Search Results

  1. RoxaSorAligned


    I like rain, but not heavy rain, or rain that makes the sky all......"colorful"....

    Where I live, it's quite temperate. Rain and clear skies go between a ratio of 1:2
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. RoxaSorAligned
    Umm.... yeah. That's true, not. If it's that popular, why don't I know anything about it. Unless your post is incorrect...

    Fads are popular, but only for 3 seconds...err...for a short time.

    Heck. I shouldn't bother...
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. RoxaSorAligned
    Really now, administrators. About the "User Portal", does it accept all formats of video/movie clips? Such as AVI and all of its special encoders like DV, Xvid, Dvix, and a bunch of other stuff. If it does, that's great.

    By the way, what about MPEG files? Ehh?
    Thread by: RoxaSorAligned, Jun 12, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. RoxaSorAligned

    Oh dear....
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. RoxaSorAligned
    Neither. They both suck. But I use Vegas 7.0 with the use of Power Director (Some Movie Maker that is very similar to Windows Movies Maker except waa--aaay better) to convert some Xvid compressed AVI files to MPEG2 for Vegas to read, since Vegas is so lame to the fact that can only read DV AVI files (just about it in the AVI section). If you can afford $500 plus $100 more, then get both Vegas and Power Director.

    = |

    By the way, vids completely depend on the maker 99.99% of the time. Newbies shouldn't use Vegas, but they can use Power Director.

    Example? A experienced person makes a vid through WMM while a newbie makes a vid through Vegas. Who wins? WMM (AKA experience dude)
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Jun 11, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  6. RoxaSorAligned

    ........ -______-

    Oh Really...
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Jun 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. RoxaSorAligned
    Great. It's the best video/audio editing software around. Just about $500's worth. So buy it if you plan on making AMV videos and such, esp. on Kingdom Hearts. Problem? It just sucks... Its video streaming is closed down to the basics in variety. In other words, the files Vegas can stream in the AVI category are just AVI files encoded with DV (Digital Video). Somehow, plain uncompressed AVI files cannot be streamed. Or AVI files encoded with Xvid. I'm disappointed.

    If someone can help me clear this issue, that's great of you.
    Thread by: RoxaSorAligned, Jun 11, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. RoxaSorAligned
    7300 Photoshop difficulties.....ehh.....

    Edit: Nevermid.....problem solved.

    NOTE: We'll never make it to 1,000,000 .... impossible. I'll be 89 by that time. (I'm 13 right now) On the other hand. We might make it in 45 years if we're lucky enough
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, May 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. RoxaSorAligned
    Wisdom form is the best. It's cool, it's blue, it's Square Enix made, and it has "mobile technology". Heheh....

    I wish you could decide between 1 or 2 keyblades when you go into form drive with Wisdom. That way, style and power will be amplified to 200%. = )
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, May 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. RoxaSorAligned
    7146 Sony Vegas 7.0 issues

    (the program is sooo not user friendly...)
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, May 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. RoxaSorAligned
    Ehh...heh...heh.. What do I adjust? Where do I make the adjustments? I'm clueless.....
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, May 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. RoxaSorAligned
    Okay.....everythings working "a-okay" but what's up with the "Video Preview"? It's wa---aay slower than anything I've ever imagined!!! This is unbelievible! Somehow, It only plays every 34 frames. Now on the speed rate: 0.50, its flawless, but on normal speed (1.00), it just doesn't cope on fair lines. I need help, and fast, or I'm gonna send back the Sony Vegas I just bought.

    Thread by: RoxaSorAligned, May 18, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. RoxaSorAligned

    We'll never make it. Not even in 2 years....
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, May 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. RoxaSorAligned
    Well, my teacher/ instructor was waaa--aay too busy trying to help everyone on the homework and class was only 45 minutes soo... yeah, I didn't get the help in time (actually, not at all... -___-)

    What are the chances of you getting picked out of 30 students plus the fact that you are just about 10 meters away from the instructor?

    Well, here it is. The question. I'm pretty sure that if you guys can pull me through on this one question, I'll be able to do all the rest.

    Basketball Tickets Problem

    At a professional basketball game, the turnstile count showed that 17,406 people paid admission. The total cash received for tickets was $133,372. Without actually counting the ticket stubs, find out how many paid for reserved seats ($10.00 each) and how many paid general admission ($6.00 each).

    NOTE: Actually, it's not in "question" format.... just pretend that it is.

    Edit: No one's gonna even bother...huh.... Well, it was worth the try...
    Thread by: RoxaSorAligned, May 1, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. RoxaSorAligned
    That's right! You'll find him/her and sock 'em in the joint.
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. RoxaSorAligned
    Do you know exactly who?

    That's pretty gotta start all over...
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. RoxaSorAligned
    Really?! You gotta be kidding.... How can someone hack your account on this kind of forum?!
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. RoxaSorAligned


    My PC sadly broke down... There's nothing I can really do about it... To make things worst, I still have to pay for the Internet connection even though I can't even use it. I'm not going to be on this forum unless the weekend flows by (in which is the only time that I can use my friend's PC to get on this forum).

    So...yeah...I'm going away....

    "No one would miss me..." --- Roxas
    Thread by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 8, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. RoxaSorAligned
    I just bought the game today. I see that Drakengard (the first one) is a pretty decent game. Nothing too cool or heavy on the main concept and nothing new or awesome. The fighting/battle system is quite nice and slightly fluent. (Compared to Kingdom Hearts 2, I don't think so...) the controls are quite simple and nothing hard to account with, whether fighting on land or in the skies. 7.0, straight and average bottom line. (Well...duh....7 is going to be the average point in my rating.)

    Pros: Nice fighting effects

    Cons: Gay-a** music soundtrack.... It's completely corrupted....

    Extra: How did I solve the music issue? Easy. I grabbed my iPod and hooked it up to my with an A/V cord (Audio/Video). I shuffled all the Square-Enix game soundtracks and played the game with no sounds.

    Yellow cord (video) = PS2 --> Drakengard
    Red and White cord (audio left and right) = iPOd --> FF & KH soundtracks
    Thread by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 8, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. RoxaSorAligned
    Woah, man. Too much. (I read it though, not sure what to post 'n' reply...)

    Edit: Don't really care for the stuff "other" than FFVII.
    Post by: RoxaSorAligned, Apr 6, 2007 in forum: Gaming