands fell beside her. "We can solve this. We all have each other and we can all bring something to this situation that will end woth light overcoming darkness." She said, her lips curled into a small grin.

    When Ananta started talking about computers Anora figured that she had a lot of information on them. "Did your world have a lot of computers like Central Heaven. Computers are interesting. In Vamacara everything is controlled with magic, since mostly everyone is a mystic, or by our gods. But these computers are very useful from what I've seen." She nodded and than looked up the stairs than back to the other two who she had never met until this moment. "What paths did you both choose?"
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 29, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. NikkiNoNo
    Anora didn't know how to feel about Ananta's comment about her 'cute smile', something about it made her feel uncomfortable, maybe how it was how the woman smiled at her, the connection didn't feel quite right. Almost like she was upset about something. "Thank you." She said either way, her smile slowly falling when Ananta began to make a comment about her world before cutting off. Anora got the idea of what could have happened and nodded her head, a sad feeling took over her as it reflected from her eyes, but that became a caring smile as the woman took her and the other two males into her arms for a big hug. Anora wrapped her arms around the grey eyed woman and said, "I understand, and don't worry. Soon we'll get all of our homes back." She said and looking at both Ananta and Kross. She remembered the conversation from so long ago about their home worlds, his of Pepper Island and hers of Vamacara...How she missed her home. When she left it was still there but now, who knew. "And yes Kross is someone who is very special and kind." She said, looking at him with a smile, of course she didn't realize how her comment could be misjudged or the look her eyes made when smiling at the male. Of course she herself didn't read in between the lines of the comment or assume anything of any sort.

    Moving to the side, after their group hug, Anora looked to Raisor, and than to his body. it was a precaution that she was always in tune with ever since she learned how to use cure from her mystic mother. She especially needed to be watchful for him, which was hard because he tended to not show his emotion when it came to pain. Stepping closer to the green eyed male she asked in a whisper only he could hear, "Do you need me to heal anything?" Anora did not want to embrace him, she learned from taking care of her brother's at a young age that boys didn't want to appear weak in front of others, no matter if they were bleeding or it hurt. She looked at him with a look of so much care in her eyes, she had grown close to him and Aden and if anything were to happen to them she wouldn't know what to do.

    Looking back to the other three, she noticed another person in the corner. At first she wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the way she was turned. But one thing Anora knew what to read was when someone didn't want to be talked to, whether they were observing since she, Raisor and Aden were knew to him, or because he didn't want to talk to them just yet. She said nothing, except for acknowledge him but catching his eyes with hers and giving a silent hello with a small curve of her pink lips.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 26, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. NikkiNoNo
    Anora closed her eyes, tightening her embrace around Kross. The young female didn't realize how long it had been since she last saw him until now. She could feel her heart beating fast at the excitement of seeing her friend, but even with happiness she felt the sting of hurt. Taking in a deep, shaky breath she pulled away, clearing any hints of pain from her expression as to not worry her old friend that she had just been reunited with. and it seemed that their reunion was just as much as an impact as she felt it to be, yet she did not cry, instead there was a sad smile. "I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to leave, but at the moment there was no choice." She said feeling guilty about leaving him when already many of their old comrades had disappeared, whether darkness took them, or they were somewhere else. But she did not want to tell him just yet why she needed to leave, she would leave that for later after this moment they currently were sharing with one another. Her hands touched his shoulders, long thing fingers touching his shoulder blade. "Did you get taller?" She asked, a happier, brighter smile appeared as she attempted to lift his spirits and hers as well. Kross had maybe change a little, but to her it was a sight for swore eyes to see him again.

