*hugs bak*it was alrite...i missd u so much
alrite i gess....u?
lol ur bad....wut did she say?
wuts ther not to like???
hey im bak
gud u?? i was just gonna ask u how revenge was with ur frend
its fine....i mite not be here cuz im going to disney world for like 4-5 days
looool ya its her fault....she culdve waited till later
and then dont giv her the pw then do my idea
lmao do that too
lmao thnx ur awsumer lol i kno thats not a word but it is in my dictionary ^.^ and how wer u gonna blackmail her?
DAMN u better change that pw...if she wants her pw bak then make her ur slave for 3 days then giv it bak to her
srry lol i dont mean all my problems
lol np u gonna do it???
alrite ill make sure if i hav a problem ill come tou
lol u shuld wake up early then call her like 20 times until she ansers and say that ur awake
ok now i dont kno y u didnt kill her
lol rlly?? all that to tell u she had a camera....wut time was it?
omg my neighbor did that to me but to ask for a plunger....i was so pissd off....i wuldve killed ur frend tho...that wuldve made me so angry
^.^ thank u so much...idk if im sure about it or not axually