lol alrite wen my mom gets home i dothe same hiding this from her cuz she'll kill me if she found out i had an account on this
come on u can tell me...and all i was gonna say was that hes not mad at me
lol i miss my cat tho
i am ^.^ i love my bird just not wen hes annoying
no lol its not sumthing big....hes just not mad at me ^.^
aw im srry...i had a cat but he didnt do anything to my first first bird fell and cracked his neck...idk how he fell hes a bird! we...
a u hav one?
nope but its sumthung im happy for ^.^
my bird is usually quiet...he just likes to roam around our house
yesssssssssss ^.^
i just keeps chirping over and over agen
lol im telling u to gess
loooool tru agen....omg my bird is so annoying
oooohhhhhh i get it now lol
lol true but like wut is it? is it sumthing u download to make ur own character or is it like u just drawing sumthing?