    Hearing a female's voice, light blue eyes went from looking up at Kross's head to a woman with beautiful unique minty green hair who stood behind Kross. Anora quickly stepped away from Kross after her comment, ceasing their moment, and faced her hoping that she did not offend the older female for not acknowledging her presence earlier.
    "We aren't dating, I'm not his girlfriend or anything of the sort! It is nice to have been reunited with such a great friend like Kross. He helped me through a lot before in the past. " She said pale cheeks turning pink. Why must everyone always assume things like that. Anora still found the whole relationship ritual/assumptions to be a little odd, than again she was not use to foreign customs and even though she researched so many books here in Central Haven about that subject of love/liking between a man and woman (or whoever you love), she would probably never understand it. A pointless effort to ever figure out that mystery, especially from someone who grew with women being hidden and kept away from men.

    Than another man appeared, coming up from behind the grey eyed woman. He had bluish hair and, yet another person, assumed that she was Kross's girlfriend. Her cheeks darkened, ears heating under her light colored hair. "No. I met Kross a long time ago...well at least it feels like a long time ago. We both met each other when Master Yen Sid first sent the letters calling for the keybladers to unite against darkness." She was not rude at all, she understood that some customs were foreign from her own. Annoying, well after so many assumptions or even males getting to close to her, she did find it a bit unbearable. But that hadn't happen in a very long while...well of course Lea sometimes would throw in his comments here and there, but it was Lea. One thing was for sure, she was embarrassed and didn't know what to really say. She just looked to Kross and sent a silent Sorry hoping he was not feeling as awkward and embarrassed as she was.

    "My name is Anora. I am a keyblader who chose the path of the mystic. And these are my other friends, Aden and Raisor." She said pointing and turning to each one. "We were all here before but than found our way through here, some earlier than others." She said meaning herself.

    (Sorry for such a late reply, I hope this is fine!)
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 26, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. NikkiNoNo
  7. NikkiNoNo
  8. NikkiNoNo
    Anora's body stiffend when Raisor made a comment about clenching her chest. He was observant of her and she knew their battle was nearing an end seeing as Raisor's attacks became quicker and stronger in a matter of seconds. This was the speed that she could not match. The blue eyed mystic blocked as many as she could, barely dodging a few, but the moment her heart began to squeeze in pain she knew this was her limit. Rolling underneath one of his attacks she pointed her keyblade toward him and caste Aero, sending the both of them flying back away from each other.
    Falling on to the floor, not having enough energy to catch herself, her long hair was tousled from the wind of her magic. She laid there breathing for a while, not moving much except for her chest rising and falling.
    It wasn't until Louie called out to them did she open her eyes to look up at the duck.
    Sitting up, Anora could feel her heart beating fast, the pain still tingling the organ but she wasn't in as much pain. She looked to Raisor and gave him a reassuring smile so he wouldn't worry. "That was fun." She said softly, a little breathy.
    Standing, the female ran her fingers through her tangled hair and looked to one of the triplets and than to the man in the group. Her blue eyes shined and a huge smile from ear to ear formed itself, she could not feel pain at that moment and instead happiness covered that void (only if temporarily). She quickly walked to him, her keyblade disappearing as she hugged him. "Kross!"

