Search Results

  1. RoxaSorAligned
    As said before, WTH is Cait Sith?! How could you add Zack and Yuffie, and forget about Cait? You could have up to 15 options, but you only use 12 of 'em... Well, I won't vote but I'll tell you what a favorite character is...Cait Sith.
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 6, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. RoxaSorAligned
    What's up with all the weird colors? Can't you just stick with 2?
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 6, 2007 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. RoxaSorAligned
    Square-Enix music. Which varies...excluding rap...and I like it like that.
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 6, 2007 in forum: Music
  4. RoxaSorAligned
    My real name's Cait's obviously not. My last name's Tran or is it Nguyen? Well? Well? You guessed it! Neither...

    By the way, my real name is not American or anything like that. It's actually a diversion of my ethnic name. (Which is my real name)
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 6, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. RoxaSorAligned
    RoxaSorAligned...easy....break it up. Roxas, Sora, Aligned. In other words, Roxas and Sora are aligned with each other.
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. RoxaSorAligned
    "Urrghh...where am I?" RoxaSorAligned wakes up from the ground. "Too many heartlesses....", "Wait, where is everyone?" RoxaSorAligned begins to lurk in his confusion.

    "Well, I look alright, but what about the others? I guess...I sinked into the ground when those heartlesses got to me (and man, shadow may look small, but he weighs a ton!)"

    RoxaSorAligned draws out keyblades, but sadly lost the power to do so.... "I must have...woah!" Kingdom Key pops out from the mist of nowhere.


    [Out of story lines: I need to know what happend lately...and I had to find a way to make my]
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. RoxaSorAligned
    Some of you have already watched this, but I just posted this thread to make sure that all of you check out my AMV. It's not "awesome" cause of Windows Movie Maker and my crappy AMV making skills (yes, this is truely my 2nd AMV i made in my lifetime). Well, the mods fixed the sound issues (not all of them...) and I'm very greatful! Please enjoy and tell me what you think!

    Unofficial Kingdom Hearts Home-made Trailer

    Edit: By the way, here's a bonus, my very first AMV. Bare with the terrible work...

    Edit: I guess someone should close this thread. It's not doing anything....
    Thread by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 4, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. RoxaSorAligned
    Great Vid....hope the mods didn't give you a warning for posting this here....
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  9. RoxaSorAligned
    Did you know that the SPAM ZONE doesn't count for your posts?
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. RoxaSorAligned
    Rep is nothing to me. I don't care about rep...much... So I believe this set things fair against those rep eating members.
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. RoxaSorAligned
    Maybe the last one sneaks up to you after you fight the 12 guys. Then if you don't dodge, you lose...and all of your hard work....down that nice drain....
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. RoxaSorAligned
    It's just a rumor. Nothing special. Don't get your hopes up....
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. RoxaSorAligned
    HAHA! The knight's a "---Pushover..." - Donald from KH1
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. RoxaSorAligned
    ロクサス. That's it. Done. I hate these threads. But if they have ロクサス in it, I suppose I can give off good credit to him somehow...
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. RoxaSorAligned
    Wow!!! You got to him! I thought no one dare make it...finally...I can discuss the hardships with someone! Yes, he is hard. Try getting out of the battle and replenish at the near-by save point (the one with a line of 7 traps). This is a battle that Square will let you do that, but only if you do it reeal quick! Otherwise, he'll heal himself up again. I managed to get his life down to 37%. I died there (took me 7 hours or so..) I'll try again later...
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. RoxaSorAligned
    Once I get a cam-cord, I'll win w/ nothing.....i'll pull out the menu to prove it! But I'll show off nice moves and smooth dodging and all....heh....
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. RoxaSorAligned
    Everything made by Square-Enix from Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII and Kingdom Hearts I, CoM, II. All in my iPod which is hook up to the HD stereo w/ surround sound by a A/V cord (you know, the yellow, red, & white use on your PS2...)
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. RoxaSorAligned
    I....think...ummm.......someone...should...close....this thread?
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  19. RoxaSorAligned
    Yeah. You didn't know that? It's not worth the effort. I hate Auto-messages.... you don't know just how many people e-mail him. About 328756256523634634735873727282474375383875373725962375398256597 to be exact... (That's more than the world's population!!!)
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  20. RoxaSorAligned
    Name : RoxaSorAligned
    Age: 13 (Hmm....)
    Type of Keyblade : Gull wing & Sleeping Lion (HAHA! 2 Keyblades! One from FFX-2. The other from FFVII!)
    Apperance : Looks just like Roxas (plain Roxas, no armor. Too heavy...)
    Gender: Male

    "Hey. Just how many heartless are there?"

    Knocks a few to the ground, but get's jump by a group of 295642 heartslesses.

    "AHHH!!! Somebody! Help me!"
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home