    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 25, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. NikkiNoNo
  10. NikkiNoNo
    Anora was about to reply back when he suddenly moved to quickly. She brought her keyblade up, but her stance was unbalanced and faulty so his hit knocked her down, along with her keyblade that slid away.
    Landing on her back she lost her breath, gasping for air to fill her lungs. A slight pain jabbed at her heart. Clenching her chest, she rolled to avaid another attack from him. She reached for her keyblade which appeared back into her hand.
    "That was a good move, but dont get too cocky now." She said about to move until another wave of pain hit her heart.
    She knew she wasnt going to last much longer, one final push.
    Pushing through that pain, she zigzagged around Raisor taking in his stance. What was his weak point? The female remebered how weak his hit was toward the beginning of fight and decided to attack on that side. Dashing toward him she began to attack relentlessly, her body moving from side to side as if she was dancing, which allowed her to be light on her feet in case he striked her.
    She prepared to cast Aero in case the pain in her heart was too much.
    Just a little bit more, she thought.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. NikkiNoNo
    Anora grunted as she fell back after Raisor sent that attack her way, she was able to see it coming just in time to move back, catching herself before she hit the ground. Thinking quickly Anora thought of the distance between her and Raisor and at any moment he could come at her and knowing she wasn't fast enough, she could get trapped between keyblade and floor. Turning her body, she pointed her keyblade.
    "Fire," she casted the spell, it shot out just infront of Raisor in hopes for a distraction to watch his footing, and give her the chance to get up and take up her defensive position.
    "Watch your step." She warned, a little mischievous sparkle in her blue eyes.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. NikkiNoNo
  13. NikkiNoNo
    Anora bent her knees, her hands by her face which clenched the kingdomkey, the blade facing her opponent at a slant. Her eyes was locked with Raisor's. After a moment of keeping still she took slow steps to begin her circling him, finding a vantage point. He was strong, a bit cocky as could be seen from his stance, but he definitely was not an idiot. He knew whay he was doing, even if Anora could not understand. She was always on her toes, ready to jump, or roll away from an attack. She said nothing, and instead continued her side stepped circling until she was on his side. She was at a safe distance away, not too far to cast a spell, but she would try to go without the spell as the beginning, assuming that he would suspect it to be her first move. Instead she did something that would push her.
    Without a moment hesitation, she sprinted toward him, than changed gears at last minute, using a roll to get behind him to attack.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 22, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. NikkiNoNo
    Anora smiled, taking Aden's hand. "I have to bring my own strengths to the table." She laughed, making sure that Aden was alright. It was a little fun, and she knew the two wouldn't get hurt, they were strong. But of course she knew what this might entail. With every push she got weaker and weaker. But she never used the excuse of her weak heart to get out of things. She knew of she feared what nau happen that nothing would change, she would never get stronger, never be worthy to protect the worlds, and fear itself led to darker things that she would not allow into her heart. So she stayed quiet about her painful jabs, sucked it up and fought, not only against heartless or nobodies, or the boys, but against her restrictions. She liked to think she changed since she left her home of Vamacara. It seems that feeling an almost never ending darkness gets you realizing that life is risky, and you cant go through life being safe.
    Looking to Raisor she lifted her chin, her serene smile curled her light pink lips. Raisor was an interesting case, confident, head strong, but she knew there was something else, maybe something that he hadn't showed her just yet.
    "One on one?... Alright." She said, grasping her keyblade. "And I promise not to use Stop this time" she laughed, the sound was like wind chimes in a soft breeze.
    Stepping back she took her position. "Aden, you can be our referee since Lea isnt here." She said.
    Focusing on Raisor, the white haired mystic kept her eyes and thoughts on the man as she stepped into a defensive stance, getting ready to dodge.

    (Sorry if anything is wrong, I've been on a bus since earlier in the morning)
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 22, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. NikkiNoNo
    Hello, I was wondering if I may join this roleplay. I am a huge fan of HoN and I have been following the book series since it came out. I hope to join and will wait patiently for a reply! Thank you!
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. NikkiNoNo
  17. NikkiNoNo
    Anora dodged Aden's attacks, gracefully moving like water, tracing unseen patterns onto the marble flooring. She kept her distance from the two knowing their strengths and weaknesses after so much time sparing against on another.
    Her pattern of attack was simple, dodge, magic, dodge and than attack when there was an opportunity open to her. She had to tend to her body and the disadvantages she was faced with. Though she tried to train herself in a faster pace, she would never be as fast as her other two teammates.
    "Who? Little ol'me? I would never." She gasped in mock offense after Raisor's comment of trying to turn the two into barbecue. Getting ready to cast another Thunder Anora was greeted with Raisor's attack. Jumping back the female tucked and rolled, creating that screeching sound from the friction of skin rubbing against the floor. She got up, her grip on her keyblade tightened. Her eyes pierced and the bright liquefied blue solidified as they became icy in color. Seeing Aden's keyblade coming at her and Raisor, the female lifted the Kingdom Key and yelled, "STOP!" causing the time around them to slow down and freeze. She smiled mischievously at her trick and tipped the both of them over with the dull side of her keyblade so that when the spell ceased the two hit the ground on their backs.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 20, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. NikkiNoNo
  19. NikkiNoNo
    Anora is going to unequip Blend and Jungle Key to equip:
    • Dodge Roll
    • Magic Lock-On
    • Kingdom Key


    That is so cool!! I love it haaha!
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 20, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  20. NikkiNoNo
    "THUNDER!" Anora cast, lightning hitting the ground where Aden and Raisor fought, the clashing of the strike echoed through the Main Hall. "Keep focus." She warned as she joined the battle, using the moment of magic to her advantage since she wasn't the fastest of the three, but her magic was stronger than theirs and she learned to use her abilities against her opponents. The lights of the main hall caught the ivory of her hair as she moved, causing the sweeping strands to shine like ice under the sun. Ever since her arrival in Central Haven she was able to grow stronger and hone her abilities...but not without a price...

    Anora was one of the first to join the Keybladers, meeting the Master Yen Sid who she, and others of her family, looked up to as a great and respectful wizard. There, in her moments of being away from her female suppressing culture, Anora felt very odd among the other Keybladers, most of which were men. But as she journeyed through the first foreign world of the Deep Jungle, she was able to feel powerful and confident in herself and her abilities of being a Keyblader to protect the light. After the first battle, defeating Clayton and locking the world she and the others all left back to the Land of Departure where there was more adventure and other wielders waiting for them.

    Taking lead, she left to Nottingham where she was more than surprised to find out that she had long ears, a fluffy tail and a cute twitchy nose. Anora, now a white bunny, was thrown into a world where a fox named Robin Hood took from the Rich tyrant of a King and gave to the Poor folk of the village. Along side Anora were her fellow Keybladers such as Kel and Yana who, after being tricked that Robin Hood was a bad guy, joined forces with the fox and a bear named Little John to take back Nottingham from Prince Jon, the greedy prince who took the throne after King Richard left for the Crusades. In the end there was a happy ending...well a not so happy ending fro Prince Jon and Hiss. Saying their farewells to the villagers and of course to Robin Hood and his new lovely Maid Marian.

    The group returned to the land of departure where she was happy to join her friends again, and introduce her newer teammates that she met during her journey in the world. But as she caught up with Kross, one of her closest friends from the beginning, she felt off. Maybe it was because of her transformation of animal to human, or the fact she was exhausted from journeying from world to world with no rest, but she began to see dark spots in her vision. Leaving the room with the mass of new Keybladers, the white haired female swayed, hands firm against the wall to keep her balance. She exited the castle and went outside to breath, sitting on a large rock, it wasn't long until she could not keep herself up and she fell forward, only to be caught. "Whoa there, I mean I know the ladies fall for me but not like this." He said as a joke, but Anora was going in and out of the darkness. She felt a sharp stab to her heart which caused her so much pain that she was slowly going out of consciousness. "This doesn't look good." She remembered him saying. "Hang in there, you'll be needing a bit more than a potion for this." He said and took her back to Central Heaven.

    It was there that she learned that the man who found her was Blaze, better known as Lea, and he had found her in the right time, what Anora was experiencing was a heart attack and it wasn't caused by darkness, but because her heart was weak, though there was so much light, that couldn't save her from what was physically wrong, and the fighting and stress clogged the arteries and before she even knew it, she was dying. Fortunately, with all the tech Central Heaven stored, she was able to survive, but she could not go back to fighting, she had to take it slow for a while and retrain her body, thus developing her body and magic.

    Soon after her arrival Aden and Raisor arrived and she was happy to see a familiar face to talk to, even getting close to Raisor who at first blocked her out, but he warmed up to her and she learned a lot from him, just like he learned to open up to Aden and her and have fun, thus their constant sparring with one another.

    Keeping a defensive position, Anora readied to cast another spell, not hearing the voices at the moment since she was focusing on the other two male Keybladers.
    Post by: NikkiNoNo, Jun 20, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena